Week Two-Course Blog Project
Throughout this course, you will read scholarly work on questions ofdiversity, exclusion and inclusion. You will write a weekly blogreflecting upon those issues, but rather than offering anunsubstantiated opinion on these matters, you’ll be expected to offer aunique but informed opinion supported by scholarly research andempirical evidence.You will have the freedom to choose the topic and the particular angle ofthe issue as you wish to explore it, but there are some clearparameters you’ll need to follow.Each blog entry must have:Minimum 350 words (15% penalty for falling short of the word count)1 citation from academic source materials read that week in class. This must be cited with a page number and author. Sources may not be reused week-to-week.1 citation of an academic source (a relevant peer-reviewed article) from outside of class. Hint: Wikipedia is not an academic source. Sources may not be reused week-to-week.1 citation of a news media article relevant to the topic.At least 1 audio or visual element that adds substantial content to support your argument. This could be a link to a video, pictures, etc.You’ll complete your blog each week by no later than midnight Thursday. In addition to your weekly discussion responses, please respond to at least two of your classmates’ blogs, reflecting upon what they’ve done, and at a minimum of 200 words per response. Two responses to classmates are due by 11:59pm PST Sunday. Your blog entry and responses to classmates will be graded each week.ASSIGNMENT 2 Please respond to the following prompt. The response must be between 750-1000 words. Students that fall short of the required word count will receive a 10% deduction.You must cite a minimum of 3 scholarly sources– news media articles do not count as scholarly sources, only peer reviewed journals, books, etc.You must cite all sources clearly and consistently, regardless of the citation style you choose be sure to keep it consistent.You must include a works cited (not part of the word count) at the end.You response should include considerable reflection on the pertinentcourse terms and concepts, failing to reference these consistentlythroughout will result in a deduction.Week Two PromptWe have stated that our primary theoretical framework in this course inIntersectionality, which states that we should not view identity as’either/or’ but rather ‘both/and’ across different categories. From thispoint of view, we must work hard analytically to understand anindividual’s ‘Standpoint’ on the basis of their relationship tocategories of identity. Selecting at least two of the major categoriesof your own identity, discuss how those categories have intersected toshape your own life experiences, and how your experiences may be similaror different from others on the basis of one or both of thosecategories. A good example if Sojourner Truth’s speech “Ain’t I aWoman,” in which she points out that her status as a woman of colormeans she is not included in many of the conversations her fellow whitefeminists were having at the time