LAVC psychology Drug Abus Paper

Influences on Drug Abuse

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In a 750-1000 word paper** (double-spaced), present support for how ALL three factors influence drug abuse:

Psychological influences

Biological influences

Social-Cultural influences

This assignment is to extend their understanding of the factors that influence drug abuse in the United States.

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  • When writing your essay, try connecting all the factors if possible, but at minimum you should be expected to discuss all the factors as they relate to drug use in the United States.
  • In addition, incorporate any statistics you find on the internet to lend support the influences they discuss.

  • **The word requirement only includes the body only (word requirement does NOT include your title page/reference page.  If you include images/tables, they must be added at the END of your paper and they will NOT count towards the minimum word requirement). The paper should also be written in a 12pt Times New Roman Font size, double-spaced (in accordance with APA guidelines)
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