Students are to have read their assigned research article for the Spine unit (as listed on Blackboard), and then are to summarize & analyze their reading using the provided questions below.
Answer the following questions in your own words to reflect your interpretation of the information to address the following questions.
1. What is the purpose of the article? Why is this topic important? [2 points]
2. How was the research conducted? [Summarize the methods and procedures- 4 points]
3. What did the authors find? [Summarize the results & conclusions- 4 points]
4. What is at least one strength of the study? What is at least one weakness of the study? Explain or defend each point. [2 points each- 4 points total]
5. What is/are the clinical implication(s) from this research? Describe the correlation to clinical practice, then explain & defend whether you found the evidence useful. [3 points]