6/13/22, 7:09 PMListen
Assignment: Digestive Enzymes
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Assignment: Digestive Enzymes
Your digestive system uses both physical and chemical means to break down and
metabolize your food. In this activity, you will investigate the effects surface area
and temperature have on the ability of an enzyme to break down the proteins found
in egg whites.
Observe enzyme activity and the effect of temperature on enzyme activity.
Testable Question and Hypothesis
Based on additional research and the purpose of this lab activity, propose a testable
Then, write out a hypothesis related to the testable question.
1. Read the procedure instructions and create a data table for recording your
2. Cut four identical cubes of egg white from a hard boiled egg. The cubes should
be approximately 1 cm3.
3. Place each cube of egg white in its own small container.
4. Cover the first piece of egg white with pineapple juice.
5. Chop the second piece of egg white into tiny pieces before covering it with
pineapple juice.
6. Cover the third piece of egg with water.
6/13/22, 7:09 PM
Assignment: Digestive Enzymes
7. Boil a small amount of pineapple juice and let it cool. Use this to cover the fourth
piece of egg white.
8. Place all four containers in a safe place for 24 hours.
9. Record observations before and after the egg white pieces have been in their
liquids for 24 hours.
Performing hands-on lab activities is another way to learn and discover how
science concepts apply to our everyday lives. However, it can also be dangerous if
you do not take steps to perform these activities safely. We have made every
effort to ensure that these activities are safe to perform in the presence of an adult
(ex. teacher or parent). It is important for you to use good judgment and exercise
every precaution in order to avoid accidents that may result in injury.
If you have any questions about the materials or procedure of a lab activity, you
are to contact your teacher prior to beginning any lab activity.
Your task is to communicate the results of your tests in a formal lab report. For
guidance in the formatting of a lab report, review the Formal Lab Report lesson in
the Scientific Skills and Formatting module of the Introduction unit in this course.
Assessment Details
Your submission should include the following:
The results from your experiment written in your own words
Proper formatting of your results section as outlined in the Formal Lab Report
lesson located in the Scientific Skills and Formatting module
Any photos you feel are necessary to effectively communicate your results
from the experiment
6/13/22, 7:09 PM
Assignment: Digestive Enzymes
All in-text citations and a reference list according to the APA style guide for
sources used in your report
Upload your submission to the Assignment: Digestive Enzymes Dropbox.
Submit this assignment to the dropbox. This assignment will be evaluated for a grade that will
contribute to your overall final grade in this course.
Digestive Enzymes Assignment
Khaled Hassoun
North Star Academy
SNC4M Science
Mrs. Jacy Barillari
What are the effects of enzyme bromelain when it is combined with egg white?
Bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapples, is capable of separating amino acids. It also helps the
breakdown of a protein molecule, which in this case is contained in egg white, by speeding up
the chemical digestion of protein. The egg white is predicted to degrade as a result of the
pineapple juice.
1. Pineapple juice
2. 1 hard boiled egg
3. Water
4. 4 small containers
BEFORE 24 HOURS ( TIME 3:00 PM 10/09/2021)
AFTER 24 HOURS ( TIME 3:00 PM 11/09/2021)
Initial State
After 24 Hours
The egg white cube is
covered with pineapple juice.
When the egg white was
covered in pineapple juice,
neither the egg white nor the
pineapple juice changed.
The pineapple juice had a
hazy appearance. Little
fragments of egg white fell
into the fluid because the
egg white was considerably
more delicate. When the
egg white was taken out of
the container, it simply
broke up.
When the chopped egg
white was covered with
pineapple juice, neither the
egg white nor the pineapple
juice changed.
The pineapple juice had a
hazy appearance. The finely
chopped egg whites were
split into even smaller
pieces and were extremely
When the egg white was
covered with water, neither
the egg white nor the water
Some of the egg white fell
into the water, and it was
also quite hard in
comparison to the other egg
whites that had been
covered in pineapple juice.
The chopped up egg white is
covered with pineapple juice.
The egg white cube is
covered in water.
The egg white cube is
covered with boiled
pineapple juice.
When the egg white was
The egg white did not
covered in boiling pineapple
change much after being
juice, the egg white
removed from the
remained unchanged, but
container; it was quite hard
some sections of the
and remained solid together.
pineapple juice darkened
There were no noticeable
slightly due to the fact that it alterations in the pineapple
had been boiled.
The egg white cube is covered with
pineapple juice.
The chopped up egg white is covered
with pineapple juice.
The egg white cube is covered in
The egg white cube is covered with
boiled pineapple juice.
Effects of Bromelain
The egg white faded and broke readily due to
bromelain’s activity.
The cut egg white fragments were broken down
into more pieces and their size decreased as a
result of bromelain’s action.
There were no visible changes, and the egg
white remained intact.
This egg white showed no significant changes
when the pineapple juice was boiled.
In this lab, we’re looking at the bromelain enzyme, which is one of the digestive enzymes found
in pineapples. Digestive enzymes help break down food into nutrients and trash for better
absorption. They are secreted along the digestive tract. This permits nutrients to be taken into the
bloodstream while trash is disposed out.
The hypothesis is supported since we see a decomposition in the egg white as a result of the
bromelain. The texture of the egg white varies from stiff to soft. Bromelain works by separating
the essential peptide connections that hold collagen’s proteins together. Egg whites contain a
substantial amount of collagen. The hardness and firmness of the egg white begin to deteriorate
as it breaks down. Because the enzyme bromelain was separating the amino acids, this was
visible in containers #1 and #2, resulting in failure.
When compared to the first two containers, the egg white in container #3 did not show any
significant alterations because it was merely exposed to moisture, which did not influence or
change the egg white.
The bromelain in the fourth container was denatured and lost its functionalities after being boiled
and subjected to high heat. As a result, there were no noticeable changes in the egg white in
container #4. Bromelain’s capacity to breakdown big protein molecules was lost as it lost its
Finally, if the samples had been left in the containers for more than 24 hours, the results of this
laboratory would have been clearer and more obvious, since there would have been a bigger
degradation in the egg white.
Bromelain’s action on an egg white was viewed as an enzyme in this lab because of its function
of separating amino acids and breaking proteins, deteriorating the egg white and making it soft
and fragile. On the other hand, enzyme denaturation was seen, as bromelain lost its functions
when exposed to high temperatures and had no effect on the egg white.
1. Enzyme – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. (n.d.). Retrieved September 11, 2021, from
2. Bromelain: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage, and Warning. (n.d.). Retrieved
September 11, 2021, from
3. 7 Bromelain Benefits, Uses & Best Food Sources – Dr. Axe. (n.d.). Retrieved September
11, 2021, from https://draxe.com/nutrition/bromelain/