Ontario Virtual High School Blood Test Results Case Study

6/15/22, 8:28 PMListen
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AfL: Night Out Case Study Assessment

AfL: Night Out Case Study Assessment
Linda is celebrating her 55th birthday with her husband Mike by going out for a night
of dinner and dancing. They decide to start the night at their favourite restaurant
“Archie’s,” a classic diner serving home-style cooking.
Linda glances at the menu. “I really should be ordering a salad, since I’m trying to
lose some weight. But, since it’s my birthday, I’m going to go all out and get the
Archie Burger with fries.”
“Don’t worry about your diet tonight, babe. It’s your birthday!” says Mike. “You
should be able to get whatever you want. Plus, you’ve worked so hard to cut back
on your smoking. You deserve a treat!” Mike decides on the Killer Ribs with fries.
After enjoying their supper, they share a chocolate fudge sundae before paying the
bill. “That was great, Mike. Thank you. I really shouldn’t have had that dessert
though, my stomach is hurting a bit.” Linda says.
“We can go home if you’re not feeling well. Do you want to skip dancing?”
Linda grimaces, “No, let’s do it. I know you’ve spent a lot of time planning tonight. A
little rest in the car on the way to the bar will hopefully make me feel better.”
After a short drive, the couple arrives at the local country-western bar, where they
enjoy a few drinks and some dancing. Linda continues to feel discomfort, and needs
to take frequent breaks to catch her breath. She thinks nothing of it, blaming it on
being out of shape. Mike, on the other hand, is starting to get worried about his wife.
“Honey, are you sure you’re feeling okay? I’ve never seen you get this winded from
dancing before. You’re starting to look a little pale, too. Maybe we should go to the
hospital just to be sure that everything’s okay.”
6/15/22, 8:28 PM
AfL: Night Out Case Study Assessment
“I’m fine, really. It’s probably just heartburn from something I ate tonight. Let’s just go
Answer the questions below.
1. Describe three characteristics about Linda.
2. What symptoms does Linda present with?
3. Based on the location of her pain, which organ(s) could be causing her
4. Was Linda right in the assessment of her condition, or do you agree with Mike?
This assessment is part of an interrupted case study, where you receive
information in segments that occur throughout the unit. Segments must be
completed sequentially and in the correct order.
In this course, each segment of the case study will be either an assessment for
learning (AfL) or an assignment. Your task is to read over the case information,
complete the associated activities, and submit your work to the Dropbox.
Please note that only the first Dropbox in a interrupted case study will appear in
your course. The Dropbox for subsequent segments will appear once you have
received feedback from your teacher on the previous segment.
Assessment Details
Your submission should include the following:

Your answers to the questions written in your own words

All in-text citations and a reference list according to the APA style guide for
sources used in your submission
6/15/22, 8:28 PM
AfL: Night Out Case Study Assessment
Upload your complete answers to the AfL: Night Out Case Study Assessment
Submit this activity to the dropbox. This activity will not contribute to your overall final grade in this
course but may be taken into consideration by your teacher at the end of the course.
6/15/22, 8:29 PM
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Assignment: Hospital Visit Case Study

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Assignment: Hospital Visit Case Study
This is the second part of the Medical Technologies Case Study. The Dropbox for
this submission is hidden and will only appear in your course once you have
received feedback from your teacher on your submission to AfL: Night Out Case
Study Assessment.
After some convincing, Linda arrives at the emergency room. The triage nurse takes
her vitals and a patient history while she waits for an examination room.
Patient History
Patient’s Name: Linda Williams
Sex: Female
Age: 55
Allergies: Penicillin. Patient reacts with hives .
Presenting Complaint: Pain in upper abdomen and chest, nausea, shortness of
Onset: It started this evening after supper. Intermittent pain and shortness of breath
throughout the night. Constant feelings of nausea due to pain.
Character: Pain described as burning and tightness.
6/15/22, 8:29 PM
Assignment: Hospital Visit Case Study
Associations: Sweating
Past Medical History
Patient was diagnosed with hypertension and hypercholesterolemia six years
ago. She has been a smoker for 25 years. Patient has recently cut back from a pack
a day to one or two cigarettes daily.
Drug History
Patient is currently taking 10 mg Lipitor daily for hypercholesterolemia and 80 mg
Aspirin daily for hypertension.
Family History
Mother: 65, deceased, stroke. There is a positive family history of hypertension and
cardiovascular disease.
Father: 76, alive and well. There is a positive family history of diabetes and
colorectal cancer.
Height: 5’4″
Weight: 185 lbs
Hearth Rate: 94 beats/min
Blood Pressure: 136/87 mmHg
Once her vitals are taken, the nurse places a nasal cannula in Linda’s nose to
give her oxygen to help with her shortness of breath. Shortly thereafter, Linda is
transferred to an examination room, where a doctor orders blood work and an
electrocardiogram (ECG).
Linda stares at the ECG monitor, unable to discern the squiggly lines on the screen.
6/15/22, 8:29 PM
Assignment: Hospital Visit Case Study
“Is everything okay, doctor?” asks a concerned Mike.
“Well, I am noticing some abnormalities with Linda’s ECG. Before I give you a
diagnosis, I’m going to take a look at the blood test results. They should be back
shortly. For now, we’re going to keep Linda here for observation.” The doctor turns
to the nurse, “I’d like to get her into radiology for a CT scan. Let me know when
those blood results come in.”
“No problem, doctor,” replies the nurse.
Answer the following questions.
1. Describe at least three new characteristics about Linda after reading her patient
2. The image below illustrates a normal ECG tracing, as well as three different
abnormalities. Which abnormality is present in Linda’s case? List the possible
causes of this abnormality.
3. What is your diagnosis for Linda’s condition at this time? Provide reasoning to
back up your diagnosis.
Assessment Details
Your submission should include the following:

Your answers to the questions written in your own words

All in-text citations and a reference list according to the APA style guide for
sources used in your submission
6/15/22, 8:29 PM
Assignment: Hospital Visit Case Study
Upload your complete answers to the Assignment: Hospital Visit Case
Study Dropbox.
 Please note that the Dropbox for this assessment will not appear in your
course until you have received feedback from your teacher on your submission
to AfL: Night Out Case Study Assessment.
Submit this assignment to the dropbox. This assignment will be evaluated for a grade that will
contribute to your overall final grade in this course.
6/15/22, 8:29 PM
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Assignment: Blood Test Results Case Study

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Assignment: Blood Test Results Case
This is the third part of the Medical Technologies Case Study. The Dropbox for this
submission is hidden and will only appear in your course once you have received
feedback from your teacher on your submission to Assignment: Hospital Visit
Case Study.
Linda’s blood test results are sent from the laboratory in the hour following her initial
visit to the hospital.
Blood Test
Normal Limits
Troponin I
3.4 µg/L
0–0.01 µg/L
Creatine Kinase (CK-MB)
9.4 µg/L
< 5.0 µg/L Total Cholesterol 245 mg/dL < 200 mg/dL HDL 41 mg/dL ≥ 60 mg/dL LDL 156 mg/dL < 100 mg/dL https://lms.virtualhighschool.com/d2l/le/enhancedSequenceViewer/64875?url=https%3A%2F%2F7373ee8e-81ee-4ff2-abda-d6a83ec1978f.sequences… 1/3 6/15/22, 8:29 PM Assignment: Blood Test Results Case Study Mike overhears the doctor discuss the results with one of the nurses. "Her troponin and creatine kinase levels confirm my diagnosis. Let's begin treatment. Start her on a nitroglycerin and metoprolol drip. Is radiology ready for her CT scan? We need to figure out where the blockage is." "They're ready for her now. I'll send for someone to transfer her there. Thanks, doctor." Questions Answer the questions below. 1. Do the blood test results correlate with your previous diagnosis, or has your diagnosis changed? Include a comparison of Linda's results with the normal limits in your reasoning. 2. Why does the doctor prescribe a nitroglycerin and metoprolol drip? 3. What does the doctor mean when he says "We need to figure out where the blockage is."? 4. How will a CT scan help the doctors intervene with Linda's condition? Assessment Details Your submission should include the following:  Your answers to the questions written in your own words  All in-text citations and a reference list according to the APA style guide for sources used in your submission Upload your complete answers to the Assignment: Blood Test Results Case Study Dropbox.  Please note that the Dropbox for this assessment will not appear in your course until you have received feedback from your teacher on your submission to Assignment: Hospital Visit Case Study. https://lms.virtualhighschool.com/d2l/le/enhancedSequenceViewer/64875?url=https%3A%2F%2F7373ee8e-81ee-4ff2-abda-d6a83ec1978f.sequences… 2/3 6/15/22, 8:29 PM Assignment: Blood Test Results Case Study Submit this assignment to the dropbox. This assignment will be evaluated for a grade that will contribute to your overall final grade in this course. https://lms.virtualhighschool.com/d2l/le/enhancedSequenceViewer/64875?url=https%3A%2F%2F7373ee8e-81ee-4ff2-abda-d6a83ec1978f.sequences… 3/3

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