Final Research Project: [Length: 10 pages (minimum), APA format, references, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, 1” margins] As part of this class, you will write a research paper focusing on ENTOMOLOGY FORENSICS. You should explain what the field involves, how it’s useful in forensic investigations, and illustrate its use by summarizing at least two case studies. This can include studies in which forensics was used to convict, to overturn a conviction, or to solve a historical mystery. To complete this assignment, follow these guidelines:
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Use solid information and research. Use at least two books, two web sites, and two magazines or newspaper articles for your research. These sources should be reflected in the information of your paper and the references cited section.
Include at least two case studies in your discussion of the forensic branch of interest, and how they helped solve the case. Include diagrams, charts, and pictures (though these don’t count towards the suggested length of 10 pages).
Use professional research skills. Use the proper references cited form, and avoid plagiarism!
Use professional writing skills. Complete sentences, supporting statements, grammar, proofread, etc.
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