Week 2 Writing Assignment
Due the final day of the week to Dropbox
Discussion Topics
1. Take a Stand
Take a stand on the position of Whitchurch and Dickson who created their communicative perspective in families by arguing families are defined primarily though their interaction, not through their structure.
2. Family Interview
Interview an older person about his or her family of origin, focusing specifically on the images, themes, boundaries, and biosocial beliefs experienced in childhood. Put the results into their journals.
3. Cohesion-Adaptability Axes Explanation Since the cohesion-adaptability axes serves as the core concept for understanding family communication, you may have to provide extensive examples to ensure that students grasp these primary functions. Draw the axis on the board and place letters of the alphabet in various sections of the quadrant. Then ask students to hypothesize what a family might be like that would be found at a particular point and what behaviors would characterize communication within that family. For example, if family B is found at a high cohesion and high rigidity point, one might hypothesize that they had recently undergone some trauma which made the members cling together and resulted in the parent(s) setting very rigid or strict rules for behavior as a way of coping with the trauma. For example, having a teenager seriously involved with drugs may bring the family members together but may result in far stricter standards for the younger children.
4. Boundary Analysis
Analyze boundaries in a stepfamily they know or can describe. Specifically focus on:
– Where are points of boundary struggle for children who experience a joint custody arrangement?
– What rules might parents try to set to established boundaries?
– Under what conditions might an external boundary surround the whole system?
– OR, Analyze the movie Stepmom (or another movie with stepfamily themes) for the same boundary issues.
The Journal Assignment requires you to select and expound on 2 of these concepts. For each concept, you should briefly summarize that concept in 5 to 10 sentences. Then you should PERSONALIZE the concept. This requires you to relate this concept to your personal or professional life. This assignment is confidential and will be kept between you and the instructor.
Save the file as an Word or RTF attachment with the filename of YourName_w2writingassignment.rtf. (ex. jdoe_w2writingassignment ). Then upload the assignment to the Dropbox. Journal entries are due on the final day of the assigned week.
Sample Set-Up:
Ima Student
Week 2 Writing Assignment
Concept 1: State the concept here.
SUMMARY: Write a short paragraph (between 5-10 sentences) that summarize the concept.
PERSONALIZE: You will answer the questions. Personalize the concept by relating to your own life when possible. Write 2-3 paragraphs . This is a confidential assignment and will be between you and the instructor. Feel free to share your ideas. (This is your chance to apply the material. Your instructor will gauge your understanding based upon this discussion.
Concept 2: State the concept here
SUMMARY: Write a short paragraph (between 5-10 sentences) that summarize the concept.
PERSONALIZE: You will answer the questions. Personalize the concept by relating to your own life when possible. Write 2-3 paragraphs . This is a confidential assignment and will be between you and the instructor. Feel free to share your ideas. (This is your chance to apply the material. Your instructor will gauge your understanding based upon this discussion.