Lab 4 Directions

Student Listing, using XSLT (28 Points)

  • Watch the three videos entitled “Creating your first XSLT File, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.”
  • Type in all the code and make it work.
  • Remember to include the totals.
  • Add color to the output to make it more attractive. Use at least three colors.
  • Add comments to the XSLT file explaining each statement that begins with < xsl: . Remember, an HTML comment begins with .

File Submission (2 Points)

  • Upload a ZIP file containing both your XML file and the XSLT file. Call it
  • I will test the code using Internet Explorer. Be sure your XML file will open in that browser and use your XSLT file for style.
  • Do not include any other files or folders.
  • Note that the program will be tested in Internet Explorer. Make sure that if you right click on the xml file you should be able to open it in Internet Explorer using your xslt file. If it does not work, it will not be able to earn any points and will not be graded further.

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