Computer Science Question

Hey, this paper is 80% to 90% ready to be submitted but I was hoping you could read the grading rubric and instructions and add the missing parts and make sure all of it has all the things asked for in the grading rubric to receive all the points.

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The main part that is missing is in the Systems Design Diagrams section. Need more than 2 Design class diagrams (DCDs) and Database entity relationship diagrams (ERDs). The SQL code is in the paper so please make sure the ERDs match the code and you already know the Moral Mentor for medical professionals app idea so please create appropriate DCDs as well.

Second main thing missing is also in the same section which is Detailed system security and controls designs exist with more than 15 appropriate pieces of hardware.

Finally please redo the architectural diagram with Time and date from windows system and still should show my name Derin Joseph

Grading rubric parts that are missing:

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1) More than 2 original and unique diagrams exist that accurately parallel appropriate DCD/ERD industry best practices and UML. Diagrams parallel a new system unique to industry and literature. Each diagram meets the associated technical requirements, industry standards, programming language, notations, formatting, and modeling rules outlined in the course textbook and literature review. Screenshots of every diagram are required with OS date/time and unique computer ID.

2) Detailed system security and controls designs exist with more than 15 appropriate pieces of hardware (e.g. routers, switches, firewalls, databases, servers, storage area networks, virtual infrastructures, distributed computing architectures, and other) for the proposed information system that consist of research and industry-supported system architecture and designs, have proper redundancy, are secured with the latest best practices in information assurance, use distributed or scalable computing techniques for future expansion, and place nodes in the appropriate location according to industry best practices and top-tier scholarly support. Diagrams are more detailed than the textbook. Screenshots of every diagram required with OS date/time and unique computer ID.

CSIS 690
Phase III of the project consists of the following main headings at the minimum; Introduction,
Results, Discussion of the Results, and the Conclusion. References and appendixes are also
The thesis concludes with the implementation of the research design and methods, a discussion
of the results of the research project, limitations of the research and design, implications of the
results for management, and the final benchmarked design prototype.
Data collection or data generation is necessary immediately in this phase if it has not already
started to assure the information is necessary to carry out the research design and methods.
New knowledge and findings will result from the tests, code, monitoring tool metric
analysis/comparison, and/or other sources proposed in the results section. In addition, steps need
to take place that assure the research methods used were reliable and valid.
Recall examples of the new contributions accepted, which include either new code as an artifact
and testing this in some form or a statistical analysis:

New code/script/or configuration
o New application and/or software and testing its performance, security, etc
o Development of a new algorithm, database, protocol, etc and testing its efficiency,
memory usage, security, etc
o Programming a new network, security, storage, and/or system script that solves an
original problem and testing its level of automation, performance, etc
Statistical analysis
o Note, please assure you either have Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval at
this point or do not need it if completing this type of capstone
o Statistical analysis using descriptive, correlational, quasi-experimental and/or
experimental designs
o Big data analytics and/or predictive analytics using clustering, classification,
and/or regression trees
The results section focuses on the results of answering or testing the RQ. As Phase I challenged,
it is important for the Master’s thesis to contribute new knowledge to the field and a significant
portion of the assessment in the rubric revolves around this goal in Phase III. Results of the final
research should address the original gaps in literature, research question, and follow the research
methodology previously outlined objectively and without researcher bias. Results will also
include the final system design diagrams. These should be described given the steps of the
research methodology, chosen design standards, and/or design frameworks.
A final discussion of the results will encompass several components. The study will conclude
with the inclusion of the new artifact such as the software code, statistical analyses, discussion of
Page 1 of 3
CSIS 690
the results, managerial implications, limitations of the results, and recommendations for similar
projects or research based upon the results. Managerial implications will detail the “so what”
aspect of your results. Why are the results important and how will they help an organization?
How will your results affect the industry and/or community of scholars in the field? Limitations
detail problems in the testing or methods that individuals need to understanding when
interpreting the results and the discussion of the results. Recommendations for future research
should encourage additional contributions and potential paths based on the results. The
conclusion should develop fitting inferences from the overall capstone project.
Refer to the grading rubric in order to guarantee successful completion. The following outline
details the necessary deliverables for phase III:
Cover Page, Table of Contents, References, and Appendixes
Introduction & Conclusion
a. Provide a final comprehensive introduction and conclusion of your project.
i. Succinct introduction to the problem and proposed methods.
ii. Succinct description of the results and implications.
iii. Concluding outcomes of the master’s thesis project, synthesizing and
analyzing scholarly support in the domain of knowledge that the project
has contributed.
Systems Design Diagrams
a. All diagrams must include screenshots with a visible operating system date/time
and unique piece of information that identifies the student’s computer for credit.
Where this cannot be verified, diagrams will be granted a zero unfortunately.
Screenshots should exist in the appendices.
b. Minimal design diagrams can include either DCDs, ERDs, or UIs AND the
architecture design diagram (required)
i. Design class diagrams (DCDs) and/or
ii. Database entity relationship diagram (ERDs) and/or
iii. User-interface or system-interface designs
iv. System architecture, environment, security, and controls designs
a. Over 400 lines of accurate code/scripting/configs tested with at least one
measurement using appropriate statistics, reliability, and validity.
b. And/or more than 5 accurate quantitative analyses such as regressions,
classifications, correlations, etc tested with at least five measurements using
appropriate statistics, reliability, and validity.
Discussion of the results
a. A scholarly supported and objective method is necessary that shows the results of
how the research question(s) were tested and/or addressed.
Page 2 of 3
CSIS 690
b. Clearly detail the data collection or data generation methods and/or applications
necessary to solve the research problem, reliability, and validity of the research
design and methods used.
c. Perform the proposed research methodology and thoroughly detail the process.
i. Present the results using the prototype, code, implemented
network/system/database, charts, figures, and/or tables to show
performance metrics, statistics, and/or system design comparisons.
d. The author should discuss the results following completion of the research
method implementation.
i. What were the findings and results of the research?
ii. How do the results contribute to existing literature and findings discussed
previously in the literature review?
iii. How were the research questions answered by the systems analysis and
iv. What did your project solve from the literature review gaps?
Managerial Implications
a. How do the results help experts and managers in IT?
b. How do the contributions help the IT field?
Limitations of the Project and Recommendations for Future Research
a. What were the limitations of the research design and/or methods?
b. What can be done differently in the future to improve similar projects?
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Page 3 of 3
Master’s Thesis Capstone Project: Results Grading Rubric |
10 to >9 pts
9 to >7 pts
7 to >0 pts
0 pts
Not Present
The introduction is
succinct and embodies
the project’s primary
objectives and
outcomes. The
introduction constructs
the purpose of the
system proposal. A
compelling and
justifiable conclusion is
developed that
supports the key
outcomes. More than
5 scholarly sources
and 500 words
The introduction and
conclusion are succinct
and embody most of
the project’s primary
objectives and
outcomes, and/or the
introduction constructs
an unclear purpose of
the system proposal.
Justified conclusion
developed. Minimum of
5 scholarly sources
and 500 words.
The introduction and/or Substantially
conclusion are
unmet or not
generalized and
embody some of the
project’s primary
objectives and
outcomes and/or has
less than the minimum
of 5 scholarly sources
and 500 words and/or
is not defensible.
10 pts
Master’s Thesis Capstone Project: Results Grading Rubric |
Results and
discussion of
the results
150 to >134 pts
134 to >104 pts
104 to >0 pts
0 pts
Not Present
Results clearly address
the original research
question(s) using each
step accurately of the
supported research
methodology. New
knowledge exists from
supported testing
methods/models in the
form of a new artifact
such as original
programming code or
statistical analysis.
Over 400 lines of
or more than 5
accurate statistical
analyses such as
regressions with over 5
measurements exist.
Results of the study
add significant new
knowledge to the field,
follow the research
accurately, use proper
data collection, test
something new, are
reliable, and are valid.
More than 5
peer-reviewed sources
exist specific to a
relevant methodology
for the testing from top
rated journals and
more than 1,500 words
excluding graphics,
tables, or any other
components exist.
Results address the
original research
question(s) using most
steps accurately of the
supported research
methodology. New
knowledge exists from
supported testing
methods/models in the
form of a new artifact
such as original
programming code or
statistical analysis.
Over 300 lines of
or more than 3
accurate statistical
analyses such as
regressions with over 4
measurements exist.
Results of the study
add significant new
knowledge to the field,
follow the research
accurately, use proper
data collection, test
something new, are
reliable, and are valid.
More than 5
peer-reviewed sources
exist specific to a
relevant methodology
for the testing from top
rated journals and a
minimum of 1,500
words excluding
graphics, tables, or any
other non-textual
components exist.
Results partially
address the original
research question(s)
using certain steps of
the supported research
methodology and/or
less than 300 lines of
or less than 3
statistical analyses
such as regressions
with over 3
measurements and/or
results of the study
add partially new
knowledge to the field
and/or follow the
research methodology
with over 2 exceptions
and/or only collect or
generate some of the
data necessary for
testing something new
and/or partially
address reliability
and/or partially
address validity
measures to assure
objectivity and/or less
than 5 additional/new
peer-reviewed sources
exist specific to a
relevant methodology
for the testing from top
rated journals and/or
less than the minimum
of 1,500 words
excluding graphics,
tables, or any other
components exist.
unmet or not
present and/or
quotes over 5%
of the writing
and/or no new
exists from
in the form of a
new artifact
such as original
code or
analysis such as
Master’s Thesis Capstone Project: Results Grading Rubric |
10 to >9 pts
9 to >7 pts
7 to >0 pts
0 pts
Not Present
Excellent managerial
implications and
limitations are
addressed with
precision and accuracy.
Limitations and
managerial implications
of the study are
justified with current
and relevant research
from respectable
top-rated journals and
coordinate with the
gaps in the literature
review. More than 5
peer-reviewed sources
exist from top rated
journals and more than
250 words excluding
graphics, tables, or any
other non-textual
components exist.
implications and
limitations are
addressed. Limitations
and managerial
implications of the
study are mostly
justified with current
and relevant research
from respectable
top-rated journals and
coordinate with the
gaps in the literature
review. More than 5
peer-reviewed sources
exist from top rated
journals and more than
250 words excluding
graphics, tables, or any
other non-textual
components exist.
Less than 2 original
and unique diagrams
exist that accurately
parallel appropriate
systems analysis,
industry best practices,
and UML and/or
diagrams are not
always unique to
industry and/or existing
designs and/or each
diagram does not meet
the associated
requirements, industry
language, notations,
formatting, and
modeling rules outlined
in the course textbook
and literature review
and/or diagrams are
not as detailed as the
textbook examples.
Screenshots of every
diagram required with
OS date/time and
unique computer ID.
unmet or not
present and/or
screenshots not
included and/or
existing similar
diagrams exist.
10 pts
Master’s Thesis Capstone Project: Results Grading Rubric |
Design class
(DCDs) OR a
20 to >17 pts
17 to >16 pts
16 to >0 pts
0 pts
Not Present
More than 2 original
and unique diagrams
exist that accurately
parallel appropriate
DCD/ERD industry
best practices and
UML. Diagrams
parallel a new system
unique to industry and
literature. Each
diagram meets the
associated technical
requirements, industry
language, notations,
formatting, and
modeling rules outlined
in the course textbook
and literature review.
Screenshots of every
diagram are required
with OS date/time and
unique computer ID.
A minimum of 2
original and unique
diagrams exist that
parallel 70% or more of
appropriate DCD/ERD
industry best practices
and UML and/or
diagrams parallel a
new system unique to
industry and literature
and/or each diagram
meets over 70% of the
associated technical
requirements, industry
language, notations,
formatting, and
modeling rules outlined
in the course textbook
and literature review.
Screenshots of every
diagram are required
with OS date/time and
unique computer ID.
Less than 2 original
and unique diagrams
exist and/or diagrams
parallel less than 70%
or more of appropriate
DCD/ERD industry
best practices and
UML and/or diagrams
parallel a new system
unique to industry and
literature and/or each
diagram meets less
than 70% of the
associated technical
requirements, industry
language, notations,
formatting, and
modeling rules outlined
in the course textbook
and literature review.
Screenshots of every
diagram are required
with OS date/time and
unique computer ID
unmet or not
present and/or
screenshots not
included and/or
existing similar
diagrams exist.
20 pts
Master’s Thesis Capstone Project: Results Grading Rubric |
security and
20 to >17 pts
17 to >16 pts
16 to >0 pts
0 pts
Not Present
Detailed system
security and controls
designs exist with more
than 15 appropriate
pieces of hardware
(e.g. routers, switches,
firewalls, databases,
servers, storage area
networks, virtual
distributed computing
architectures, and
other) for the proposed
information system that
consist of research and
system architecture
and designs, have
proper redundancy, are
secured with the latest
best practices in
information assurance,
use distributed or
scalable computing
techniques for future
expansion, and place
nodes in the
appropriate location
according to industry
best practices and
top-tier scholarly
support. Diagrams are
more detailed than the
textbook. Screenshots
of every diagram
required with OS
date/time and unique
computer ID.
System security and
controls designs exist
with at least 15
appropriate pieces of
hardware (e.g. routers,
switches, firewalls,
databases, servers,
storage area networks,
virtual infrastructures,
distributed computing
architectures, and
other) for the proposed
information system that
consist mostly of
research and
system architecture
and designs, have
proper redundancy, are
secured with the latest
best practices in
information assurance,
use distributed or
scalable computing
techniques for future
expansion, and place
nodes in the
appropriate location.
Diagrams parallel the
level of textbook detail.
Screenshots of every
diagram required with
OS date/time and
unique computer ID.
System security and
controls designs exist
with less than 15
appropriate pieces of
hardware (e.g. routers,
switches, firewalls,
databases, servers,
storage area networks,
virtual infrastructures,
distributed computing
architectures, and
other) for the proposed
information system
that do not consist of
research or
system architecture
and designs and/or
have improper
redundancy, scalability,
and security.
Screenshots of every
diagram required with
OS date/time and
unique computer ID.
unmet or not
present and/or
screenshots not
included and/or
existing similar
diagrams exist.
20 pts
Master’s Thesis Capstone Project: Results Grading Rubric |
and Spelling
20 to >17 pts
17 to >16 pts
16 to >0 pts
0 pts
Not Present
Properly formatted APA
paper with table of
contents and
references pages.
Correct spelling and
grammar used.
Contains fewer than 2
errors in grammar or
spelling that distract
the reader from the
content and/or minimal
errors (1-2) noted in
the interpretation or
execution of proper
APA format. Excellent
organization, headings,
and flow of the main
concepts exist.
Paper contains fewer
than 5 errors in
grammar or spelling
that distract the reader
from the content and/or
some errors (3-7)
noted in the
interpretation or
execution of proper
APA format and/or
organization, headings,
and flow of the main
concepts exist and/or
notable absences in
required APA
formatting elements
such as: Title page,
running head font type
and size (Times New
Roman 12 point), line
spacing, headings,
organization of
concepts, and flow of
the main ideas.
Paper contains fewer
than 10 errors in
grammar or spelling
that distract the reader
from the content
and/or numerous
errors (7+) noted in the
interpretation or
execution of proper
APA format and/or
headings, and flow of
the main concepts
exist and/or notable
absences in required
APA formatting
elements such as: Title
page, running head
font type and size
(Times New Roman 12
point), line spacing,
headings, organization
of concepts, and flow
of the main ideas.
Paper contains
more than 10
errors in
grammar or
spelling that
distract the
reader from the
content and/or
numerous errors
(10+) noted in
interpretation or
execution of
proper APA
format and/or
headings, and
flow of the main
concepts exist
and/or notable
absences in
required APA
elements such
as: Title page,
running head
font type and
size (Times New
Roman 12
point), line
organization of
concepts, and
flow of the main
20 pts
Master’s Thesis Capstone Project: Results Grading Rubric |
Requirements 70 to >63 pts
63 to >58 pts
58 to >0 pts
0 pts
70 pts
Not Present
Over 400 lines of
or more than 5
accurate statistical
analyses such as
regressions exist.
Over 4 systems
analysis and design
diagrams with proper
screenshots exist that
meet advanced UML
requirements and
exceed textbook
examples in the level
of detail and syntax.
Over 2,500 original and
unique words exist of
original student
authorship that directly
relate to a feasible
research methodology,
results section, and
managerial implications
that show excellent
mastery and
knowledge of the
content. Over 10
unique scholarly peer
reviewed journal
articles from
well-respected and top
ranked IT journals exist
that directly relate to a
relevant methodology,
results section, or
Over 300 lines of
or more than 3
accurate statistical
analyses such as
regressions exist
and/or over 3 systems
analysis and design
diagrams with proper
screenshots exist that
meet advanced UML
requirements and
exceed textbook
examples in the level
of detail and syntax
and 2,250 original and
unique words exist of
original student
authorship that directly
relate to a feasible
research methodology,
results section, and
implications that show
excellent mastery and
knowledge of the
content. A minimum of
10 unique scholarly
peer reviewed journal
articles from
well-respected and top
ranked IT journals exist
that directly relate to a
relevant methodology,
results section, or
Less than 300 lines of
or less than 3 accurate
statistical analyses
such as regressions
exist and/or less than 3
systems analysis and
design diagrams with
proper screenshots
exist that meet
advanced UML
requirements and
exceed textbook
examples in the level
of detail and syntax
and/or less than 2,250
original and unique
words exist of original
student authorship that
directly relate to a
feasible research
methodology that show
excellent mastery and
knowledge of the
content and/or less
than 10 unique
scholarly peer
reviewed journal
articles from
well-respected and top
ranked IT journals that
directly relate to a
feasible and relevant
methodology, results
section, or managerial
implications exist.
unmet or not
present and/or
screenshots not
included and/or
existing similar
diagrams exist
and/or quotes
over 5% of the
writing and/or no
new knowledge
exists from
in the form of a
new artifact
such as original
code or
analysis such as
Total Points: 300
Master’s Thesis Capstone Project: A Christian Ethical Decision Application System for
Medical Professionals
Student’s Name
Institutional affiliation
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2
Chapter 1: Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Chapter 2: System Design Diagram ………………………………………………………………………………. 5
2.1 Interface …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
2.2 System architecture, environment, security, and controls designs ……………………………. 6
Chapter 3: Results ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
3.1 The Application’s Code ……………………………………………………………………………………… 7
3.1.1 Backend: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
3.1.2 Frontend…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15
3.2 Measurement …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 26
Chapter 4. Discussion of the Results …………………………………………………………………………… 28
4.1. Scholarly Supported and Objective Method Implementation ………………………………… 28
4.2. Detailed Data Collection and Generation Methods ……………………………………………… 28
4.3. Performance of Proposed Research Methodology and Detailed Process ………………… 29
4.4 Findings………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 32
Chapter 5: Managerial Implications…………………………………………………………………………….. 34
5.1 Limitations of the Project and Recommendations for Future Research …………………… 35
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 36
References ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 38
Appendix A ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 40
Appendix B ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 44
Chapter 1: Introduction
Humanity has always sought moral guidance in today’s fast-paced, tech-driven world,
as it is more important than ever to follow your morals, especially in medicine. This report
covers the implementation of ‘Moral Mentor’ application, an innovative tool to help health
professionals make ethical decisions. This online platform connects healthcare workers with
pastors who offer personalized advice on ethically challenging situations. The long-term goal
is to use AI to analyze these discussions and provide faster, more comprehensive guidance.
Medical ethics are complex, and healthcare professionals struggle to find timely,
accessible, and personalized resources that align with their faith and ethics as they navigate
morality in their daily practice ‘Moral Mentor’ fills this gap by facilitating ethical questions
and compassionate responses (Rushton & Boston-Leary, 2022, pp. 7-11). The app lets users
ask questions anonymously or openly, and pastors respond, fostering an ethical and spiritual
dialogue. The early stages of the application have limitations, but the potential benefits are
great. Pastors answering questions may limit perspectives at first. However, user feedback and
the long-term goal of incorporating AI’s power could make guidance more diverse, quick, and
comprehensive (Wang & Hsu, 2023). The application design prioritizes user privacy,
confidentiality, and anonymity to manage sensitive data ethically.
This project addresses four research questions: designing a web-based ethical decision
support system to provide personalized guidance; applying user-centered design principles for
accessibility and usability; maintaining user anonymity and confidentiality; and evaluating the
app’s impact on ethical decision-making processes. As I examine the results and lessons of
‘Moral Mentor’ application, I hope this project sets a precedent for combining faith,
technology, and ethical decision-making to respect diversity, promote personal growth, and
create a more ethical society. This app uses spirituality and AI to guide health professionals
through ethical dilemmas and provide relief in their difficult profession (Wald, 2020, p.744).
It signals a shift toward a more understanding, respectful, and ethical society by embracing
technology to support personal faith and professional ethics.
Chapter 2: System Design Diagram
The System Design Diagram chapter shows the Moral Mentor web application’s
structure and architecture. It shows system interactions and application information flow.
User Interface and Architecture Diagrams make up the system design.
2.1 Interface
The Moral Mentor application’s straightforward UI allows people seeking moral counsel,
pastors answering questions, and researchers analyzing data to connect seamlessly. See
Appendix A. Its main pages are:
1. Homepage: The app’s homepage greets users. It introduces Moral Mentor, its aim,
and its services. Log in, register, or continue anonymously.
2. Signup/Login Page: This page allows registration and login. Account creation
requires username and password. The ‘Ask a Question’ page is also accessible
3. Ask a Question Page: Users may submit moral issues or queries here. It has a basic
text input box for typing the question and a ‘post’ button for sending it. Users may
classify their queries in a menu for better analysis and pastor answers.
4. View Unanswered Questions: After submitting a question, viewers are forwarded to
this page to see the replies. Pastors’ answers follow each question. Pastors’ replies
appear immediately on this page.
5. The Pastor Registration website allows pastors to sign up for the initiative. It needs
a name, and password. After registration, they are validated by logging in.
6. Pastor Dashboard: After authentication, pastors may examine open questions, react
to them, and monitor their answers.
2.2 System architecture, environment, security, and controls designs
The figure shows Moral Mentor’s intricate architecture. Users, pastors, and academics
benefit from this architecture’s synergistic servers and interfaces. This architecture’s
components and interactions are outlined here.

The platform’s front end, the pink UI, allows users to interact with the program. Users
post questions, get answers, and manage accounts here. HTTP/HTTPS protocols secure
data transport between the UI and the Web Server.

The yellow Web Server hosts the web application and connects the UI and Application
Server. REST APIs manage requests and answers between these two.

Application Server: The application’s green core that controls application logic and user
requests. It coordinates information between the Database, Authentication and Machine

The light blue Database Server stores the application’s data. It handles all application
data, including users’ questions, pastors’ replies, and user accounts, and provides it to
the Application Server as needed.

Authentication Server: This light blue server manages user authentication and
authorization for application security. It checks login credentials and application

Machine Learning Server: This light blue server runs machine learning algorithms that
examine moral inquiries and replies. Pastors’ answers improve with the information

The red firewall is essential to security. It protects the application from cyberattacks by
monitoring and regulating all network traffic according to security standards.

Internet: The white Internet connects the application to consumers and other possible
external organizations.
The graphic shows the data flow between various components, directing application
processing. The diagram’s color coding helps explain and analyze system design. This precisely
designed architecture makes the Moral Mentor program resilient, fast, safe, and capable of
providing high-quality, individualized user experiences.
Figure 1: Moral Mentor Architecture
Chapter 3: Results
3.1 The Application’s Code
3.1.1 Backend:
SQL Code:
— phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
— version 5.2.1
— Host:
— Generation Time: Jul 9, 2023 at 07:57 AM
— PHP Version: 8.0.28
/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */;
— Database: `moralmentor`
— Table structure for table `mm_answer`
CREATE TABLE `mm_answer` (
`AID` int(11) NOT NULL,
`PID` int(11) NOT NULL,
`QID` int(11) NOT NULL,
`atext` varchar(300) NOT NULL,
`Timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() ON UPDATE
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;
— Dumping data for table `mm_answer`
INSERT INTO `mm_answer` (`AID`, `PID`, `QID`, `atext`, `Timestamp`) VALUES
(1, 4, 5, ”, ‘2023-07-09 20:29:30’),
(2, 1, 10, ‘xdcfghjk’, ‘2023-07-09 23:22:12’),
(3, 1, 1, ‘dftgyhuji’, ‘2023-07-09 23:32:36’),
(4, 1, 4, ‘Being more altruistic starts with small acts of kindness in your daily life. You can start
by helping those around you.’, ‘2023-07-09 05:29:13’),
(5, 1, 5, ‘While it can be a grey area, generally honesty is the best policy. It is better to be kind
but truthful.’, ‘2023-07-09 05:29:13’),
(6, 2, 6, ‘You may need to set boundaries with your friend. Remember that your wellbeing is
important too.’, ‘2023-07-09 05:29:13’),
(7, 3, 7, ‘Ethics can vary, but generally, if you can find the rightful owner of the money, that
would be the best course of action.’, ‘2023-07-09 05:29:13’),
(8, 2, 8, ‘Honest communication is key. Express your feelings and concerns to your partner.’,
‘2023-07-09 05:29:13’),
(9, 1, 9, ‘We all have a moral obligation to help others in need. However, do not put yourself
in harm’s way.’, ‘2023-07-09 05:29:13’),
(10, 3, 10, ‘Workplace ethics can be complex. Always strive to maintain integrity and honesty
in all situations.’, ‘2023-07-09 05:29:13’);
— Table structure for table `mm_pastor`
CREATE TABLE `mm_pastor` (
`PID` int(100) NOT NULL,
`Username` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`Password` varchar(100) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;
— Dumping data for table `mm_pastor`
INSERT INTO `mm_pastor` (`PID`, `Username`, `Password`) VALUES
(1, ‘admin’, ‘admin’),
(2, ‘admin1’, ‘admin1’),
(3, ‘Pastor Joseph’, ‘1234’);
— Table structure for table `mm_question`
CREATE TABLE `mm_question` (
`QID` int(100) NOT NULL,
`UID` int(100) NOT NULL,
`Text` varchar(300) NOT NULL,
`TimeStamp` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp() ON UPDATE
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;
— Dumping data for table `mm_question`
INSERT INTO `mm_question` (`QID`, `UID`, `Text`, `TimeStamp`) VALUES
(1, 12, ‘uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu’, ‘202307-09 20:09:56’),
(2, 4, ‘4’, ‘2023-07-09 19:19:04’),
(3, 0, ‘p’, ‘2023-07-09 19:19:22’),
(4, 0, ‘p’, ‘2023-07-09 19:19:50’),
(5, 12, ‘hi’, ‘2023-07-09 19:20:27’),
(6, 12, ‘hi’, ‘2023-07-09 19:21:09′),
(7, 12, ’12’, ‘2023-07-09 20:43:26′),
(8, 0, ’12’, ‘2023-07-09 20:47:55’),
(9, 1, ‘hjj’, ‘2023-07-09 21:08:56’),
(10, 1, ‘hjj’, ‘2023-07-09 21:20:21’),
(11, 2, ‘I am sick what should I do’, ‘2023-07-09 04:38:35’),
(12, 4, ‘How can I be more altruistic in my daily life?’, ‘2023-07-09 05:27:45’),
(13, 5, ‘What is the moral stance on lying to protect someone\’s feelings?’, ‘2023-07-09
(14, 6, ‘How do I handle a friend who constantly takes advantage of others?’, ‘2023-07-09
(15, 7, ‘Is it unethical to keep found money?’, ‘2023-07-09 05:27:45’),
(16, 8, ‘What is the morally correct way to handle a cheating partner?’, ‘2023-07-09 05:27:45’),
(17, 9, ‘What is the moral obligation to help a stranger in need?’, ‘2023-07-09 05:27:45’),
(18, 10, ‘How should one handle ethical dilemmas in the workplace?’, ‘2023-07-09 05:27:45’),
(19, 11, ‘How does one balance self-care and caring for others?’, ‘2023-07-09 05:27:45’),
(20, 12, ‘Is it morally correct to break the law for a good cause?’, ‘2023-07-09 05:27:45’),
(21, 13, ‘Is it morally acceptable to prioritize my happiness over others?’, ‘2023-07-09
— Table structure for table `mm_user`
CREATE TABLE `mm_user` (
`UID` int(100) NOT NULL,
`Username` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`Password` varchar(100) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;
— Dumping data for table `mm_user`
INSERT INTO `mm_user` (`UID`, `Username`, `Password`) VALUES
(1, ‘user’, ‘user’),
(2, ‘Derin Joseph’, ‘1234’),
(3, ‘JohnDoe’, ‘password1’),
(4, ‘JaneSmith’, ‘password2’),
(5, ‘CarlosGomez’, ‘password3’),
(6, ‘LiMing’, ‘password4’),
(7, ‘AmaraKone’, ‘password5’),
(8, ‘AliMohammed’, ‘password6’),
(9, ‘SatoshiTakahashi’, ‘password7’),
(10, ‘SophieMartin’, ‘password8’),
(11, ‘OliverJohnson’, ‘password9’),
(12, ‘EmmaTaylor’, ‘password10’);
— Indexes for dumped tables
— Indexes for table `mm_answer`
ALTER TABLE `mm_answer`
— Indexes for table `mm_pastor`
ALTER TABLE `mm_pastor`
— Indexes for table `mm_question`
ALTER TABLE `mm_question`
— Indexes for table `mm_user`
ALTER TABLE `mm_user`
— AUTO_INCREMENT for dumped tables
— AUTO_INCREMENT for table `mm_answer`
-ALTER TABLE `mm_answer`
— AUTO_INCREMENT for table `mm_pastor`
-ALTER TABLE `mm_pastor`
— AUTO_INCREMENT for table `mm_question`
-ALTER TABLE `mm_question`
— AUTO_INCREMENT for table `mm_user`
ALTER TABLE `mm_user`
3.1.2 Frontend
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