Object Oriented Programming in MATLAB

  • You will need to download MATLAB on your PC.
  • You may choose to work on this assignment with a friend/classmate or by yourself (whichever you prefer)If you work with someone – each of you should have your own submission on Canvas.


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1. zip file containing all .m files. Each class will be a separate file and you will also have a script file for task 8.

2. A comprehensive report as pdf file

  • Add codes and results for each task in the lab. Add text to explain your work and the screenshots.

you report should answer the following questions,

    Specify the progress. Were you able to complete the assignment?Did you work with someone? Was the contribution equal or do you think that you did most of the work. Specify the contribution of you and your partner in percentage. If you believe both of you contributed equally – Specify 50% – 50%. If you did all the work specify 100% – 0%. Did you refer to any online materials or codes to solve the problems. Acknowledge and provide citations.

CS 420 – Advanced Programming Languages
Assignment 3 – Object Oriented Programming in MATLAB – 100 points
In this comprehensive MATLAB assignment, you will work with a scenario involving geometric
shapes. You will design an OOP structure to represent different types of shapes and perform various
operations on these shapes. Additionally, you will visualize the shapes and their properties using
MATLAB plots.
You will turn in two files on to canvas.
1. zip file containing all .m files
2. A Comprehensive report
Task 1: Class Creation and Constructors
1. Create a base class Shape with the following properties and methods:
Properties: Name (name of the shape) and Area
Constructor: Implement a constructor that takes the name as an input argument.
Methods: Display (to display the shape’s properties).
Testing Instructions:

Create two objects of the Shape class with a name of your choice using the constructor.

Use the Display method to display the objects’ properties.

Ensure that the object’s Area property is [] at this stage.
Expected Result:

Add screenshot of your code (class) and the MATLAB command window to the report
displaying the object’s properties, including the name. The Area property should be [].
Task 2: Inheritance and Constructor Overloading
2. Create three derived (child) classes from Shape:
Circle: This class should have a radius property and implement the CalculateArea
method to calculate the area of a circle.
1. Overload the constructor to accept the radius.

The constructor should call the parent constructor explicitly using
‘@’ to set the name to be Circle.
Rectangle: This class should have length and width properties and implement the
CalculateArea method to calculate the area of a rectangle.
1. Overload the constructor to accept length, width.
1. The constructor should call the parent constructor explicitly using
‘@’ to set the name to be Rectangle.
Triangle: This class should have base and height properties and implement the
CalculateArea method to calculate the area of a triangle.
1. Overload the constructor to accept base, height.
1. The constructor should call the parent constructor explicitly using
‘@’ to set the name to be Triangle.
Testing and Expected Result:

Create two objects of the Circle, Square and Rectangle class with a properties of your

Add screenshots of all your classes to the report. Also add a screenshot of objects created
and their properties.
Task 3: Method Overriding
Override the Display method in each of the derived (child) classes to include information specific
to the shape type.
NOTE: Display method should output (print) a with all the properties & area.
Sample output string for circle class: The area of a circle with a radius of 5 units is
approximately 78.54 square units.
Testing Instructions:

Create more objects of the Circle, Rectangle, and Triangle classes using their respective

Calculate the areas for all the objects created.

Call the Display method for each object to display its properties.

Ensure that the overridden Display method shows the specific information for each shape.
Expected Result:

Separate screenshots showing the MATLAB command window for each shape’s Display
method output. Each should display the name and shape-specific information.
Task 4: Multi-level Inheritance
Create a new class named EquilateralTriangle that inherits from the Triangle class.
Add a property for the side length to the EquilateralTriangle class and implement
its constructor to accept the side length.
1. Recall that the objects created will make a call to the parent constructor.
This constructor in the EquilateralTriangle class calculates and update the
base and height property in the parent class. They should be set to
appropriate values call using ‘@’.

For example if side length = 10. Base should be set to 10 and height
should be set to 5√3.

Look up for the formula to computer the height of equilateral
Override the Display method in the class to display the side length and the area of
an equilateral triangle.

Example : area of the equilateral triangle with a side length of 5 units
is approximately 10.825 square units
DO NOT OVERRIDE CalculateArea method.
Testing Instructions (Step 4):

Create an object of the EquilateralTriangle class.

Call the CalculateArea method.
NOTE: This is a method in the parent class. You SHOULD NOT override the
calculateArea method.

Display the properties of the equilateral triangle using the Display method.

Ensure that the area is correctly calculated and displayed.
Expected Result (Step 4):

A screenshot showing the cods and MATLAB command window with the properties of the
equilateral triangle, including the calculated area.
Task 5: Multiple Inheritance
Create a new class named ColorMixin that contains a property for color and a method for setting
and getting the color.
Add a property for the color to the ColorMixin class and implement its constructor
to accept the color variable.
Write two methods called “GetColor” and “SetColor” to act as assessor and mutator
Modify all the four classes “Circle”, “Square”, “Triangle” and “Equilateral Triangle” to
inherit from ColorMixin to include color properties and color-related methods.

Note: None of the methods or the property in ColorMixin should be

Adjust the constructor in the classes to accommodate for the new parent class.

Modify the display method to include the color information.
Testing Instructions:

Create more objects of the Circle, Rectangle, Triangle and EquilateralTriangle classes
using their respective constructors.

Calculate the areas for all the objects created.

Call the Display method for each object to display its properties (including color).
Expected Result:

Add screenshots of the modified classes and Colormixin class. Also add, separate
screenshots showing the MATLAB command window for each shape’s Display method
output. Each should display the name and shape-specific information.

Now use the setColor method to change the color of all the four objects created.

Use Display method to show that the color has been updated. Add screenshots.
Task 6: Static Method
0. Modify the shape class to inherit from matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous
1. Create a new static method in the Shape class called CalculateStatistics. This method
should compute and display statistics on the areas of all the shapes in an array.
2. Implement the following statistics:
Mean area
Median area
Standard deviation of areas
3. The method should also printout the computed values.
Testing Instructions:

Create an array of various shapes, including circles, rectangles, triangles and

Compute the area of all the objects.

Place the objects in an array.

Call the static method CalculateStatistics method on the array.

Display the computed statistics in the MATLAB command window.
Expected Result :

A screenshot with array of Objects.

A screenshot of the MATLAB command window showing the computed statistics (mean,
median, and standard deviation) for the areas of the shapes in the array.
Task 7: Visualization
Drawing Circles, Rectangles and Triangles.
1. Add a method Draw to the Circle class that draws an actual circle based on the radius and
color of the circle. Use MATLAB’s rectangle or viscircles function for this purpose.
2. Add a method Draw to the Rectangle class that draws an actual rectangle based on its
dimensions (length, width) and color. Use MATLAB’s rectangle function for this purpose.
3. Add a method Draw to the Triangle class that draws an actual triangle based on its
dimensions (base, height) and color. You can use the MATLAB plot function to draw the
o The draw method should adjust the axis to make sure the shape is properly visible
o The draw method should fill in the shape with specified color.
o Give a title to the plot.
o The plot should show the properties of the shape.
o The plot should also show the area of the shape.
o Explore the plotting functionality in MATLAB to make your plots standout.
Testing Instructions:

Create more objects of the Circle, Rectangle, Triangle and EquilateralTriangle classes
using their respective constructors.

Compute their Areas

Call the draw method to visualize the shape.
Expected Result:

A screenshot showing the drawn circle in the MATLAB figure.
Here is a sample screenshot. (Note this screen shot does not have the length, width or Area
information shown- your plot will show these information)
Task 8: User Interaction
This is a fun task – you can get creative.
Write a MATLAB Script called “MyShapes.m” to Create a user-friendly command-line interface
that allows users to create shapes interactively.
Your script should:
1. Prompt user to choose one of the 4 available shapes.
2. Prompt user for the properties values corresponding to the shape selected by the user.
3. Internally, you script should create an object of the chosen shape, computer area and
call the draw method.
4. Output of the script will be a plot.
Testing Instructions:

Run the script and follow the interactive interface to create various shapes.

Ensure that the shapes are created with the specified properties.
Expected Result:

Screenshot of the code in the script file.

Screenshots of the interactive interface and the created shapes.
Task 9: Optional – Graphical User interface – (Extra Credit)
If you work on this part – you should show me a live demo to get the extra credit points.
Your task is to implement task 8 using a Graphical User interface.
o You should create simple buttons (radio button) to choose among the available
o Use checkboxes, color picker or similar approach for getting the color.
o Use dropdown menu, slider or similar approach to read the property values such as
radius, length, etc.

Only restriction is text boxes should not be used, you can get creative and
choose any other option to input the values from the user.
This can easily be done using Guide Tool (Easier) in MATLAB.
You can also use other advanced GUI tools available in MATLAB. Get creative and have fun!

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