Stage 1: Preliminary Investigation Report

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Stage 1: Preliminary Investigation Report
Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the Case Study and all assignments for this
class, especially Stage 4: Final System Report.
Purpose of this Assignment
This assignment gives you the opportunity to use industry-standard methodologies for analyzing a
business situation, initiating a project, and determining various aspects of feasibility of an IT project.
This assignment specifically addresses the following course outcomes to enable you to:

plan, build, and maintain systems that meet organizational strategic goals by demonstrating the
use of enterprise architecture and applying enterprise governance principles and practices
effectively communicate with stakeholders to determine, manage, and document business
requirements throughout the SDLC
The results of your systems analysis and design work in this class will be documented in a Final System
Report. The purpose of the Report is to inform management of your system proposal and gain approval
to proceed with the project. The Report will be developed and submitted in stages, which will be
compiled at the end of class into the Final System Report. Review the outline of the Final System Report
in the Stage 4 Assignment description. Note that it contains the analysis of the problem(s) and
requirements, and proposes what kind of a system solution is needed. It does not propose a specific
solution, but it does recommend why and how the organization should acquire the solution.
The first step in the analysis process is to create a Preliminary Investigation Report (PIR). The PIR
documents the system planning phase of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). During the
planning phase, the opportunities presented or problem(s) to be solved with an information technology
system are identified, investigation into the current situation occurs, and various feasibility aspects of
implementing a system are analyzed. This results in a recommendation for further action with estimated
costs and schedule, and a list of benefits. Once it is completed and approved, the PIR becomes the
major source document for use to begin the systems analysis phase.
To start, read the case study carefully. The case study tells you that the executives at Precision
Electronics Parts, Inc., have identified a need to replace the current customer billing and payment system
and re-engineer the associated processes. As you review the case study, list the most important relevant
business problems and identify the information presented that you will need to complete the sections of
the Preliminary Investigation Report shown below. All of the information you need to complete the
projects in this class is not provided in the case study. In the discussion area of the classroom, there is a
discussion titled “Case Study Interview Questions” where you can pose questions about the case study,
as if you were interviewing the people in the case study organization. Any information that you need that
is not included in the case study should be asked about in this discussion. Responses from the faculty
member on behalf of the case study organization will be available for everyone in the class.
Using the case study and the outline and resources listed below, develop your Preliminary Investigation
Report. Approximate lengths for each section are provided as a guideline; be sure to provide all
pertinent information. References in brackets are to the two e-textbooks (by authors Jawahar and
Conger) used in this class and the page on which the explanatory information begins.
Introduction (1 paragraph)
a. Brief statement of the problem or system
b. Name of person or group who initiated the investigation
c. Name of person or group who performed the investigation
Stage 1: Preliminary Investigation Report
Problem to be solved – The basis of the system request, including an explanation of major
problems or opportunities (1 paragraph)
a. Scope of proposed system (1 paragraph describing the system boundaries – what is
included, perhaps where it stops)
b. Constraints (1 paragraph, including a short list of constraints) [Jawahar, p. 61]
c. Fact Finding – significant findings and conclusions (1 paragraph with more than one
finding and conclusion to be drawn; source is the case study and responses to questions
posed in the Case Study Interview Questions discussion)
d. Current Costs – cost of current system (1 short paragraph; source is the case study and
responses to questions posed in the Case Study Interview Questions discussion)
Feasibility Analysis: This is not a complete Feasibility Report; instead it is a discussion of
whether and how the proposed systems is technically, financially and organizationally
feasible. Describe what aspects of the organization in the case study and the proposed
system make it technically, financially and organizationally feasible. [Jawahar, p. 65]
a. Technical Feasibility (1 paragraph)
b. Financial Feasibility (1 paragraph)
c. Organizational/Behavioral Feasibility (1 paragraph)
Recommendation for further action
a. An estimate of how long it would take to implement the system and have it available for
use, and a rough cost estimate for the entire project (short paragraph with estimated
time and cost)
b. Expected benefits – tangible (with estimated quantification) and intangible benefits
(introductory paragraph and list of tangible (quantified) and intangible benefits) [Conger,
p. 148]
Submitting Your Assignment
Submit your document via your Assignment Folder as Microsoft Word document, or a document that can
be ready using MS Word, with your last name included in the filename.
Use the Grading Rubric below to be sure you have covered all aspects of the assignment.
Stage 1: Preliminary Investigation Report
Description of
< 60% Far Above Standards Above Standards Meets Standards Below Standards Well Below Standards 9-10 Points 8 Points 7 Points 6 Points 0-5 Points The introduction includes the statement of the problem, who initiated and who conducted the investigation, and is clear, logical, derived from the Case Study, and demonstrates a sophisticated level of writing. The introduction includes the statement of the problem, who initiated and who conducted the investigation, and is clear, logical, derived from the Case Study, and demonstrates a clear understanding of the course concepts. 8 Points The introduction includes the statement of the problem, who initiated and who conducted the investigation; is adequate, and is derived from the Case Study. The background for the business case is not clear, logical and/or derived from the Case Study. It may not include the statement of the problem, who initiated and who conducted the investigation. Introduction is not included, or demonstrates little effort. 7 Points 6 Points 0-5 Points The basis of the system request, including an explanation of major problems or opportunities is provided, and is clear, specific, and logical, appropriate to the Case Study and demonstrates a sophisticated level of writing. 18-20 Points The basis of the system request, including an explanation of major problems or opportunities is provided, and is clear, specific, and logical, appropriate to the Case Study and demonstrates effective writing. The basis of the system request, including an explanation of major problems or opportunities is provided, and is adequate and appropriate to the Case Study. The basis of the system request is unclear, too general, and/or not appropriate to the Case Study. It may not provide an explanation of major problems or opportunities. Description of Problem is not submitted, or demonstrates little effort. 16-17 Points 14-15 Points 12-13 Points 0-11 Points Findings include scope, constraints, fact finding results and conclusions, and current system costs, and is clear, specific, and logical, appropriate to the Case Study and demonstrates a sophisticated level of writing. Findings include scope, constraints, fact finding results and conclusions, and current system costs, and is clear, specific, and logical, appropriate to the Case Study and demonstrates effective writing. Findings include scope, constraints, fact finding results and conclusions, and current system costs, and is adequate and appropriate to the Case Study. Findings may not include scope, constraints, fact finding results and conclusions, and current system costs. Findings are not provided, or demonstrates little effort. 9-10 Points Stage 1: Preliminary Investigation Report Possible Points 10 10 3 20 Feasibility Analysis Recommendation Format 27-30 Points 24-26 Points 21-23 Points 18-20 Points 0-17 Points Feasibility Analysis correctly and convincingly explains the technical, economic and organizational/ behavioral feasibility of the proposed system. Demonstrates a sophisticated level of writing. 18-20 Points Feasibility Analysis correctly explains the technical, economic and organizational/ behavioral feasibility of the proposed system. Is appropriate to the case study and demonstrates effective writing. 16-17 Points Feasibility Analysis explains the technical, economic and organizational/ behavioral feasibility of the proposed system. Is appropriate to the case study. Feasibility Analysis may not explain the technical, economic and organizational/ behavioral feasibility of the proposed system. Feasibility Analysis is not included, or demonstrates little effort. 14-15 Points 12-13 Points 0-11 Points Recommendation is clear, convincing, and includes estimated time and cost, and tangible and intangible benefits. Demonstrates a sophisticated level of writing. 9-10 Points Recommendation is clear, and includes estimated time and cost, and tangible and intangible benefits. Is appropriate to the case study and demonstrates effective writing. 8 Points Recommendation includes estimated time and cost, and tangible and intangible benefits. Is appropriate to the case study. Recommendation may not include estimated time and cost, and/or tangible and intangible benefits. Recommendation is not included or demonstrates little effort. 7 Points 6 Points 0-5 Points Submission reflects effective organization and sophisticated writing; follows instructions provided; uses correct structure, grammar, and spelling; presented in a professional format; any references used are appropriately incorporated and cited using APA style. Submission reflects effective organization and clear writing; follows instructions provided; uses correct structure, grammar, and spelling; presented in a professional format; any references used are appropriately incorporated and cited using APA style. Submission is adequate, is somewhat organized, follows instructions provided; contains minimal grammar and/or spelling errors; and follows APA style for any references and citations. Submission is not well organized, and/or does not follow instructions provided; and/or contains grammar and/or spelling errors; and/or does not follow APA style for any references and citations. May demonstrate inadequate level of writing. Document is extremely poorly written and does not convey the information. 20 10 TOTAL Points Possible Stage 1: Preliminary Investigation Report 30 100 4 Stage 1: Preliminary Investigation Report 5

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