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please follow the instructions in the attached document, and include comments in the code as well.

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It should be done by those subjects:

-If statements

-while loops


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-For loops


– characters, strings, and structures

-custom functions.

EML3035: Project #1
Real Estate Mogul: Due Wednesday, November 8th 2023
The goal of this project is to take on the role of an architect and draw a neighborhood
of your client’s dream house. As the perfect architect, you are going to draw an
incredible, totally realistic version of their future residence, similar to the drawing
Figure 1: General goal for this assignment.
The two-dimensional house must include:
– Two walls, a floor, and a ceiling (these 4 lines make up the base of the
o The base of the house is painted a color of your choice
– A triangular roof that is symmetric (requires two pieces of wood, does not
include the ceiling attached to the base)
– A rectangular door centered in the house
– Extra Credit:
o Include a circular doorknob in the door
The general idea is that the client will tell you what they want their house to look
like. You will prompt them for dimensions, check that the dimensions abide by
various constraints, and then draw the neighborhood accordingly.
Specifics of a House:
Figure 2 shows more specific geometries that we are interested in. These include:
– The width of the house
– The height of the walls (this is not the height of the house, just the vertical
– The height of the roof (measured from the house’s ceiling)
– A door of a certain width and height
– A constant distance between houses
Figure 2: Specific geometries we care about.
The constraints for these dimensions are provided in Table 1 below. This table also
shows the order in which you will ask for things. The lower limit is the minimal
allowable dimension while the upper limit is the maximum allowable dimension,
i.e., these boundaries are acceptable for the construction of the house. All dimensions
with units are in feet.
Table 1: Allowable quantities for your neighborhood. Also the order in which you should ask the client for their input.
Lower Limit
Upper Limit
Number of Houses
Distance between Houses
House Width
Wall Height
Roof Height
Door Height
Door Width
* The roof height being zero means that there is no triangular roof, it is just the
horizontal ceiling (the one part of the house’s base).
In addition to the constraints provided in Table 1, other things that must be
considered are:
1) The houses are identical.
a. They should also be in one figure (one coordinate axis), not multiple
figures (see the beginning of NS#6 to understand what I mean by this).
b. The x- and y-axes units (and labels) should be in feet.
2) The amount of material:
a. For the house base (i.e., the two walls, the floor, and the horizontal
ceiling), you only have a supply of 140 feet per house. If the user
submits entries that surpass that, they need to know so they can
resubmit new dimensions.
b. The triangular roof wood has not been purchased yet, so you need to let
the client know how much wood you will need for one house. This is
essentially the total length of wood needed for the two slanted sides of
your triangle (NOT the base, since that is the ceiling of the house and
is built using the 140 foot supply discussed in the bullet above).
3) Paint:
a. The base of the house should be painted a certain color of your choice
(not white).
b. There should be no paint on the door or on the triangular roof.
i. Also, paint shouldn’t extend off the boundaries of the house.
c. Do not use any predefined functions that we haven’t talked about in
4) Doorknob (for 5 points extra credit):
a. The doorknob y-position should be halfway up the door height
b. The doorknob x-position should be 25% away from the left side of the
door, i.e., if the door was 100 feet wide, the knob must be positioned 25
feet from the left side of the door.
Summary and Recommendations:
First recommendation, do things on paper first. Write a flow chart, derive
equations, draw pictures of the house to get a feel for the game plan before you start
coding. Once you start coding, I recommend splitting your tasks into pieces, so it
doesn’t overwhelm you all at once:
1) Write the code for getting all the information from the user
a. Maybe just focus on the first prompt: the number of houses. And make
sure that this works exactly as you would like before moving onto the
next prompt.
b. Assume the user makes mistakes to test that the code is working as
c. Sections may help troubleshoot areas individually if needed.
2) Draw one house.
a. Confirm that you can draw one house with the standard dimensions
provided. Since the entire “neighborhood” is identical, drawing one
house requires a lot of attention.
b. This will require some math, so definitely use paper to understand what
is happening.
3) Draw the neighborhood.
a. This will also require some math, so pictures will help set up a game
The final page of this document shows the Command Window for random user
inputs with the appropriate responses. Your code should behave in the same way
with the same text outputs. This includes:
• Letting the user know if they made a mistake.
• Giving them the opportunity to fix that mistake.
o They may make MULTIPLE mistakes over and over again, so you have
to consider that as well.
• Telling them the amount of wood needed for the roof.
• If you choose not to do the extra credit, just leave off the doorknob prompt
entirely when asking the user for commands.
I may glance at your final code to see if you brute forced the code to work. For
example, if I say I want 8 houses, I do NOT want to see the same code copy/pasted
8 times. Besides this, I will mostly act as the user and confirm that the code is
behaving as expected.
If it doesn’t do what it is supposed to do, then you will receive points off.
• Do not submit your code late. It is due Wednesday, November 8th at
11:59 PM.
• You will submit your .m file to Canvas so I can quickly download it and open
it in MATLAB.
o Make sure your file name is in the format below. I will take one
point off if it is not.
o LastName_FirstName_Project1.m
▪ Freidkes_Brett_Project1.m  example
This should be a fun and interesting project, please post on the Discussion Board if
you have ANY questions at all. I want things to be completely clear. Thanks!!
Hello Client! Welcome to this program to build your ideal neighborhood!
Please enter the number of houses you would like (1-10): 12
Number of houses is not valid. Please try again.
Please enter the number of houses you would like (1-10): 3
Please enter how much space you would like between houses (10-50 ft): 51
Distance between houses is not valid. Please try again.
Please enter how much space you would like between houses (10-50 ft): 50
Please enter the house width (20-40 ft): 50
House width is not within proper specifications. Please try again.
Please enter the house width (20-40 ft): 40
Please enter the wall height (20-40 ft): 10
Wall height is not within proper specifications. Please try again.
Please enter the wall height (20-40 ft): 40
Sorry, these dimensions exceed material limit per house. Please try again.
Please enter the house width (20-40 ft): 30
Please enter the wall height (20-40 ft): 20
Please enter how tall you would like your roof to be (0-20 ft): 30
Roof height is not within proper specifications. Please try again.
Please enter how tall you would like your roof to be (0-20 ft): 10
You will need 36.06 feet of wood for this roof.
Please enter height of door (6-10 ft): 5
Door height is not within proper specifications. Please try again.
Please enter height of door (6-10 ft): 7
Please enter width of door (5-8 ft): 10
Door width is not within proper specifications. Please try again.
Please enter width of door (5-8 ft): 5
Would you like door knobs installed? (1 for yes, 0 for no): 3
Knob decision is not correct. Please try again.
Would you like door knobs installed? (1 for yes, 0 for no): 1

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