Computer Science Question

Has to be in Java language, struggling with interface and polymorphism

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COP-3337 Programming II
Programming Assignment 3:
Input / Output, Interface, & Polymorphism
Florida International University
In this assignment, you implement a program for storing the personal information of
students and teachers of a school in a comma-separated values (.csv) file.
Problem Specification
In order to implement the system, you need to write a java program that gets the personal
information of individuals from the console and store it in different rows of the output .csv
Input Format
User enters personal information of n students and teachers using the console in the following
Position1 Name1 StudentID1 TeacherID1 Phone1
Position2 Name2 StudentID2 TeacherID2 Phone2
Position3 Name3 StudentID3 TeacherID3 Phone3

Positionn Namen StudentIDn TeacherIDn Phonen
Please note that the first line contains only an integer counting the number of lines
following the first line.
In each of the n given input lines,
ˆ Position must be one of the following three strings “student”, “teacher”, or “TA”.
ˆ Name must be a string of two words separated by a single comma only.
ˆ StudentID and TeacherID must be either “0” or a string of 5 digits. If Position is
“teacher”, StudentID is zero, but TeacherID is not zero. If Position is “student”,
TeacherID is zero, but StudentID is not zero. If Position is “TA”, neither StudentID
nor TeacherID are zero.
ˆ Phone is a string of 10 digits.
If the user enters information in a way that is not consistent with the mentioned format, your
program must gracefully handle the situation by printing a message on the screen asking the
user to partially/completely re-enter the information that was previously entered in a wrong
Data Structure, Interface and Classes
Your program must have an interface called “CSVPrintable” containing the following three
ˆ String getName ();
ˆ int getID ();
ˆ void csvPrintln ( PrintWriter out);
You need to have two classes called “Student” and “Teacher” implementing CSVPrintable
interface and another class called “TA” extending Student class. Both Student and Teacher
classes must have appropriate variables to store Name and ID.
In order to store Phone, Student class must have a phone variable of type long that can
store a 10-digit integer; while the Teacher class must have a phone variable of type int to
store only the 4-digit postfix of the phone number.
Method getName has to be implemented by both Student and Teacher classes in the
same way. Class Student must implement getID in a way that it returns the StudentID
and ignores the TeacherID given by the input. Class Teacher must implement getID in a
way that it returns the TeacherID and ignores the StudentID given by the input. Class TA
must override the Student implementation of getID so that it returns the maximum value of
StudentID and TeacherID.
Method csvPrintln has to be implemented by Student and Teacher classes (and overridden
by TA class) so that it writes the following string followed by a new line on the output stream
getName() + “,” + getID() + “,” + phone
Output .csv File
The program must store the personal information of students, teachers and TAs in a commaseparated values (.csv) file called “out.csv”. You need to construct the output file by repetitively calling the csvPrintln method of every CSVPrintable object instantiated in your
program. The output .csv file stores the information of every individual in a separate row;
while each column of the file stores different type of information regarding the students and
teachers (i.e. Name, ID and phone columns). Please note that you should be able to open
the output file of your program using MS-Excel and view it as a table.
Sample Input/Output
Assume that the user enters the following four lines in console:
Teacher Alex,Martinez 0 98765 3053489999
Student Rose,Gonzales 56789 0 9876543210
TA John,Cruz 88888 99999 1234567890
The program must write the following content in the out.csv file.
Alex Martinez,98765,9999
Rose Gonzales,56789,9876543210
John Cruz,99999,1234567890
You need to submit a .zip file compressing the Java source file(s) of your program (.java

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