Project management with Microsoft project

Prince Sultan UniversityCollage of Computer and Information Sciences
Computer Science Department
CS 202: Computer Applications for Business
Project Management with Microsoft Project
Project Title: Website Development Project
Due Date: Dec 12, 2023
Instructor: Dr. Abed Al Raoof Bsoul
Project Overview:
You are tasked with managing a website development project for a fictional company. The project
involves creating a professional website to showcase the company’s products and services. The
project should be completed within a specified timeframe, and you will use Microsoft Project to
plan, monitor, and control the project.
The purpose of the website development project is to create a modern and user-friendly website
for a fictional company, a leading provider of worldwide shipping. The website will serve as the
primary online platform for showcasing the company’s offerings, attracting potential customers,
and providing essential information about the business. You may refer to one of the current
companies or you may assume your own company.
Project Objectives
The following is a list of tasks and their subtasks along with each task duration, dependency and
lead and lag times. The requirements of the project are stated here on the last page.
1. Design and Development:
Create an aesthetically pleasing and responsive website design that aligns with the fictional
company’s branding guidelines.
Develop a user interface that enhances the user experience and encourages engagement.
The Streamlined subtasks for Website Design and User Interface Development:
A. Define Design Requirements:
• Conduct stakeholder meetings to gather insights into fictional company’s brand and
vision for the website.
• Review branding guidelines.
• Duration: 1 week
• Dependencies: None
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Design Strategist
▪ Project Manager
▪ Stakeholders representing fictional company’s brand vision
o Material Resources:
▪ Meeting Space/Tools for Stakeholder Meetings
▪ Branding Guidelines Document
B. Wireframing and Mood Board:
• Develop wireframes for key pages, incorporating design elements from a mood board
capturing the desired aesthetics.
• Duration: 2 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 1
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ UX/UI Designers
▪ Graphic Designers
o Material Resources:
▪ Wireframing Tools
▪ Design Software
▪ Mood Board Creation Tools
C. High-Fidelity Design Mockups:
• Create high-fidelity design mockups based on approved wireframes.
• Include detailed visual elements, imagery, and branding components.

Duration: 3 weeks
Dependencies: Task 2
Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Graphic Designers
▪ UI Designers
▪ Branding Specialists
o Material Resources:
▪ Design Software
▪ Branding Guidelines
▪ Visual Assets (imagery, icons)
D. Interactive Prototypes:
• Develop interactive prototypes to showcase the user interface and simulate user
• Gather feedback on both design and usability.
• Duration: 2 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 3
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ UX/UI Designers
▪ Interaction Designers
▪ Developers
o Material Resources:
▪ Prototyping Tools
▪ User Feedback Collection Tools
E. Front-End Development:
• Translate the approved design into code using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
• Ensure cross-browser compatibility and responsiveness.
• Duration: 4 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 4
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Front-End Developers
▪ UI Designers (for design implementation)
▪ QA Engineers (for cross-browser testing)
o Material Resources:
▪ Development Environments
▪ Code Version Control Systems
▪ Cross-Browser Testing Tools
F. Engagement and Animation:
• Integrate engagement features such as interactive sliders, calls-to-action, and subtle

Add micro interactions for enhanced user experience.
Duration: 2 weeks
Dependencies: Task 5
Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Interaction Designers
▪ Front-End Developers
o Material Resources:
▪ Animation Libraries/Tools
▪ Design Software
G. Usability Testing and Optimization:
• Conduct usability testing on interactive prototypes.
• Optimize the design based on feedback, ensuring accessibility and fast load times.
• Duration: 3 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 6
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ UX/UI Designers
▪ QA Engineers
▪ Usability Testers
o Material Resources:
▪ Usability Testing Tools
▪ Optimization Tools
H. User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and Final Approval:
• Conduct UAT with stakeholders to ensure the final design and user interface meet
• Obtain final approval for the website design.
• Duration: 2 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 7
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Project Manager
▪ Stakeholders
▪ QA Team
o Material Resources:
▪ UAT Environments
▪ Approval Workflow Documentation
Tasks Dependencies:

Task 1 must be completed before Task 2 can begin.
Task 2 is a prerequisite for Task 3.
Task 3 must be finished before Task 4 starts.

Task 4 precedes Task 5.
Task 5 is a prerequisite for Task 6.
Task 6 must be completed before Task 7 starts.
Task 7 precedes Task 8.
Lag and Lead Times:

There is no lag time between Task 1 and Task 2.
A slight lag of 1 week between Task 2 and Task 3 allows for thorough design
Minimal lag (0 weeks) between Task 3 and Task 4 to maintain continuity.
A short lead time of 1 week between Task 4 and Task 5 for early development initiation.
No lag between Task 5 and Task 6 to seamlessly transition from development to
engagement features.
A minimal lag of 1 week between Task 6 and Task 7 for thorough usability testing.
No lag between Task 7 and Task 8 to expedite final approval.
2. Content Creation:
Generate compelling and relevant content for the website, including text, images, and
multimedia elements.
Ensure that the content accurately represents [Fictional Company Name]’s products/services,
values, and mission.
The Streamlined subtasks for Content Generation:
A. Content Planning and Research:
• Conduct meetings with stakeholders to understand fictional company’s
products/services, values, and mission.
• Perform keyword research to identify relevant terms.
• Duration: 2 weeks
• Dependencies: None
• Lag/Lead: No lag; this task can be initiated concurrently with other tasks.
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Content Strategist
▪ Stakeholder Representatives
▪ SEO Specialist (for keyword research)
o Material Resources:
▪ Meeting Scheduling Tools
▪ Keyword Research Tools
B. Content Creation:

Develop an outline for the website content, including main pages and specific
• Write compelling text content for each page, ensuring alignment with
products/services, values, and mission.
• Duration: 4 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 1
• Lag/Lead: Minimal lag (1 week) for stakeholders to provide initial insights before
detailed content creation begins.
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Content Writers
▪ Subject Matter Experts (for product-specific content)
▪ Editors
o Material Resources:
▪ Writing Tools (word processors)
▪ Document Collaboration Tools
▪ Style Guides
C. Visual Content Development:
• Source or create high-quality images that complement the text content and align with
branding guidelines.
• Develop multimedia elements, such as videos or infographics, to enhance user
• Duration: 3 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 2 (Start after completing the initial draft of text content)
• Lag/Lead: Minimal lag (1 week) for initial text content to guide the creation of visual
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Graphic Designers
▪ Multimedia Specialists
▪ Content Creators
o Material Resources:
▪ Design Tools (Adobe Creative Suite, Canva, etc.)
▪ Stock Photo/Video Resources
▪ Multimedia Editing Software
D. Content Review and Optimization:
• Share the drafted content with stakeholders for review and approval. Revise based on
• Incorporate relevant keywords into the content for optimization.
• Duration: 2 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 3

Lag/Lead: Minimal lag (1 week) for stakeholders to review visual and text content
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Content Editors
▪ Stakeholder Reviewers
o Material Resources:
▪ Collaborative Editing Tools
▪ Keyword Optimization Tools
E. Final Approval and Implementation:
• Obtain final approval for the content.
• Implement the approved content on the website, ensuring proper formatting and
• Duration: 2 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 4
• Lag/Lead: No lag; implementation can begin as soon as final approval is obtained.
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Project Manager
▪ Stakeholder Approver
▪ Web Content Manager
o Material Resources:
▪ Content Management System (CMS)
▪ Web Development Tools
▪ Approval Workflow Documentation
3. Functionality:
Implement essential functionalities, such as a contact form, product/service pages, and a
navigation menu for easy site exploration.
Integrate any specific features requested by the client, such as e-commerce capabilities or
interactive elements.
The Streamlined subtasks for Functionality:
A. Functional Requirements Analysis:
• Collaborate with stakeholders to gather detailed requirements for essential
functionalities and specific features requested by the client.
• Duration: 2 weeks
• Dependencies: None
• Lag/Lead: No lag; this task can be initiated concurrently with other tasks.

Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Business analysts
▪ Project managers
▪ System architects
o Material Resources:
▪ Access to project documentation
▪ Collaboration tools for communication
B. Contact Form Implementation:
• Design and implement a contact form with fields for name, email, message, etc.
• Integrate the contact form with the website’s backend for data capture and storage.
• Duration: 3 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 1
• Lag/Lead: Minimal lag (1 week) for requirements analysis to guide the initial stages
of implementation.
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Front-end developers
▪ Back-end developers
▪ UX/UI designers
o Material Resources:
▪ Development environments
▪ Form-building tools or libraries
C. Product/Service Pages Development:
• Create dedicated pages for showcasing products/services, including detailed
descriptions, images, and specifications.
• Implement a user-friendly layout for easy navigation through product/service
• Duration: 4 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 1
• Lag/Lead: Minimal lag (1 week) for requirements analysis to guide the initial stages
of development.
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Content creators/writers
▪ Front-end developers
▪ UX/UI designers
o Material Resources:
▪ Development environments
▪ Access to product/service information
D. Navigation Menu Design and Implementation:
• Design a clear and intuitive navigation menu structure.

Implement the navigation menu across all pages, ensuring easy site exploration.
Duration: 3 weeks
Dependencies: Task 1
Lag/Lead: Minimal lag (1 week) for requirements analysis to guide the initial stages
of design and implementation.
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ UX/UI designers
▪ Front-end developers
▪ Information architects
o Material Resources:
▪ Design tools
▪ Development environments
E. Client-Requested Feature Integration:
• Identify and prioritize specific features requested by the client (e.g., e-commerce
capabilities, interactive elements).
• Integrate these features into the website, ensuring they align with the overall design
and functionality.
• Duration: 6 weeks
• Dependencies: Tasks 2, 3, and 4
• Lag/Lead: Minimal lag (1 week) to allow for initial progress on essential
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Developers (front-end and back-end)
▪ Project managers
▪ Quality assurance (QA) engineers
o Material Resources:
▪ Development environments
▪ Feature specifications from the client
F. Testing of Essential Functionalities:
• Conduct thorough testing of implemented functionalities, including the contact form,
product/service pages, and navigation menu.
• Address any issues identified during testing.
• Duration: 2 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 5
• Lag/Lead: No lag; testing can begin as soon as features are integrated.
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ QA engineers
▪ Test analysts
▪ Developers for collaboration
o Material Resources:
▪ Test environments
▪ Test cases and scenarios
G. Client Review and Feedback:
• Share the implemented functionalities and features with the client for review.
• Gather feedback and make necessary adjustments based on client input.
• Duration: 2 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 6
• Lag/Lead: Minimal lag (1 week) for initial testing results to guide the client review
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Project managers
▪ Client representatives
▪ UX/UI designers (for design feedback)
o Material Resources:
▪ Collaboration tools for feedback
▪ Access to the developed features
H. Final Testing and Quality Assurance:
• Perform a final round of testing to ensure all functionalities work seamlessly together.
• Conduct quality assurance checks to verify that the implemented features meet the
client’s expectations.
• Duration: 3 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 7
• Lag/Lead: No lag; final testing can begin as soon as client feedback is received.
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ QA engineers
▪ Test analysts
▪ Developers for collaboration
o Material Resources:
▪ Finalized test environments
▪ Updated test cases and scenarios
4. Security:
Implement security measures to protect user data and prevent vulnerabilities.
Ensure the website complies with industry-standard security practices.
Tasks for Implementing Security Measures:
A. Security Requirements Analysis:
• Conduct a thorough analysis of security requirements based on industry standards and
• Identify potential vulnerabilities and risks specific to the website and its
• Duration: 2 weeks
• Dependencies: None
• Lag/Lead: No lag; this task can be initiated concurrently with other tasks.
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Security analysts
▪ Information security officers
▪ Compliance experts
o Material Resources:
▪ Security frameworks and standards documentation
▪ Access to relevant industry regulations
B. SSL/TLS Implementation:
• Install and configure SSL/TLS certificates to enable secure data transmission between
the user’s browser and the server.
• Ensure that all pages, especially those handling sensitive information, use HTTPS.
• Duration: 3 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 1
• Lag/Lead: Minimal lag (1 week) for initial analysis to guide SSL/TLS
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Network security specialists
▪ System administrators
▪ DevOps engineers
o Material Resources:
▪ SSL/TLS certificates
▪ Web server configurations
C. Data Encryption:
• Implement encryption mechanisms to protect sensitive user data, both in transit and at
• Utilize strong encryption algorithms to safeguard information such as passwords and
personal details.
• Duration: 4 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 2
• Lag/Lead: Minimal lag (1 week) for SSL/TLS implementation to guide data
encryption measures.
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Cryptography experts
▪ Database administrators
▪ Security analysts
o Material Resources:
▪ Encryption algorithms and protocols
▪ Encryption key management systems
D. User Authentication and Authorization:
• Implement secure user authentication mechanisms, including strong password
policies and multi-factor authentication if applicable.
• Set up role-based access control (RBAC) to ensure proper authorization and limit
access to sensitive areas of the website.
• Duration: 4 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 3
• Lag/Lead: Minimal lag (1 week) for data encryption to guide user authentication and
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Identity and access management specialists
▪ Security analysts
▪ System administrators
o Material Resources:
▪ Authentication mechanisms (e.g., multi-factor authentication)
▪ Role-based access control (RBAC) systems
E. Input Validation and Sanitization:
• Implement robust input validation and data sanitization to prevent common
vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).
• Validate and sanitize user inputs on both the client and server sides.
• Duration: 3 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 4
• Lag/Lead: Minimal lag (1 week) for user authentication and authorization to guide
input validation and sanitization.
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Security analysts
▪ Developers
▪ Quality assurance (QA) engineers
o Material Resources:
▪ Security testing tools
▪ Input validation libraries
F. Regular Security Audits and Testing:
• Conduct regular security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.

Perform penetration testing and code reviews to proactively identify and mitigate
security risks.
• Duration: Ongoing (regular intervals)
• Dependencies: Task 5
• Lag/Lead: Continuous; security testing should be an ongoing process throughout
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Security auditors
▪ Penetration testers
▪ Security analysts
o Material Resources:
▪ Security testing tools (e.g., penetration testing tools)
▪ Vulnerability scanning tools
G. Security Patching and Updates:
• Establish a process for promptly applying security patches and updates for all
software components, including the web server, CMS, and third-party plugins.
• Duration: Ongoing (as needed)
• Dependencies: Task 6
• Lag/Lead: Continuous; security updates should be applied promptly as they become
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ System administrators
▪ DevOps engineers
▪ Security analysts
o Material Resources:
▪ Patch management systems
▪ Access to software vendor updates
H. Monitoring and Incident Response:
• Set up continuous monitoring for security events and anomalies.
• Develop an incident response plan to address security incidents promptly and
• Duration: Ongoing (continuous)
• Dependencies: Task 7
• Lag/Lead: Continuous; monitoring and incident response should be ongoing.
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Security operations center (SOC) analysts
▪ Incident responders
▪ Security analysts
o Material Resources:
▪ Security information and event management (SIEM) tools
▪ Incident response plans
I. Compliance Checks:
• Ensure that the website complies with relevant industry standards and regulations
(e.g., GDPR, HIPAA).
• Regularly review and update compliance measures as needed.
• Duration: Ongoing (regular intervals)
• Dependencies: Task 8
• Lag/Lead: Continuous; compliance checks should be part of regular security
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Compliance officers
▪ Security analysts
▪ Legal experts
o Material Resources:
▪ Access to compliance frameworks and documentation
▪ Audit tools and checklists
J. Security Training and Awareness:
• Provide security training to the development team and other stakeholders.
• Foster a culture of security awareness to mitigate human-related security risks.
• Duration: 2 weeks (initial setup, ongoing training)
• Dependencies: Task 9
• Lag/Lead: Continuous; ongoing training is essential.
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Security awareness trainers
▪ Human resources (HR) representatives
▪ Security analysts
o Material Resources:
▪ Training materials and modules
▪ Security awareness programs
5. Testing:
Conduct thorough testing of the website’s functionality, performance, and compatibility.
Address and resolve any identified issues or bugs.
Streamlined Tasks for Website Testing:
A. Test Planning:
• Develop a comprehensive test plan outlining testing objectives, scope, and resources.
• Duration: 2 weeks
• Dependencies: None
• Lag/Lead: No lag; this task can be initiated concurrently with other tasks.
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Test manager or lead
▪ Test analysts
▪ Subject matter experts (SMEs)
o Material Resources:
▪ Test planning tools (test management software)
▪ Project documentation and requirements
B. Functional and Performance Testing:
• Conduct combined functional and performance testing to verify features and assess
website responsiveness.
• Duration: 4 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 1
• Lag/Lead: Minimal lag (1 week) for initial planning to guide testing.
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Test analysts
▪ Performance testers
▪ Subject matter experts for domain-specific testing
o Material Resources:
▪ Testing tools (automated testing tools, performance testing tools)
▪ Test environments (test servers, databases)
C. Compatibility and Usability Testing:
• Test the website on various browsers and devices to ensure compatibility.
• Engage real users for usability testing to gather feedback on user experience.
• Duration: 3 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 2
• Lag/Lead: Minimal lag (1 week) for functional and performance testing to guide
compatibility and usability testing.
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Test analysts
▪ Usability testers (real users or usability experts)
▪ Browser and device testing specialists
o Material Resources:
▪ Testing tools for cross-browser testing
▪ Various devices and browsers for compatibility testing
D. Issue Identification and Resolution:
• Identify and document issues related to functionality, performance, compatibility, and
• Assign tasks to developers for issue resolution and conduct ongoing testing to verify
• Duration: 5 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 3
• Lag/Lead: Continuous; issue resolution may begin as soon as issues are identified.
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Test analysts
▪ Developers
▪ Quality assurance (QA) engineers
o Material Resources:
▪ Bug tracking tools
▪ Collaboration tools for communication
E. Final Testing and User Acceptance Testing (UAT):
• Conduct a final round of testing to ensure all identified issues are resolved.
• Engage stakeholders or end-users in UAT to validate the website meets their
• Duration: 3 weeks
• Dependencies: Task 4
• Lag/Lead: Minimal lag (1 week) for issue resolution to guide final testing and UAT.
• Resources for:
o Human Resources:
▪ Test analysts
▪ End-users for UAT
▪ Test coordinators
o Material Resources:
▪ UAT environments
▪ UAT documentation and test scenarios
Project Tasks End Here
Requirements of the Project
1. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS):
– Create a detailed WBS for the project.
– Break down the project into tasks and subtasks.
2. Task Dependencies:
– Use task relationships such as Finish-to-Start, Start-to-Start, Finish-to-Finish, and
3. Resource Allocation:
– Assign resources to tasks.
4. Critical Path Analysis:
– Identify the critical path in the project.
1. Project Plan in Microsoft Project:
– Submit the Microsoft Project file (.mpp) containing the detailed project plan.
2. Gantt Chart:
– Generate and submit a Gantt chart for the project.
3. Resource Allocation Report:
– Provide a resource allocation report from Microsoft Project.
Evaluation Criteria:
Your project will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
• Completeness of Project Plan: Did the project plan cover all the required aspects,
including scope, WBS, task dependencies, resource allocation, timeline and critical
• Effective Use of Microsoft Project: How well did you use Microsoft Project to create
and manage the project plan?
• A brief presentation of your project will take place after the submission deadline.
Submission Guidelines:

Submit the Microsoft Project file (.mpp) and any additional documents (Gantt chart,
resource allocation report) in a zip file.
Include a brief summary of the project, highlighting key milestones and challenges
Good Luck

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