Python Visual Studio Code Worksheet

1Playing Word Games
You will use Python and Visual Studio Code (VSC) to finish two computer programs for
this assignment. Submit the Python program script files with the solutions (file extension is py)
in Blackboard by Sunday at 11:59 PM. Programming games might be more interesting than
some of the other topics so far. In this assignment, you will create two word-based games: a oneplayer game similar to Scrabble and a game called Ghost.
Script Requirements
When writing and saving your programming files, ensure that you heed the instructions.
Specific things must be placed in the programming code for all programming coursework. The
beginning of each script file must include the assignment name, the purpose of the programming
code, the date it was written or revised, and who wrote the code. These comments can be written
as line comments or a commenting block. Figure 1 depicts an example of what this might look
like in your file. Instead of creating script files for this problem set, you will use skeleton files
explained further in these instructions. When you have completed and tested your script files,
submit the completed script files for this assignment in Blackboard.
All analysis begins with a problem to solve, a question to answer, or something to prove
(you might call this a hypothesis). The following information covers the programming
requirements and includes hints for completing this work. There are four problems that you need
to solve for this assignment.
Scrabble-Like Game Description
In this game, letters are dealt to players. Each valid word is worth points based on the
word’s length and the letters used. However, unlike Scrabble, there is no game board. However,
Figure 1
Content Needed in Every Script File
Assignment 6 Problem 1: Creating a one-player word game similar to
September 22, 2022
John Smith
Note. This contains the name of the assignment (Assignment 6 Problem 1), purpose of this
assignment (creating a one-player word game similar to Scrabble), date (September 22,
2022), and the name of the developer (John Smith).
unlike Scrabble, there is no game board. Several functions are provided, and some you are
required to create. Tests will need to be conducted on functions independent of the other
functions and in tandem. As a final note, ensure that your script is riddled with comments
explaining what each variable represents, what each function does and returns, and any other
personal nuances in your programming code. Proper commenting is probably the easiest points
earned in this course. When you submit this programming code, submit the final versions and the
previous revisions.
Getting Started
There are a few different files that accompany this assignment. To complete the first
game, you’ll work with a skeleton file, a testing file, and a word list (covering problems one
through five). The file is a skeleton file. Some unit testing has been created for
you in the file The second game is accomplished by completing the
programming in the skeleton file named You’ll also use the word list
for this program. While programming, all files must be saved to the same folder. When you
submit your work, don’t submit the word list.
Run the Code
Open the file Do not modify this file yet. Look through the code. This
code loads the words for word.txt and calls the start_game function. More tasks are
necessary to make this a game, but this code should run right now. If working correctly, you will
see the output shown in Figure 2. If it does not work, ensure all the files are in the same folder. If
it still doesn’t work, ensure that you completed the steps in the first problem set under the
heading Establish the Working Directory.
Unit Testing
This assignment requires you to design several modular functions, then glue them
together to create the game. Instead of waiting until the entire game is ready, inspect what you
expect from each line of code. Test each function as you write them before coding other
functions. Unit testing is important whenever you code. There are three tests written for you to
get you started. As you progress through this assignment, run If
your code works as expected, this file will return a message indicating your success. Should your
code be insufficient or cause an error, a message indicating your lack of success will be
provided. The three pre-written unit test functions are test_scoring_words,
test_hand_updates, and test_word_validity. These script files will test the functions
calc_word_score, hand_update, and word_is_valid, respectively.
Figure 2
Console Output from Running Skeleton Before Any Changes
Loading word list from file…
83667 words loaded
start_game not implemented
playing_hands not implemented
Note. This is an example of what the expected output will look like when you
run the program and a user answers the questions. The text is yellow reflects
the output from the program. The text in white reflects the user’s input.
Problem One: Word Scores
This game requires scores to be calculated from the words played. You need to design a
solution to this problem using the function calc_word_score. This function should accept a
string of lowercase letters as input (a word) and the maximum hand size. It will return a score.
How a word arrives at this function or how this function fits in the big picture is outside the
scope of this objective.
There are several considerations. Some are safe to assume, while other things are unsafe
to assume. Lastly, there are specific considerations when calculating the score. It is safe to
assume that the word passed to this function is always a lowercase string (although it could be an
empty string). Letter values are static; they are defined in the dictionary points_by_letter.
It’s not safe to assume that there are always seven letters in a hand. (That’s why it’s passed as a
variable.) As a bonus, if the word length is equivalent to the maximum hand size, the player gets
an extra 50 points.
When you have finished solving this problem, use the test file to test your function.
Additionally, make sure that you develop tests for this function that satisfy boundaries that are
not assessed with the test file you were given. When you have completed testing this function,
ensure any testing written in the file is commented out before submitting your
work. If you document your test code elsewhere, ensure that it is included in your submission
(even if it’s a separate file). Make sure that your comments clarify the purpose of this type of
Problem Two: Updating the Hand
Initially, a player is given a quasi-random set of letters. (There is a vowel-to-consonant
ratio requirement.) The player’s hand may have more than one of a specific letter. The hand is
stored in a dictionary to ensure that control can be maintained. For example, if the randomly
chosen letters were e, e, m, t, s, w, and s, the dictionary would group them like terms. The
dictionary that represents this hand is {e: 2, m: 1, t: 1, s: 2, w:1}. The data is
represented this way for several reasons. Some of the reasons will be understood as you work
through the code to complete different elements of this game. You’ll get an error if you query for
a key that isn’t in a dictionary. To get around this with modular programming, you will use the
dictionary method .get(). However, letters in out. When you need to determine if a letter is in
this dictionary, you can use this type of call: hand.get(‘a’, 0). If the key is in the
dictionary, it returns the value. If it doesn’t, it returns 0.
Provided Functions
This skeleton has several predefined functions, into_dictionary, show_hand, and
dealing_hands. Near the top of the skeleton file, the function into_dictionary is
provided. If this function is called with a string of letters, it returns a dictionary. The keys are the
letters; the values represent that letter’s frequency. This is the same type of dictionary used in the
game hands. The name sufficiently summarizes the purpose of show_hand. This function prints
the user’s hand to the terminal. The hand that a player is dealt is a set of letters chosen quasirandomly. There is a specific ratio of variables to consonants when letters are assigned.
Removing Letters from a Hand
As the player spells valid words, the letters must be removed from the hand. When the
function updating_hand is called, it returns a hand that no longer includes the letters that were
used. Consider the calls and the ways that data is handled in the functions that were provided.
Then program the solution to this problem. When you have finished the function, use the testing
file’s test_hand_updates to evaluate the function. Ensure that you develop your own tests
for any boundaries that aren’t checked.
Problem Three: Valid Words
You now have a large portion of this game complete. It’s now necessary to develop a
method to test whether the word is valid. There are two criteria. The word must be in the word
list. Additionally, the letters need to be in the player’s hand. Implement the function
word_is_valid to return true if both criteria are met and false if either is not met. When you
have finished solving this problem, use the testing file’s test_word_validity. Like the other
problems, ensure that develop additional unit tests for any boundaries not assessed.
Problem Four: Playing Hands
The next step is to implement the ability for a user to play with a single hand. Update the
function playing_hands to solve this problem. Don’t assume there are seven letters in the
player’s hand. To see what you might find in the output from this function, see Figures 3, 4, and
5. This function connects several functions together. Read through the information provided in
the skeleton to learn more about the requirements of this function. Make sure that you thoroughly
test this function and functions interaction.
Problem Five: Playing a Game
A game consists of one-to-many hands. There is one final function needed to complete
this game. Delete the code that is present in that function and is not commented.
Uncomment the code in the function start_game. No actual programming is necessary to solve
this problem, just some deleting and comment toggling. If you would like, you can try to set the
hand size to different values when you play the game.
Ghost: Another Word Game
Ghost is a two-player game. The goal is to implement an interactive Python program that
allows two humans to play the game against each other. If you are unfamiliar with this game,
take a moment to query Google or Wikipedia. The remaining topics to accomplish this objective
include the game rules, where to start, and the program expectations.
Game Rules
Players take turns contributing a letter to a word fragment when playing the game. The
player loses if they create a real word unless the word is less than four letters. Another method of
losing is to create a fragment that ensures no words can be made (i.e., ‘qz,’ there are no valid
words where these two letters are contiguous).
Getting Started
Use the skeleton file As stated earlier, this game also requires the
word list file. Like the Scrabble project, run the skeleton before making other changes. Like the
Scrabble game, the output of this file before any modifications will look like the output shown in
Figure 2. If there are errors when you run the unmodified skeleton file, use the troubleshooting
tips provided in the Getting Started section of these instructions for the Scrabble game.
There are a few additional requirements. The game must be interactive. Each turn should
clearly indicate the player responsible for the following letter and provide the word fragment at
that point. Additionally, in each turn, the program will ask the player to enter their next letter.
The program validates the entry. If the entry is a character and doesn’t cause the player to lose,
this letter is added to the substring. The game ends if a word is formed that is longer than three
letters or if it is no longer feasible to create a word from the word fragment. All code should be
within functions. (No lose code.) After you have thoroughly tested your code, comment out any
code used in testing. Like any use of strings in programming, pay attention to the casing. If it’s
possible to ensure all strings are in the same case, it’s probably a good idea to handle strings that
way. For output examples, see Figure 6. For a programming tip, see Figure 7.
Figure 3
Console Output from Function playing_hands: All Letters Used in One Turn
Current hand: a a n r d y m
Given the letters in your hand, make a word to earn points or enter ‘.’ to
end your game.
You earned an additional 50 points for using all of the letters in one
The word yardman got you 63 points. Your total score is 63.
Note. This is an example of the output of playing a hand with a word that uses every letter.
Figure 4
Console Output from Function playing_hands: Multi-Word Game
Current hand: a i l h u j s
Given the letters in your hand, make a word to earn points or enter ‘.’ to
end your game.
The word jails got you 12 points. Your total score is 12.
Current hand: u h
Given the letters in your hand, make a word to earn points or enter ‘.’ To
end your game.
The word uh got you 5 points. Your total score is 17.
Note. This is an example of the output from playing a hand with multiple words.
Figure 5
Console Output from Function playing_hands: Invalid Word
Current hand: a i l h u j s
Given the letters in your hand, make a word to earn points or enter ‘.’ to
end your game.
Invalid word; please try again.
Note. This is an example of the output from playing a hand with an invalid word.

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