Computer Science Question

Hi sow I got feedback from the instructor on Assignment 7, and I need a correction on Part A: System component details

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MISSING: The input screen(s) for clothing orders, orders management, and/or inventory management. I will upload assignment 7 as a Word document that you helped me and I was able to complete. I will also upload assignment 7 instruction PDF document.

Here is the full feedback from the instructor:

10 of 10 points – Report Guidelines and Group Communication…15 of 15 points – Part A – Management summary…40 of 45 points – Part A – System component detailsMISSING: The input screen(s) for clothing orders, orders management, and/or inventory management….10 of 10 points – Part A – Environmental requirements…15 of 15 points – Part A – Implementation requirements…5 of 5 points – Part B – Group Member Contributions

Nicholas Green & Robert Sackman
November 28, 2023
CPT 264 Assignment 6
Part A: System Design Specification Sheet
1. Management Summary
It is noteworthy that serval systems within a company are crucial to satisfying client
needs. The system for managing and ordering clothes is one of them. This is regarded
as one of the organization’s key systems that is essential to management and ordering.
Technology makes it simple for customers to view, buy, or order the kind of clothes
they require and is crucial in helping the organization manage its inventories. As a
result, the design will be crucial in enhancing clothing ordering and management as
well as making sure that the company can comprehend its internal operations and the
needs of its customers. The system will save ordering costs and assist in monitoring
stock levels. Enhancing the various functions related to inventory management,
including order tracking and stock level notifications, among others, requires the
automation of this industry.
Page 1
2. System Component Details
a. Output Design – Homepage
Shopping list
Page 2
b. Input Design – My Account
c. File and Database Design
Page 3
3. Environment Requirements of the System
a. Software Prerequisites
The system will be built with various Linux, MacOS, and Windows software
requirements in consideration. Because the system will be web-based, users will
be able to access it through a web browser. To make sure the system satisfies the
users needs, this will be crucial.
b. Physical System Requirements
The following are the physical system requirements:

Computer systems such as desktop computers or a laptop

Mobile phone


These are vital platforms that are well known for giving users access to the various
browsers required to use the platform. Additionally, this system makes it possible to download
and utilize the application on specific systems.
4. Implementation Requirements of the System
a. Procedure For Installation
To make sure the system can be implemented in the needed way, it will be
developed utilizing PHP, Python, and Java. In order to guarantee that all necessary
system components are compatible, the database will also be constructed using
HTML and MySQL. On the other hand, customers will be able to download and
install the system form the Play Store using both and API and a web-based
application. To ensure that everyone with a browser can access the system and
Page 4
fulfill the demands of ordering the clothes they require, the system will first be
played on the internet. Second, users will be able to download and install the
system on their PCs and mobile devices using an API that will be made available
for the system. This is essential to guarantee that various people may access and
utilize the system with ease.
b. Traning Process
The system is unsure of how much traning is necessary to guarantee that the
ordering procedure can be completed. Notably, customers will receive
comprehensive instructions on how to operate the system after installation or
logging. These instructions can be utilized to place orders for the various products
clothes that they require. As a result, after going through this process, customers
will know exactly what needs to be done and how to fulfill the clothing order. The
instructions will outline in detail how a user may place an order for clothing, add
credit card information, and follow the progress of their order until it is delivered
to the customers.
c. New Workflow
Users can create accounts on the system to get it to function. The user will need to
log in to the system if they already have an account. Upon successful login, the
user will be greeted with a home page featureing various clothing options. After
choosing their desired outfits, the user puts them in their cart and proceeds to pay
for them. After delivering the clothing, the user can log out and monitor the
delivery of the clothes. In order to place orders for the new stock that will be
provided, the sales manager receives a report detailing the purchases and the
Page 5
stock. Orders are received by the supplier, who then ships necessary inventory of
Page 6
Part B: Member Contribution Report
Robert Sackman did a report by describing the System Design Specifications.
Nicholas Green provided backup support for the completion of the document and revised
the final version for submission.
Page 7
(System Design Specification Sheet)

Read Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 in your “Systems Analysis and Design” Textbook
Report Guidelines and Group Communication (10 points):
Your member name(s), date, and assignment # must be at the top of each page.
Each new section/part of your paper needs to have a title.
Text must be double-spaced.
Bullet points must be used where appropriate.
Insert page numbers at the bottom of each page.
There should be NO spelling, writing or grammar errors. Do not use slang or short-hand. Proper grammar and
sentence structure count.
7. The Group Discussion thread must be up-to-date and meet all reporting guidelines.
Part A: System Design Specification Sheet
Using the blank form provided, create and submit a report describing your System Design Specifications.
Your System Design Specification sheet needs to include:
1. Management summary (15 points)
This is a summary description of your design for the “management” of the business. This outlines your
proposed design and the benefits that the new system will offer over the old system.
2. System component details (45 points)
This includes the “actual” screens and system designs. The screens and details must include all aspects
of the new information system from input screens to output screen, database screen designs etc.
For this assignment you will provide screen shots by:
a. Output Design
 Generate the MULTIPLE screens for your new system.
 These screens MUST show the all information used in the complete system.
 The screens MUST look as close to the real thing as possible.
b. Input Design
 Generate the MULTIPLE screens for your new system.
 These screens MUST show the all information used in the complete system.
 The screens MUST look as close to the real thing as possible.
c. File and Database Design
 Generate the MULTIPLE screens for your new system.
 These screens MUST show the all information used in the complete system.
 The screens MUST look as close to the real thing as possible.
3. Environmental requirements of your system (10 points)
a. Detail the software requirements for your new system (i.e. operating system).
b. Detail the physical system requirements for your new system (i.e. hardware, peripherals, etc.).
4. Implementation requirements of your system (15 points)
a. Detail the installation process (i.e. installation steps).
b. Detail the training process (i.e. how will users learn to use the new system).
c. Detail the new workflow (i.e. how the system will be used day-to-day).
Part B: WORTH 5 POINTS – Member Contribution Report
1. Create a new page to document the contribution(s) of each member of your team to this assignment.
For each team member list:
a. Who (group member name)
b. What they contributed to this assignment
Assignment Submission Steps:
1. Save your document with name, Group#_Assignment#
2. Submit in the Assignment folder in D2L.
a. All items (System Design Specification Sheet and Member Contribution Report) MUST be
comprised in a single Word file.
REMINDER: Only the Group Leader submits group assignment files; in the assignment dropbox.

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