IOT subject Solve Homework

Consider an IoT application for facial identification. The system uses a camera to capturean image of a user, and if the user is authenticated, a gate is opened.The camera captures a 480×480 image using 16-bit pixel resolution. Before sending theimage to the cloud, the picture is compressed using a compression algorithm that yields50:1 compression ratio. Then, the resulting image is sent to the cloud application forprocessing using an AI algorithm. After the image is processed, the result is sent back tothe client as a 500 bytes payload.Assume that executing the compression algorithm at the edge takes 25 ms. Also assumethe execution of the AI algorithm on the cloud takes 100 ms. RTT between the client andthe cloud application is 250 ms. COE 550– Introduction to Internet of Things
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
Computer Engineering Department
Homework Assignment #3
Due date: Saturday Dec. 20, 2023 @ 11:59 PM (before midnight)
1. Assignment solution should preferably be typed using a word processor.
2. Students are encouraged to discuss the homework in groups, but each student must
write his/her own answers in his/her own words.
3. Plagiarism is considered a form of cheating and will be dealt with as such.
4. SHOW ALL YOUR WORK, every step in the solution has weight.
5. No late submissions will be accepted.

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Consider an IoT application for facial identification. The system uses a camera to capture
an image of a user, and if the user is authenticated, a gate is opened.
The camera captures a 480×480 image using 16-bit pixel resolution. Before sending the
image to the cloud, the picture is compressed using a compression algorithm that yields
50:1 compression ratio. Then, the resulting image is sent to the cloud application for
processing using an AI algorithm. After the image is processed, the result is sent back to
the client as a 500 bytes payload.
Assume that executing the compression algorithm at the edge takes 25 ms. Also assume
the execution of the AI algorithm on the cloud takes 100 ms. RTT between the client and
the cloud application is 250 ms.

A. Determine the size of the payload sent in each request (from the client to the
cloud only).
B. Compute the latency experienced by users if non-persistent HTTP with
piggybacking is used to transfer the data between the client and the cloud
application. Assume the complete payload is sent in one request.
C. Repeat part B assuming Confirmable CoAP is used instead of HTTP.
D. Compute the protocol overhead (in %) for each complete transaction (request
and response). Assume the client is using IPv4 and assume a data link layer header
of size 20 bytes. Also, assume HTTP header is 100 B.
E. Assuming the system is used in a metro station with 25 cameras, each controlling
a separate gate. Determine the maximum service rate of the system (passengers
per minute) that will result when using each of the systems in B and C.
Term 221
Louai Al-Awami
COE 550– Introduction to Internet of Things
2. Consider a LoRaWAN node that uses SF10/250 KHz. Assuming a code rate of 4/5, answer
the following questions:
A. Compute the symbol duration used by the node.
B. Compute the data rate used by the node.
C. If the payload sent by each message is 200 B, how many messages per day can
the node send, if a duty cycle of 1% is enforced.
D. Suggest a way to double the number of messages that can be sent per day by
one node without changing the message size.
3. Assume the following IPv6 PDU is to be processed by 6LoWPAN in order to be inserted
into an IEEE 802.15.4 frame. The PDU is represented in hexadecimal format.
6E 00 00 00
00 0C 11 FF
FE 80 00 00
00 00 00 00
02 01 64 FF
FE 80 00 00
00 00 00 00
0E AB 11 00
FE D1 00 01
F0 B8 F0 BE
00 04 07 00
00 10 AB CD
A. Show in a table the value of each field of the above packet including the network layer
header, transport layer header, and the application data.
B. Determine the resulting PDU after compression if the following rules are used:
a. Both source and destination addresses are not present (derived from the data
link layer addresses instead)
b. The traffic class and flow label are not used.
c. No IPv6 extension is used.
d. Both source and destination ports in the transport layer are compressed.
Show the adaptation layer headers, the IPv6 header, transport header, and the application
C. Determine the size and savings resulting from applying header compression.
Term 221
Louai Al-Awami

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