Functional Programming in Haskell

For this assignment, you will be writing at least 19 different functions with increasing levels of complexity.

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Considering the complexity of this assignment and this being your first exposure to Haskell Programming – you may choose to work on this assignment with a friend/classmate or by yourself (whichever you prefer)

If you work with someone – each of you should have your own submission on EDORAS and a report on Canvas.

Problem description:

1. One page report on Canvas as PDF

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  • You should specify the progress. Were you able to complete the assignment?
  • Did you work with someone? Was the contribution equal or do you think that you did most of the work. Specify the contribution of you and your partner in percentage. If you believe both of you contributed equally – Specify 50% – 50%. If you did all the work specify 100% – 0%.
  • Did you refer to any online materials or codes to solve the problems. Acknowledge and provide citations.

2. A single script file with all your functions on EDORAS class server.

– More information on the requirements, format and autograder – coming soon!


Please do not cheat. You will get a zero on the assignment and be reported to the university.

CS 420 – Advanced Programming Languages
Assignment 2 – Functional Programming in Haskell – 100 points
The primary goal of this assignment is to help you familiarize with Functional Programming
paradigms. You will learn to:

use simple function definitions.

Pattern Matching in Haskell

Recursion in Haskell

Folds in Haskell

Lazy evaluation in Haskell
The assignment has 19 questions and comes in 3 parts with increasing order of difficulty.
Part A: Simple functions in Haskell
For the following problems you are use any Prelude library function on integers but only the
following prelude library functions on lists:
However, you may use the definitions you write to solve the subsequent problems.
Write a Haskell definition called,
sumList to compute Sum the elements of a list
sumList :: [Int] -> Int
2. digitsOfInt – to return `[]` if `n` is not positive, and otherwise returns the list of digits of
`n` in the order in which they appear
digitsOfInt :: Int -> [Int]
3. digits – returns the list of digits of `n`
digits :: Int -> [Int]
4. additivePersistence

additivePersistence :: Int -> Int
5. digitalRoot – is the digit obtained at the end of the sequence computing the additive
digitalRoot :: Int -> Int
6. ListReverse – to reverse a list.
listReverse :: [a] -> [a]
7. Palindrome – check if the provided list is a palindrome.
palindrome :: String -> Bool
8. rootList – returns the digitalroot of all elements in a list.
rootList :: [Int] -> [Int]
Once again, the above functions should be implemented without using the prelude library
functions. You are allowed to write helper functions for your functions (if need be).
Part B: Intermediate functions in Haskell
9. Without using any built-in functions, write a tail-recursive function.
assoc :: Int -> String -> [(String, Int)] -> Int
such that assoc def key [(k1,v1), (k2,v2), (k3,v3);…])
searches the list for the first i such that ki = key. If such a ki is found, then vi is returned. Otherwise,
if no such ki exists in the list, the default value def is returned.
Once you have implemented the function, you should get the following behavior:
10. Use the library function elem to write a function called removeDuplicates to obtain a
function of type. You function should be tail-recursive.
removeDuplicates :: [Int] -> [Int]
such that removeDuplicates xs returns the list of elements of xs with the duplicates, i.e. second,
third, etc. occurrences, removed, and where the remaining elements appear in the same order as
in xs.
Once you have implemented the function, you should get the following behavior:
11. Without using any built-in functions, write a tail-recursive function:
wwhile :: (a -> (Bool, a)) -> a -> a
such that wwhile f x returns x’ where there exist values v_0,…,v_n such that

x is equal to v_0
x’ is equal to v_n
for each i between 0 and n-2, we have f v_i equals (true, v_i+1)
f v_n-1 equals (false, v_n).
Once you have implemented the function, you should get the following behavior:
12. Without using any built-in functions,
fixpointL :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> [Int]
The expression fixpointL f x0 should return the list [x_0, x_1, x_2, x_3, … , x_n] where

x = x_0
f x_0 = x_1, f x_1 = x_2, f x_2 = x_3, … f x_n = x_{n+1}
x_n = x_{n+1}
When you are done, you should see the following behavior:
13. Without using any built-in functions, write a definition called fixpointW to obtain a function
fixpointW :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int
such that fixpointW f x returns the last element of the list returned by fixpointL f x.
Once you have implemented the function, you should get the following behavior:
Part C: Advanced functions in Haskell using Folds and Lazy Evaluation
14. Write a function called sqsum, which uses fold to get a function
sqSum :: [Int] -> Int
such that sqSum [x1,…,xn] returns the integer x1^2 + … + xn^2
Once you have implemented the function, you should get the following behavior:
15. Write a function called pipe which uses fold to get a function
pipe :: [(a -> a)] -> (a -> a)
such that pipe [f1,…,fn] x (where f1,…,fn are functions!) should return f1(f2(…(fn x))).
Once you have implemented the function, you should get the following behavior:
16. Write a function for sepConcat, which uses fold to get a function
sepConcat :: String -> [String] -> String
Intuitively, the call sepConcat sep [s1,…,sn] where

sep is a string to be used as a separator, and
[s1,…,sn] is a list of strings
should behave as follows:

sepConcat sep [] should return the empty string “”,
sepConcat sep [s] should return just the string s,
otherwise (if there is more than one string) the output should be the string s1 ++ sep ++ s2 ++
… ++ sep ++ sn.
Once done, you should get the following behavior:
17. Write a function for stringOfList
stringOfList :: (a -> String) -> [a] -> String
such that stringOfList f [x1,…,xn] should return the string “[” ++ (f x1) ++ “, ”
++ … ++ (f xn) ++ “]”
Hint: This function can be implemented on one line, without using any recursion by calling map and sepConcat with appropriate inputs.
You should get the following behavior:
18. Write functions called clone, padZero and removeZero
clone :: a -> Int -> [a]
such that clone x n returns a list of n copies of the value x. If the integer n is 0 or negative,
then cloneshould return the empty list. You should get the following behavior:
Use clone to write a function,
padZero :: [Int] -> [Int] -> ([Int], [Int])
which takes two lists: [x1,…,xn] [y1,…,ym] and adds zeros in front of the shorter list to make the
list lengths equal. Your implementation should not be recursive.
You should get the following behavior:
Next, write a function
removeZero :: [Int] -> [Int]
that takes a list and removes a prefix of leading zeros, yielding the following behavior:
19. BigInt – The Haskell type Int only contains values up to a certain size. So lets create a new
type called BigInt to hold larger numbers.
Let us use the list [d1, d2, …, dn], where each di is between 0 and 9, to represent the (positive) biginteger d1d2…dn.
type BigInt = [Int]
For example, [9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8] represents the big-integer 9999999998.
Fill out the implementation for
bigAdd :: BigInt -> BigInt -> BigInt
so that it takes two integer lists, where each integer is between 0 and 9 and returns the list
corresponding to the addition of the two big-integers.
You should get the following behavior:
Next you will write functions to multiply two big integers. First write a function
mulByDigit :: Int -> BigInt -> BigInt
which takes an integer digit and a big integer, and returns the big integer list which is the result of
multiplying the big integer with the digit. You should get the following behavior:
Now, using mulByDigit, fill in the implementation of
bigMul :: BigInt -> BigInt -> BigInt
Once you are done, you should get the following behavior

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