Revise the attached essay please.

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I would like to revise this essay and to change it to a better essay. you can erase and add details as much as it would take to make it look awesome. change it to  third-person narrative mode, and please I need someone “Perfect”.


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Foreigners and Challenges

Interesting moments comes to one’s thought, capturing distinctive events to

one’s mind so that he could remember them later on. The brain could draw Many

kinds of images. For example, the mind draws beautiful and colorful images or

dark and blind ones. The most difficult moments are the unforgettable ones.

Difficulties that teaches us knowledge and gives us more courage and

experience. There are many kinds of difficulties that a foreigner might face such

as waiting at the bus station for many hours, feeling unsecured, being lonely

most of your life time, washing your clothes and making an accident while

driving. Everybody have to have problems during their life. Once a new event in

life approaches us, the first time we might fail as well to the second time.

Failures should not give up so quickly. However, they should try many times till

they succeed. Being defeated is the first step that follows success. Since it is the

first time, we will not know how to deal with difficulties unless we try it more than

once. Till we become successful. The only way to defeat and overcome those

difficulties is to never give up; moreover, to think wisely and to be smart as it

called intelligence. A foreigner should confront difficulties and hard moments

especially when travelling abroad without knowledge and experience such as

choosing friends, organizing priorities, being reliable. However, to overcome

those difficulties is never giving up.

Changes occur in everyone’s life, and the more people grow the more

changes happen. Even though a big change happened and new challenges

came across in my life, it improved many skills and taught me more about life. My

father had always told me that the more you live, the more you know. It means

that the more you get experienced, the more you acknowledge yourself. While

being in the United States in my first fresh men year, I learned that friends are

the most beautiful thing in life. After tasting the bitterness of loneliness and being

alone the most of my life time, which were about to drag me to what it is called

insanity. Further more, I decided to make friends, which was a big challenge

to me. There are many kinds of friends, according to the environment they have

been living in and the way they have been treated among their lives. There were

really good friends that you would like to spend all your time with. This is an

example of a bright angel leads you to the right way. On the other hand, there

are a bit of friends that give you an image of a dark demon that reflects on their

behaviors and acts. For instance, I had a friend who was going to lead me to the

wrong path and destroy me by putting wrong ideas into my head and trying to

convince me to stop studying and work in the wrong side of business, which is

illegal .

After spending a long time as a foreigner cast away from my country. I have

learned substantial things that helped me to inspire a way to live as a king, which

was priority. There should be priorities in your life in order to organize your time

and to be a king and a master of your life. For example, think about why you are

travelling overseas and leaving all your family and your lovers behind. There

should be a purpose to motivate us and push us from behind that usually lets us

climb the highest walls with the highest achievement. Being reliable is very

essential so that you can make your own plans to be successful.

As I have lived abroad I knew that I should not count on anybody.

Your plan should be plan A and it is the primary plan. Other plans should be

secondary since other people would not give you the importance as the

importance they give to their selves. For instance, if you are alone and there is

nobody to pick you up from the place you’re at, call as many friends as you can

because not all of them will come for you. Even make a plan A for you so if they

all did not come for you, which is call a cap or something like that.

Finally, I would talk about how to overcome all of these problems in each

circumstance. Usually, they all have the same solution, which is never to give up

and eternally to surrender and not in the least to despair. However, it requires a

good will as well to a good desire to achieve their goals and wishes. Everybody

rode in the same boat. I have spent one year riding buses and sometimes waiting

for them that takes hours rather than buying a car. That made me depend on my

self. And after that my father bought for me a brand new car. Therefore, Big

things start from small things. We only have to wait for the big things to arrive so

that we could only draw a big smile on our faces, which is a sign of success.

To conclude, beautiful images come to our minds as well to the dark images

which reflect to the difficulties. While being abroad you will face many kinds of

difficulties which include new events, bright friends and dark friends and finally

how to be reliable and how to depend on our selves. Patience is one of the

important things that lead us to succeed and helps us to defeat all the rough


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