Computer Science Question

Hi, I need your help on my last assignment, assignment 7: Final Project Presentation. I need help in Step A. PROJECT SUMMARY, which will be completed in a Word document, and Step B: PRESENT YOUR PROJECT, which will be completed in a PowerPoint document. I will attach an Assignment 7 instruction PDF document and a power point sample PDF document where it shows what to do in a PowerPoint document. You can use a sample as a guide. To complete Assignment 7, you will need four previous assignments, which are Assignments 2 and 3, and Assignments 5 and 6. Once you contact me, I will attach four assignments in the comment section.

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(Final Project Presentation)

Read Chapter 4, Chapter 5, and Chapter 6 in your “Systems Analysis and Design” Textbook

Review feedback on all prior assignments and make corrections or additions where needed.

This assignment is a culmination of all the work you have completed so far in this class.
The Group Discussion thread must be up-to-date and meet all reporting guidelines.
You will create a Word document for Part A and Part C of this assignment.
You will create a PowerPoint document for Part B of this assignment.
1. Save your Word document with name, Group#_Assignment#
a. All items for Part A (Project Summary) and Part C (Member Contribution Report) MUST be
comprised in a single Word file.
2. Save your PowerPoint document with name, Group#_Assignment#
a. All items for Part B (Presentation) MUST be comprised in a PowerPoint file.
3. Submit all files in the Assignment folder in D2L.

Pretend that the reader is the person who will be approving or rejecting the funding for your
Gather your ideas and data for your project and presentation.
Include the information you believe is most important to present.
Be concise. The detailed information will be included in your presentation.
In addition, you should think about how to most clearly summarize and effectively illustrate the
important components of your project within each slide.
NOTE: This part will be added to your Word document.

The Group Discussion thread must be up-to-date and meet all reporting guidelines.
Presentation Guidelines:
 SUMMARIZE and EFFECTIVELY COMMUNICATE the most important data.
 DO NOT simply regurgitate what you have created your project assignments.
 Effectively summarize information while covering the most important aspects of your project.
 Remember a “Presentation” is NOT a Report, it is a summary with bullet points and short
 Avoid cluttering your slides with too much detail/text/graphics.
 Be creative and informative, but be sure the content can easily be read and understood.
 There should be NO spelling, writing, or grammar errors.
Presentation Format:
 Chose an appropriate PowerPoint theme.
 Every slide should have a title at the top.
 Choose appropriate font(s) and font colors (must be easy to read).
 Organize each slide logically (no overlapping images or text).
 Add pictures/clipart where appropriate (must be relevant and interesting).
 There should be NO spelling, writing, or grammar errors.
Presentation Slides:
o Date
TOTAL: 5 points
o Summarize the key things from Assignment #2
o Provide a brief description of the business
TOTAL: 5 points
o Key element from Assignment #2
o Provide the business’s organizational chart
TOTAL: 5 points
5. SYSTEMS SERVICE REQUEST (may need more than 1 slide)
o Summarize the key elements from Assignment #2
o Provide a brief description of the current system (explain major problems)
o Provided a brief description of the proposed system (explain key opportunities)
TOTAL: 10 points
6. PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION FINDINGS (may need more than 1 slide)
o Summarize the key findings from Assignments #3
o Describe key findings uncovered during each interview.
o Highlight the results of the investigation.
TOTAL: 10 points
7. DATA FLOW DIAGRAM: CONTEXT LEVEL (from Assignment #5)
TOTAL: 5 points
8. DATA FLOW DIAGRAM: LEVEL 1 (from Assignment #5)
TOTAL: 5 points
9. DATA DICTIONARY: on LEVEL 1 DFD (from Assignment #5)
TOTAL: 5 points
10. SYSTEM COMPONENTS (will need several slides)
o From Assignment #6
o Screens for Output
o Screens for Input
o Screens for File and Database
TOTAL: 15 points
o From Assignment #6
o Detail all software and physical system requirements
TOTAL: 5 points
12. ESTIMATED COST – new information
o Provide a detailed estimate for the full cost of the new system.
TOTAL: 5 points
13. EXPECTED BENEFITS– new summary
o Highlight all tangible benefits.
o Mention any intangible benefits.
o Summarize your specific recommendations for further action.
TOTAL: 5 points
o Summarize the details of your plan and review the ultimate goal or end product of your
TOTAL: 5 points
NOTE: This part will be added to your PowerPoint document.
1. Create a new page to document the contribution(s) of each member of your team to this
assignment. For each team member list:
a. Who (group member name)
b. What they contributed to this assignment
NOTE: This part will be added to your Word document.
Assignment Submission Steps:
1. Save your Word document with name, Group#_Assignment#
a. All items for Part A (Project Summary) and Part C (Member Contribution Report) MUST be
comprised in a single Word file.
2. Save your PowerPoint document with name, Group#_Assignment#
a. All items for Part B (Presentation) MUST be comprised in a PowerPoint file.
3. Submit all files in the Assignment folder in D2L.
REMINDER: Only the Group Leader submits group assignment files; in the assignment dropbox.
Your Course Name
First & Last Name
Table of contents
• Your table of contents “here”
Business Description
• Name: Company
• Location: Address of Company
• Size: ~10002’
• Employees: 5
• Description: Of Company
• Annual revenue: ~$$$,000/yr
• Type: Retail store
Business Description
Mr. NNNN is the store owner and operator. He has been
in business a little over 2 years. He started the web site January of
2000. The store is a retail shop that sells children’s and teens’
furniture and accessories. He has them delivered from the store to
the customers home. He currently wants to extend his business
nationally by putting the business online. Include Info to describe
the company.
Business Organization Chart
Sales Manager
Admin Assistant
IT Specialist
Delivery Manager
Delivery Driver
System Request Summary
ABC company is requesting to restructure the website
with a different style and overall feel. He wants the site to be easily
manageable and scalable. He likes how his competitor has setup
their web site and would like his to have the same navigational
ease-of-use. This would include grouping bed packages and
displaying them in different categories. He also wants to process
credit card orders directly from his site instead of using a 3rd party
web site. He also does not want to pay the premium charges he is
incurring with his current host.
Preliminary Investigation
The customer currently uses an online business that hosts
and promotes the website for MT Kids Rooms
( Mr. Grogan – owner and sales manager is not satisfied with the design or the operation of his business’s
website. The online site is difficult to navigate, is not visually
appealing, does not increase sales revenue, and is not properly
marketed. Mr. Grogan and his assistant, Tracy Urfer, were
questioned about the pros and cons of their current site and
hosting. They were asked how they would like the site to operate
and what kind of appearance should it communicate to customers.
Preliminary Investigation
During the investigation, I found that his current web host
owns the domain name and is charging a hefty fee to relinquish it.
The only schedule concern is the time it will take to overcome the
learning curve of a new scripting language and server management
operations. I also discovered they were paying $100 per month for
web hosting and marketing that was not generating revenue. He
wanted a functional web site that was scalable and easy to
navigate. I found that he had many product lines to offer and was
overwhelmed with the amount of images and text he had to use to
display them on the site. He also mentioned that he made the web
site himself and it was very time consuming. He did not want to do
the website himself because he felt that it was ultimately not
creating a professional online shopping environment.
Preliminary Investigation
The newly designed website proposal can also contain
links to purchase futons and adult furniture. These links will direct
customers to other pages within the virtual server with a look and
feel that coincides with that particular line of merchandise; thus
increasing overall revenue. Also online coupons and sales can
entice customer purchases.
Project Definition
Company: Name
Project Manager: Your Name
Division: IT Dept
Sponsor: Who is Paying the Bill
Date: 12/3/00
Priority: 4 (High)
Project Title: Web Site
Project Goal: Design and implement an online website to
increase sales revenues by 10% over a 6 month period.
Expected ratio of in-store customers to online customers
to be 1:10.
Project Definition
Business Deadline: 2/1/01
Budget: $4,000.00
Related Projects: None
Moral/Ethical or Legal Issues: To not disclose plans of
building a website. You can discuss any constraints or
issues you may need to address in order to accomplish
this project.
Project Definition-Scope
The scope of the project consists of designing a product
and package database that will populate an HTML/PHP page. The
project will also include the design and implementation of a
database that incorporates all product lines, individual items, and
their price points. The PHP scripting language will be used to
capture the XML database tree and populate an html page for
customers to view and make purchases. Customers will be able to
select these item(s) and purchase them online for delivery across
the continental 48 states. An invoice will be sent to the store so it
can be fulfilled by the delivery department after being processed by
the online transaction API.
The second part will be to setup a Linux service in-house
that will serve the web. This includes installing the operating
system software, the http server, the PHP module, the MySQL
server application and other web bases daemons. Also needed is
to network all of the computers into a star network into a LAN
setup. The network will be a 2-teir system with thin clients.
Project Definition-Major
• Your list of major milestones “here”
Project Definition-Timeline
• Your PERT or GANTT Chart “here”
Project Definition Cost & ROI
A summary of your estimates “here”
New System
Context Diagram
New System
Diagram 0
DFD – Data Dictionary
• Your data dictionary “here”
System Design-Input Screens
Sign-up page
(examples here)
System Design-Input Screens
Sign-up page (filled)
System Design-Input Screens
Shipping & Payment (show)
System Design-Input Screens
Shipping & Payment (filled)
System Design-Report Screens
Shopping Cart (example screen)
System Design-Report Screens
Shopping Cart (filled)
Solution-Option #1
In-house design, hosting and maintenance
Linux server
Network Installation
Broadband installation
Web Infrastructure
ISP yearly charge
Domain name acquisition
SSL Certificate (1 year)
Hosting (1 year)
Database input training
Estimated yearly maintenance
Solution-Option #2
Outsource design, hosting and maintenance
Web Infrastructure
Domain name acquisition
Web development
SSL Certificate (1 year)
Domain transfer
Hosting (1 year)
Database input training
The IT department’s recommendation is to use in-house
development to design, host and maintain the web site. This way
there will be more control and security measures put in place that
will enable the site to be successful. This is needed because the
business has special requirements that are difficult to find in predeveloped packages. Even though going outsource costs less, in
the long-run, the in-house approach will give the business look and
functionally that the owner is looking for in a professional web site.
Expected Benefits
• Increase sales revenues – both online and in-store – by a
minimum of 10% per month.
• Have a larger internet presence through search engine
optimization and business-to-business marketing.
• The first stage of implementing the new system will be to install
a T1 line for fast internet connection for the web server.
• Next step is to purchase web server with adequate
specifications: Xeon chip, 2Gigs of ECC RAM, 3 x 325Gig hard
drives in RAID 1.
• Final step will be to run off of open source programs such as:
Linux Ubuntu, Apache, OpenSSL, ProFTP and SendMail.
Any new web page development will be tested on the
local development server before going on the live server. This is so
that customers will not see a web site that looks incomplete and the
development team can catch errors. All that is needed is
Macromedia’s Dreamweaver 8 web development environment to
create the web page tables and code the header PHP server side
processing scripts.
Database entry training will need to be conducted by the
web developer because there are special requirements and editing
the XML database file that need to be adhered to carefully. Also the
backend portal will need to be briefed as it is the only way for the
company to update the status of orders and fulfill them. This will be
conducted onsite and will take about 2 hours. There is no cost
incurred for training personnel.
Outcomes to be Achieved
Construct your business website so that it:
• Has an improved style and overall feel.
• Is easily manageable and scalable
• Utilizes 3rd party billing in order to remain free of the
responsibility of securing the virtual server.
• Provides increased sales revenues – both online and instore – by a minimum of 10% per month.
• Has a larger internet presence through search engine
optimization and business-to-business marketing.
Smith’s Comfort Control
Computer Upgrade
Derrick Hodge
Table of Contents
 Slide 4-5: Business Introduction
 Slide 6: Organization Chart
 Slide 7: Systems Service Request
 Slide 8-10: Preliminary Investigation Finding
 Slide 11-14: Project Definition
 Slide 15-17: Project Timeline
 Slide 18: Project Cost
Table of Contents
 Slide 19: return on Investment
 Slide 20-21: Data Flow Diagram
 Slide 22-27: Data Dictionary
 Slide 28-34: System Design
 Slide 35: Second Recommendation
 Slide 36: Summary
Business Introduction
 Smith’s Comfort Control
 1781 Harmony Street Charleston, SC 29407
 10 – 15 Employees depending on the season
 Repairing, replacing and maintaining heating and air
conditioning equipment.
 Annual sales are 700,000
 Sales and Service are there focus
Business Introduction Overview
Smith’s Comfort Control is a small business with ten full
time employees, but in the summer season will run as
many as fifteen. With over 500 customers they have
been serving the Low Country since 1972. They do
heating and air conditioning and have recently started a
plumbing division.
Organization Chart
Helen Smoak
William Smoak
Glenn Smoak
Ann Jones
A/R and Payables
TJ Gray
Janet Thompson
Mark Brown
Collin Debruhl
Daren Sanders
Systems Service Request
Smith’s comfort Control is requesting a total upgrade
from their current computer system. They currently
operate on an IBM system and want to combine all their
departments to one system. Currently their two key
departments accounting and billing are on separate
machines. Their service department is still writing
invoices and pricing them by hand. They also keep
paper files on all accounts.
Preliminary Investigation
The customer currently uses two separate systems that
do not communicate with each other. And not only that
some of our processes are still done on paper and we
still use a filing system. Mr. William Smith would like for
the new system to take over all the functions of the
office so one user, if permitted, would have access to
any of the company data.
Preliminary Investigation
During my investigation, I have found that the old
system is out of date and very cumbersome. Not only
are you and your staff wasting time in daily operations
you are not able to access necessary information in a
timely manner. With the old system you had to gather
information from two different systems to do job costs
and analysts. Accounting wasn’t much better with some
information in the system and some in a filing cabinet.
Preliminary Investigation
The new system will bring your company up to the
current standards and help to eliminate wasted time
and effort in daily operations. It will standardize your
business practices and create less waste. You and your
staff will be able to print professional reports and have
the wherewithal to make accurate decisions about the
company’s future.
Project Definition
 Company: Smith’s Comfort control
 Project Manager: Derrick Hodge
 Division: IT Department
 Sponsor: Smith’s Comfort Control
 Date: 4/16/13
 Priority: 4
 Project Title: Smith’s Comfort Control Computer
Project Definition
 Project Goal: To update computer software and
hardware and create new procedures to operate
under. Create and protect a new database for these
new procedures.
 Project Deadline: 4/29/13
 Project Budget: $12,000
 Project Risks: Over budget due to unforeseen hurdles,
project creep and user s not be able to adapt to the
new system or software.
Project Definition-Scope
The new system will bring Smith’s up to the current
standards and help to eliminate wasted time and effort
in daily operations. It will standardize their business
practices and create less waste. They will be able to
print professional reports and have the wherewithal to
make accurate decisions about the company’s future.
Project Definition-Milestones
 Analysis 3/1/13
 Plan 3/8/13
 Training 3/29/13
 Live System 4/19/13
 Post Interview 4/29/13
Project Timeline
Project Timeline
Project Timeline
Project cost
 People: $7,300.00
 Equipment: $3200.00
 Material: $535.00
 Cost: $575.00
 Project Total Cost: $11,670.00
 Estimated Monthly Saving: $350.00
 Return on Investment: $4,200.00
Return on Investment (ROI)
Return on investment will be:
Project Cost: $11,6700.00 divided by
Estimated Monthly Saving: $350.00 multiplied by
One year or twelve months.
So the project will break even in approximately 34
months and an ROI of $4,200.00 per year.
Data Flow Diagram (Context)
Data Flow Diagram ( Level O)
Data Dictionary
System: Human Resources
Data: March 14, 2013
Label: Employee ID number
Alias: Employee
Type & Length: 20N
Default value: None
Source: Computer generated
Acceptable values: Positive numbers
Security: Human Resources
User responsibility: Human Resources
Description & comments: This will contain the
employee name, address, SSN, DOB, phone
number, pay grade and date of hire.
System: Customer
Data: March 14, 2013
Label: Customer ID number
Alias: Customer
Type & Length: 20N
Default value: None
Source: Computer generated
Acceptable values: Positive numbers
Security: Office personnel
User responsibility: Office personnel
Description & comments: This will contain the
contact info for the customer.
Data Dictionary
System: Vendor
Data: March 14, 2013
Label: Vendor ID number
Alias: Vendor
Type & Length: 20N
Default value: None
Source: Computer generated
Acceptable values: Positive numbers
Security: Accounting
User responsibility: Accounting
Description & comments: This will contain the
contact info for the vendor.
System: Service/Install
Data: March 14, 2013
Label: Job ID number
Alias: Job
Type & Length: 20N
Default value: None
Source: Sales
Acceptable values: Positive numbers
Security: Sales
User responsibility: Sales
Description & comments: As jobs come in the
computer will generate the next number.
Data Dictionary
System: Service/Install
Data: March 14, 2013
Label: Sales Orders
Alias: Orders
Origin: Service/Install
Default value: None
Volume & frequency: As many as 50 per day
Description & comments:
System: Invoice
Data: March 14, 2013
Label: Completed work
Origin: Service/Install
Default value: None
Volume & frequency: Every sales order creates an invoice
Description & comments: Creates an entry in accounts payable and accounts receivable if material
is used. Also creates an invoice for the customer.
Data Dictionary
System: Receivables
Data: March 14, 2013
Label: Payment Received
Alias: AR
Origin: Customer
Default value:
Volume & frequency: Whenever payments are received.
Description & comments: Payment detail and invoice detail are also recorded
System: Payables
Data: March 14, 2013
Label: Payment Submitted
Alias: Apay
Origin: Invoice
Default value:
Volume & frequency: Monthly
Description & comments: Payment detail and supply detail are recorded
Data Dictionary
System: Sales Rep
Data: March 14, 2013
Label: Commission
Origin: Invoice
Default value:
Volume & frequency: Weekly
Description & comments:
System: Deposit
Data: March 14, 2013
Label: Bank
Origin: Receivables
Default value:
Volume & frequency: Daily
Description & comments:
Data Dictionary
System: Receivables Entry
Data: March 14, 2013
Label: Accounting
Origin: Receivables
Default value:
Volume & frequency: Daily
Description & comments:
System: Payable Entry
Data: March 14, 2013
Label: Accounting
Origin: Payables
Default value:
Volume & frequency: Monthly
Description & comments:
System Design
There are a few items I would recommend for further
Continual user training
Increased security
Data backup
Mobile applications
System Design
Tangible benefits include:
 Reports
 Forms
 Almost instant database queries
 Data consistency
 Data security
 Accurate forecasting
System Design
Database Opening Screen
System Design
Customer Entry Screen
System Design
Employee Entry Screen
System Design
Sample Customer Query
System Design
Sample Job Cost Report
Second Recommendation
What I have put together here is a totally customized
database. Your company my benefit from purchasing an
alternate database software but you will be limited to
how the software is setup. This option will save on the
front end because it will take less time to setup and
Current Project cost: $11,670.00
Estimated Second option: $7500.00
Your new information system will bring your company into the 21st
century. Not only will your staff be able to enter information into
the new system in real time you will be able to, with minimal effort,
print up to date company analysis reports like job costs and payroll.
Within the new system your data entry will be normalized which
will prevent data inconsistency and data redundancy. The new
system will also allow you to view and print up to date reports from
accounts receivable and accounts payable. Your old system used
the “green screen” where you had to type in commands to access
the system data. The new system will use GUI’s. GUI, stands for
graphical user interface and is much easier to use and more
efficient. Your data will be more secure with the implementation of
the new software. We will be able to limit who has access and to
what data. Last but not least we will also initiate a backup plan
where the data will backed up and stored off site. This new and
improved system will assist you with your company’s vision for the

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