Read Case Study “Mercantilism: Older that Smith – and Alive Today” on page 35 of the textbook. Where is mercantilism found today?
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(2012). International economics. (Vol. 1, p. 47). The McGraw-Hills Companies.
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(International economics, 2012)
lnternational E s, i 5th
Edition 47
Chapier J \\’irr ELr t rir”h
benefits fcr clomestic 0ducei’ ir’lterests
(in irotli
was the PirilosoPhY tha,t.n.11::
L-uropean thinking allout internationa!
trade rn
in-“i*-tt, ,*ntoii*’ br:{r:re Ariam 5mith
il-.,i i’; wedlth of tlatit:ns irr 1776′ lrlcrcantilists
,l**l irade a5 a sour(e of major
o-“-litt tc a naliorr’ Merctrants enqacef.
i*o-, especially tho:* selilrrg exports’ were
Onod* f,*na* tire n:lme nercantilism’
But m*r-
I”ntiriu,t also maintairrec that government
lation af trade !’v’*s ne(eisary tcl
provide the
i.rn-tt t;;ti”-ii r:enefirs’ Trade nierchants
s*lve ‘rheir cwil intere$ts aniJ r]ot
ihe natiorral
intere!r. in ihe abse nc* of goverirnrent
b*lief oi rnertantilisnr was .that
nationat u,’eli-being, or wealth was based
;-;;;;,;’ nalJing’ ii soid and silver (specie
n.liii-t’i’ eiverr this ‘iiew ot netionai wealth’
;;o;,;; *;t- vie’r”-erj as goorJ anc imqorllj.*lt*o’
tui i”*”0 nraterials rtot produced at homej^were
,i*r, n. b;d’ li a tountrv seils.(exFlortsl,,ntoi*
{nrpinrr l)ir’/crs than llir-‘ foreigners seli tc the
‘ u’ L Y r
; inr$orts)’ then lhe for eigtt-c0untry {li-re counirY’l
uir-[ro.’to pay fr:r the exeess at their
iro ,n’pping’goid anll cilver to the
cauntry’ The
o’.’,r”i-r-tf”ii ancJ siiver increases
ihe country’s
,”n;eil-being, atccrdirir; lo the m€rcarrtilist belief’
;;;;”;t; ai* undesir;rhle betause they recluce
country’s ability to ‘ti{umLliate
these precir:us
rrletal-c’ 1;llpolts were also feareci
because they
,.r,inn”‘.l”, it- :rvailart:ie to the r:ountry
in time o{
;r;1. i,,
l*ciciitlon, golc errd silver accruing to tlt{“-
,,ntio,.rui ru!erl cor’t!cl be especiall;’
vair’rahle in
;;ip;;t; to maintain a large rr:iiitary for
the coun-
try. Baseel on mereantillsi tninfing’
(1) irrrpcseri arr alr*! af taxes and pi”ohibitions
;;;;”;; ta lirnil irnports anri {2) subsidi;zed
t,nccur.r qeci expoi’l5
Because cf iis peculiar emphasis or’:
unJ ruu*r’ n:ercantiiisri viewecJ trade
as a zero’
sr-.irTl aeiiviiy*one cOuntry’s gains
come at r’he
expeilse of -some other crfuniri*s’
since a surpius
in irrlerrr*tional trade fr:r one ccuntry
inu-qt Lre a
,l*ticii for so;r:e other(s)’ The focus
iln t)rorrlcting
*”p-tqt”C limitinq imnorts aiso provided
ex.Porting and imPort-
.Adanr 5rnith *rr
nainted out that t
n’1ore exports and
priorities u Siside dorn’i
that ref ute merranlii
National wetl-h’ein
co!1sume Proeluits
leisure and a ciea
the future’ lmPor”t
incr:me tr: kluY P
are not desirable
positive -sum
ln addition’ even
ancl silver can be
tion exPands the
ompeti nq I nfl Lr51-ries)’
econ0misrs a{ter him
mercdntiiist5′ PLtsi’ {oi
r imParts turns social
, l’}ere are th* key Points
t thinkinil:
is bare’J cn the abitity ta
and otlier “qoods” such as
e!’rv-ilofirnent) now arrd in
arc Parl of tne exPantlirrg
nalianal ProdLrctlon and
dire ct: TheY Provide tht
uttt to {onsume’ !;xPorts
fheir own; i”{ttheI; exports
f-c,lefeating if ihi: acqut:t”
rnestit. t”nr:rre! SuPPlY 31ql
.rv. it ricw riaq a tirarp {or tts
:jmercaniilists believe ihat-
se they ci’eate jci:s in the
bad berauEe iheY take
qive thern to foreigners’ i”le o”
e to dePict trade as a zero’
ri0 riliogttttit-rll tllal tl d(lr’ ‘”.rl
ntr ies (including nrurtua\ g’tttts
o:p*rity ris*s iirrou13hor’lt tl’:e, though misguided’
ions cf lnternational trade
r’)atioilal LonSurnP that
a rlaticrl see ks, nt:t
an evil ta i:e suP
lhe imPortafi(e
exports is onlV
are useful becau theY PaY
f rrt imPurts’
* Trade f reeiY trar teri be tween coLrtitr
ie: gett-
eraliY leads to gat s for
ali countries*trade is a
goal o i acquir ing gr:ld
argument f irst exP
before Smith diri ht
leads t0 clome:tic in lation of Prorluct Prices*-an
ded bY David llume even
Although the P
nositic.ns of the mercantilists
irave been rafuteci’ rd countrie:
nr: lorrger focus
r:n piiing ‘-lP gold
ci silver, tnercantiiist thirrkinq
is ver’,; milch alive t
orr etnPloYment’
exports are good
cot,ntry. lrfiPorts ar
front tlre ccuntry ail
rnercantilists contt
surn artivi iY.
bring gajns to all
in emPl0yneni as
world). Metcantiiis
still Pervades disc
c()untries all over t world