Computer Science Question

Note: There are two assignment. Programming Exercise and Quiz 3.

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Despite the tech world marching towards AI based approaches to information processing and analysis, rule-based programs remain the backbone for clinical decision support (CDS) programs and promoting evidence based standards in the patient care environments. Most modern implementations of CDS contain rule-based elements, even among systems and applications that claim to use AI approaches, i.e. inputs and outputs to/from algorithms are rule based. By performing this exercise in an open sourced (free for all and community contributed content) application environment, you will reach multiple goals, as follows:

1. Get introduced to programming, for those who never programmed before.

2. Gain and practice rule-based programming skills that are in demand in healthcare information technology (HIT) – regardless of your prior experience with programming.

3. Learn how to download, install, and use open sourced applications that dominate professional clinical analytics and healthcare data science computing environments.

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4. Become familiar with what programmers in HIT do, so you can collaborate with them, lead them, or be one of them.

For this instance of the assignment, you will download the latest version of CLIPS by navigating to the open sourced project website:

, and following the pathway to Downloads, selecting the version you need (typically MacOS or Windows 32-bit or 64bit), and following the prompts to install software. Depending on your firewall installed on a PC, you may need to disable all or parts of it to allow for a “foreign” application to be installed. I do not recommend installation on any computer where you have no administrative privileges, so corporate managed (work) computers can be problematic. There is also a version for iPadOS, but I never tested it and I do not recommend it unless you own a keyboard and a reasonably large-screen iPad device to be able to type, see, and validate your computer code. For Windows users, most modern OS versions 7 and above can handle 64-bit version, but CLIPS can also be installed in the old Windows environments, which is why they still offer a compiled 32-bit version.

CLIPS is a high quality NASA designed application that is in active use, so this is not a simple academic tool. You are using a real application with real purpose, and it is a real learning that may have positive implications on your career. Rule based programs come in every shape and title, so while you may not use CLIPS in particular, every other rule-based application will behave similarly, i.e. proprietary EMR based and built-in rule-based modules.

After you install software, download and read the User’s Guide under the Documentation area of the CLIPS project web site, and then download and keep for general reference the Basic Programming Guide. The latter document does not have to be read in full, as it is a technical manual, but it will come handy when you need to find different functions as a matter of reference. Do try multiple exercises in the User’s Guide though, before you begin working on the below assignment. Anything Advanced is optional for you to enjoy.

BHIS-532 Quiz 3 (5 points)
1. Question 1 (1 point)
List experimental designs you are familiar with, explain why these are popular and useful
in clinical research and trials, and discuss why variety of designs is in existence.
2. Question 2 (1 point)
List five steps of the EBM model, in accordance with theory outlined by Akobeng.
Explain each step and reason(s) why it is important for finding, applying, and analyzing
3. Question 3 (1 point)
What types of clinical trials are you familiar with? List each type and explain using a
brief example from the clinical field. Perform literature search to identify examples in
case you do not have practical experience in the clinical field. EBM tutorial by Schardt
and Mayer might be useful when answering this question.
4. Question 4 (1 point)
List and explain any 5 data quality dimensions in clinical research. Attribute these
dimensions to CDSS and use an example relevant to CDSS for each of the dimensions.
Present your answers in a table split into four columns for the dimensions, explanations,
CDSS relevance, and brief examples. When done with the table, speculate on ethical
concerns over failing to adhere to quality of CDSS implementation in the data sense, and
the potential negative impact such failure would have on users (providers) and patient
5. Question 5 (1 point)
Explain human diagnostic reasoning concept and challenges and opportunities it presents
in CDSS. List and explain at least two models of diagnostic reasoning. Use a basic
clinical workflow example to illustrate human diagnostic reasoning. In your example,
would CDSS solution be applicable and useful. Why?
Note 1: While this is not a research assignment, please remember to cite any references you
decide to use in proper APA style.
Note 2: Remember that wiki/user collaborative sites such as Wikipedia and blogs are examples
of non-acceptable online sources, as these are not peer reviewed and cannot be verified for
accuracy. Your best bets for web-based sources are online editions of professional and academic
journals, as well as government and medical informatics professional association publications.
Note 3: Plagiarism is not an accepted behavior in this program or any academic environment. It
will be dealt with in accordance with college and departmental guidelines. The best way to make
sure you have not plagiarized your work is to not commit plagiarism.
Expert System Programming Exercise (10 points)
Despite the tech world marching towards AI based approaches to information
processing and analysis, rule-based programs remain the backbone for clinical
decision support (CDS) programs and promoting evidence based standards in the
patient care environments. Most modern implementations of CDS contain rulebased elements, even among systems and applications that claim to use AI
approaches, i.e. inputs and outputs to/from algorithms are rule based. By performing
this exercise in an open sourced (free for all and community contributed content)
application environment, you will reach multiple goals, as follows:
1. Get introduced to programming, for those who never programmed before.
2. Gain and practice rule-based programming skills that are in demand in
healthcare information technology (HIT) – regardless of your prior experience with
3. Learn how to download, install, and use open sourced applications that
dominate professional clinical analytics and healthcare data science computing
4. Become familiar with what programmers in HIT do, so you can collaborate with
them, lead them, or be one of them.
For this instance of the assignment, you will download the latest version of CLIPS by
navigating to the open sourced project website:, and
following the pathway to Downloads, selecting the version you need (typically
MacOS or Windows 32-bit or 64bit), and following the prompts to install software.
Depending on your firewall installed on a PC, you may need to disable all or parts of
it to allow for a “foreign” application to be installed. I do not recommend installation
on any computer where you have no administrative privileges, so corporate
managed (work) computers can be problematic. There is also a version for iPadOS,
but I never tested it and I do not recommend it unless you own a keyboard and a
reasonably large-screen iPad device to be able to type, see, and validate your
computer code. For Windows users, most modern OS versions 7 and above can
handle 64-bit version, but CLIPS can also be installed in the old Windows
environments, which is why they still offer a compiled 32-bit version.
CLIPS is a high quality NASA designed application that is in active use, so this is not a
simple academic tool. You are using a real application with real purpose, and it is a
real learning that may have positive implications on your career. Rule based
programs come in every shape and title, so while you may not use CLIPS in particular,
every other rule-based application will behave similarly, i.e. proprietary EMR based
and built-in rule-based modules.
After you install software, download and read the User’s Guide under the
Documentation area of the CLIPS project web site, and then download and keep for
general reference the Basic Programming Guide. The latter document does not have
to be read in full, as it is a technical manual, but it will come handy when you need to
find different functions as a matter of reference. Do try multiple exercises in the
User’s Guide though, before you begin working on the below assignment. Anything
Advanced is optional for you to enjoy.
1. Write a stoplight user’s program for a pedestrian that will implement the
a. Ask what light is ‘on’, with choices of Red, Green, Yellow, and No Lights.
b. Process user input into a variable and display a recommendation for pedestrian
action on the screen, as follows:
No Lights
Stop and wait for the light to change to Green
Proceed to cross the road
Get ready to cross the road, but do not proceed
Stoplight may be broken, assess traffic conditions and proceed to cross
the road with caution
c. You must use Rules in CLIPS, as well as read user input into variables
corresponding to your 4 stoplight conditions. So, your read user input will define
facts in CLIPS. Pre-defined (asserted) facts will not fulfill requirements of this
assignment: input into variable must come from a user.
d. The two main type of rules you will build are the ones to collect user input and
store it into facts and the ones that will drive the recommended actions for a
pedestrian. However, you are welcome to exercise other options, except creating
facts without asking for user’s input in CLIPS.
2. Save the program into a file using the format (save “Stoplight Your Last
Name.CLP”) as a command in CLIPS. This saves your rules into a file I can copy/paste
from on my end to re-run your CLIPS program on my Mac. Please note that you may
need to put a directory path in front of the file, to control where the file goes on
your PC/Mac, so something like (save “/users/Jacob/documents/Stoplight Krive.clp”)
command – your actual path and file name will be yours and vary.
3. Upload the program in fulfillment of the assignment requirements to the learning
management system where you typically submit your assignments. 9 points for
the program.
4. Additionally, upload a short reflection on your learning, as a Word or PDF
document, with your assignment. 1 point for the summary/reflection.
Be sure to attend all relevant lectures and do reading and research with provided
documentation, before embarking on your programming journey. Also allow plenty
of time, especially if this is your first rule-based programming experience. Lastminute rush to submit “something” will unlikely bring fruitful results: put yourself in
the user’s shows – if you were a clinician or any other user, would you accept any
program other than a perfectly working one into your circulation/routine? If you buy
a product or service, you expect it to be in good working condition, so treat your
programming work the same way: it must work, contain full functionality, and deliver
on this functionality in full.
Good luck and enjoy new learning!

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