Answer the following questions regarding first aid and CPR

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First Aid, CPR, and AED advanced.


sixth edition

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ISBN 978-1-4496-3504-6


Jones and Bartlett LEARNING





Standard F’irst Aid, CPR, and AED
Assignment #


(20 pts)


Chapter 1:

l. Explain wh] first aid is important.
2. Identifu who needs first aid.
3. Define first aid.
4. Describe the difference between a personal first aid kit and a workplace first aid kit, as

well as the supplies that should be in each.

5. Define the different g?es of consent.

Chapter 2:

l. Define the characteristics of an emergency.
2. Describe the actions that should be taken by a bystander.
3. Identiff situations that require medical care.
4. List the steps that should be taken and the information that should be given when calling


5. Describe the standard precautions first aiders should take to prevent coming into direct
contact with infectious agents.

6. List the stages of grieving.



Standard First Aid, CP& and AED
Assignment#Z (20 Pts)


Chapter 3:

1. Describe the function of the respiratory system and its various parts’
2. Dlscribe the function of the circulatory system and its various parts’
3. Describe the roles of the brain and spinal cord in the central nervous system’
4. Describe the parts of the skeletal system’
5. Describe the three types of muscles that make up the muscular system’

Chapter 4:

1. Describe the importance of and the steps in a scene size-up.
2. Describe the steps in the primary check for an unresponsive victim’
3. Describe the steps in the primary check for a responsive victim’
4. Describe the steps in a secondary check for victims with a significant cause of injury’

5. List the parts of the mnemonic DO


6. Describe what to do until medical help is available’
7. Define triage.

Chapter 7:

1. Describe the difference between perfusion and hypoperfusion.
2. List and describe the cardiovascular causes of shock.
3. List and describe the noncardiovascular causes of shock.
4. Describe how to generally care for shock’
5. Describe the care for anaphylaxis’


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