HRD assignment


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In this assessment task you are required to write a short essay of no more than 1500 words to critically discuss and address the following questions: 

 How are trends in the business environment impacting on human resource development (HRD)? Please choose one trend (e.g. globalisation, skills shortages, the ageing workforce, new technology, or another) and discuss it in detail. 

 What opportunities and challenges does this trend present for HRD professionals? What recommendations would you give to HRD professionals so that we are up for the opportunities and challenges presented by this trend? 

This assessment requires you to be strategic in choosing an area that you are most comfortable with and then engage in substantial and independent literature searches to address the questions. The assessment also requires you to structure your essay well to make it clear and engaging for the reader. Furthermore, your arguments need to be evidence-based. We ask you to make reference to at least 5 high-quality research articles relevant to the human resources field, but referencing to more relevant and high-quality articles are strongly encouraged. You are welcome to draw on personal experiences and observations whenever appropriate in answering the questions. 

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Human Resource Development: Assessment 1 Individual Essay 1

BUSM1139 Human Resource Development: Assessment 1

Assessment Type Individual essay

Marks 40

Aims The main aim of the individual essay is to provide you opportunities to
conduct thorough literature search, critically evaluate literature, and provide
your own judgment on a particular topic. The essay is aimed at developing
your skills in literature search and review, critical thinking and synthesising,
and academic writing.

Word Limit 1500 words + reference list

Format Double-line spacing, size 12 font (Times New Romans or Arial preferred),
double-sided, black and white print

Reference Style Harvard Referencing Style

Due Friday 23 Feb 2018, 7:00 pm Singapore time

Submission Via Turnitin submission point on Canvas

Assessment Overview:

In this assessment task you are required to write a short essay of no more than 1500 words to
critically discuss and address the following questions:

 How are trends in the business environment impacting on human resource development
(HRD)? Please choose one trend (e.g. globalisation, skills shortages, the ageing workforce,
new technology, or another) and discuss it in detail.

 What opportunities and challenges does this trend present for HRD professionals? What
recommendations would you give to HRD professionals so that we are up for the
opportunities and challenges presented by this trend?

This assessment requires you to be strategic in choosing an area that you are most comfortable with
and then engage in substantial and independent literature searches to address the questions.
The assessment also requires you to structure your essay well to make it clear and engaging for the
reader. Furthermore, your arguments need to be evidence-based. We ask you to make reference to
at least 5 high-quality research articles relevant to the human resources field, but referencing to
more relevant and high-quality articles are strongly encouraged. You are welcome to draw on
personal experiences and observations whenever appropriate in answering the questions.

Assessment Guideline:

Below are some general suggestions about how academic essays should be structured. Please note
this is a very general structure and you may choose to have more detailed structures. For instance,
you may want to have some sub-sections in the main body of your essay.

 Introduction: In your introduction you should outline what you are going to do and the

position you are adopting – please use your introduction as a map to cover the points you

outline sequentially in the body of your report to stay on track. An introduction needs to

outline the purpose, context, background rationale. Key terms need to be defined. You also

Human Resource Development: Assessment 1 Individual Essay 2

need to set limits of the research by identifying what you are going to cover and sticking to it

(your road map).

 The Body of Your Essay: This is where you present your detailed literature review and

argument development. Your definitions and arguments must all be supported by your

references – every comment you make that presents as a fact, assertion or argument has to

be substantiated with a good reference that is cited or quoted in text. Marks are lost for

unsubstantiated opinions. What we are interested in is your capacity to synthesise and

communicate well researched information, and to derive your own judgment and argument

from existing literature.

 Conclusion: This where you write what you have concluded based only on your research.

 References: Please cite at least five relevant and high-quality academic publications. More

references that demonstrate your broad literature search are highly recommended. When

referencing please use Harvard style. To learn more about Harvard style please refer to

Assessment Criteria:

 Introduction: Clearly states the purpose of the essay and provides an engaging opening for

 Coverage: Provides a comprehensive overview of the topic. Literature review is sufficient,
relevant and recent.

 Content: The content of the essay closely hinges on the questions; analysis and synthesis of
relevant literature into a coherent framework; develops solid arguments in asserting own
opinions; Ideas and assertions substantiated through use of high quality reference material
and key academic perspectives/views.

 Conclusion: The conclusion closely hinges on and is a logical follow-on from the literature
review and analysis developed in the main body of the essay. The conclusion finishes with a
clear take-away message for the readers.

 Clarity of writing: Clear, logical and engaging writing in delivering your message; Free from
typos and grammatical mistakes; Clear structure; Ideas presented are coherent throughout
the essay.

 Supporting materials and referencing: The information and analysis was gathered from
many diverse, high-quality sources. Referencing style following Harvard reference styles for
in-text and list of references.

Assessment policies:

Below are some policies that are relevant for you to consider in preparing your essay. Please note
below is only a subset of the assessment policies. To have a comprehensive understanding of RMIT
policies please check Canvas (Assessment Tasks – Additional Information: Assessment Guides and

Turnitin submission:

Submissions must be made through Canvas Turnitin submission point electronically. All submissions
are made through Turnitin to check academic integrity (the allowed score in Turnitin is no more than

Human Resource Development: Assessment 1 Individual Essay 3

20% similarities). It is highly recommended that you submit your work a few days earlier to Turnitin
to check for similarities, before submitting your final work.

Late submission and over word limits:

Any late assignment, unless granted an extension by the course coordinator or the Special
Consideration Unit, will be penalised. Late submissions will be penalised 10% per day. Assignments
submitted more than seven (7) calendar days late will NOT be marked. Please check Canvas and
RMIT website about how to apply for special consideration.

You are asked to stay within word limit in the final word count on your essay (1500 words including
everything except reference). Usually we allow 10% above or below of the word limit (that means,
your final word count can range between 1350 words and 1650 words), yet going beyond word limit
by over 10% will incur a penalty to your mark. Please remember, good essays (either academic or
general writings) are always concise and focused, and the aim of our essay assessment is to help
develop such writing skills.

Human Resource Development: Q&A for Assessment 1


BUSM1139 Human Resource Development

Common Questions & Answers for Assessment 1

Below I compiled the questions that people typically ask in attempting this assessment. Most likely

you will encounter these questions too, so please take a look at all of them.

If your question is not included, then you are welcome to contact the lecturer and ask. This list will be

continuously updated so your question is likely to be included in the list to help other students in


If your question is already answered in the below list, then you may NOT receive further reply from

the lecturer, so please check this list first.

1. What are the requirements of this essay?

Please refer to the instructions provided in the “Assessment 1” folder in the “Assessment

Tasks” tab. The instructions are pretty detailed and should tell you enough information

about the topic, format, referencing and other requirements.

2. Should I discuss all trends in the essay?

No, you should pick ONLY ONE trend, and discuss it in details. You only have 1500 words to

articulate the implication of this trend on HRD and what we should do about it. You only

have the space to discuss this for 1 trend but not all trends.

3. Would it be a problem if I mention more than 1 trend in the essay?

We recognise that some trends can be related to others, so while in principle you are asked

to discuss only 1 trend as the main theme of the essay, you may sometime find it necessary

to refer to other trends. This is fine and you won’t be penalised. However, do bear in mind

that there’s risk when you go too far and too broad – which is a common problem with

many student essays. A good essay is focused, coherent, and succinct. For instance, if you

see some academic journal articles, you will find that the story is actually very simple even

though they can be lengthy. The authors would spend a lot time presenting detailed and

elaborate arguments for ideas that may seem simple. This is what we want to see in your


4. How to structure my essay? Do I have to write two paragraphs in relation to the two


No, you do not have to. In fact, we recommend you do not simply developing two

paragraphs to answer the two questions. You are expected to develop an essay that weaves

in your arguments smoothly in answering the two questions.

5. Do I have to discuss both challenges and opportunities?

Human Resource Development: Q&A for Assessment 1 2

No, you don’t have to. Of course focusing on both would enable you to develop a richer

essay, yet you won’t be penalised if you only focus on opportunities, or if you only focus on

challenges. We evaluate the overall quality of your essay as long as you have addressed

relevant areas.

6. Can I discuss the trend at a national level?

Certainly! The question is actually very open-ended. You can either discuss the trend at the

global level – how does it affect all of us internationally, or you can discuss it specifically for

your country’s context (E.g. Singapore, Australia, etc.). Or, you can even use a particular

company as the reference and discuss how the company is subject to the influence from

such trend. As you can see, all of these approaches are fine (and you might find some other

angles too!). The key is not about which angle you take (and there’s no right or wrong

angles), we are only assessing how well you have developed your arguments in answering

these questions. As long as you have made a good case and developed clear, solid, evidence-

based arguments in answering the questions, you will get good marks.

7. What references should I use, and how many should I include?

Obviously the more references you can include the better, as it shows the breadth of your

reading. However, you are required to use at least 5 high-quality academic articles. What is

considered an academic article? It includes publications from below:

 Academic journals, e.g. you can use the journal list I provide in Lecture 3 to get some


 Academic books, e.g. the textbook of the unit

 Academic conference proceedings, e.g. from Academy of Management Annual

Conference (AOM), Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management Annual

Conference (ANZAM), Society of Human Resource Management Annual Conference

(SHRM), among others.

A good way to tell whether an article is considered an academic article is judging by the way

it does references. Academic articles are supported by solid and broad references – for the

statements they make, they usually have some other sources to back up. This is considered

an academic practice and you should both read these articles and also write your essay in

the same way.

However, you are very welcome and are encouraged to broaden your readings and cite

other useful resources, such as practitioner magazines (e.g. HR Monthly, Forbes, Fortune),

company reports (e.g. from Deloitte, Hay Group, McKinsey).

Rubric for Assessment 1 Essay

Human Resource Development: Rubric for Assessment 1 1


Levels of Achievement












Does not provide clear
statement about the
purpose of the essay
and the topic being

Demonstrated some
clarity about the purpose
of the essay and the
topic being chosen.

Provides a reasonably
clear statement about the
purpose of the essay;
offers a relatively clear
picture about topic being

Provides a clear
statement about the
purpose of the essay;
offers a clear picture
about the topic that
interests readers.

Well articulates the purpose
of the essay and the topic
being chosen; provides a
highly engaging opening for
readers to delve further into
the essay.


The discussions on
different questions are
very unbalanced which
lead to substantial lack
of discussions on some
questions. Because of
the coverage issue the
essay reads rather

Provides a reasonable
coverage of the topic and
the questions being
asked. However the
coverage of some
sections can be less
appropriate and the logic
with other sections can
be less clear.

Provides a good
coverage of the topic.
Attempts to cover
different questions yet
better balance could be
achieved (e.g. some
sections are too detailed
while others too cursory).

Provide a relatively
comprehensive coverage
of the topic and in
addressing the key
questions. Provides a
generally balanced
coverage of the sections.

Provides a comprehensive
yet also focused coverage of
the topic and in addressing
the key questions. Different
sections are very well
balanced so that the essay
reads as both broad,
strategic and focused,


Relevant key HRD
theories, frameworks
and practices are poorly
discussed and little or
no links made to the

Some relevant key HRD
theories, frameworks and
practices are discussed
and some attempts made
to link appropriately to
the topics

Relevant key HRD
theories, frameworks and
practices are discussed
and links were made
appropriately to the topic.

Relevant key HRD
theories, frameworks and
practices are discussed
and links were made
appropriately to the topic.
Demonstrates some level
of critical evaluation and

Uses highly relevant key
HRD theories, frameworks
and practices to develop
own arguments. The issues
discussed demonstrate
exceptional critical
evaluation and original


Stated only general
conclusions which were
not supported by the
analysis and
arguments. The
conclusion has little
relationship with the
earlier part of the essay.

Drew limited conclusions
and summaries. The
logic with and flow from
the earlier analysis and
arguments can be

Drew a generally
reasonable conclusion
and summary which
followed from the
analysis and arguments,
though the conclusion
can be improved with
better clarity and focus.

Drew a good conclusion
expectations which
followed logically from the
analysis and arguments.
The conclusion provides a
clear summary of the

Exceed expectations
(conclusion and distinction)
which followed logically from
the analysis and arguments.
The conclusion provides a
solid summary of the essay
and provides readers with
clear and punchy takeaway

Rubric for Assessment 1 Essay

Human Resource Development: Rubric for Assessment 1 2

Clarity of


Ideas and points difficult
to comprehend.
Paragraphs and
sentences were poorly
constructed and
illogical. Writing was
fraught with clichés and
misuse of language.

Significant problems with
clarity, coherence, and/or
consistency. Paragraphs
were poorly organised or
unfocused. More than an
occasional problem with
sentence construction,
poor word choice, or over
reliance on clichés.

Most ideas were clearly
expressed though with
some need for
Paragraphs generally
coherent, but some were
poorly organised or
focused. Some problems
with sentence
construction and/or word

Ideas are generally clearly
expressed perhaps with
an occasional lapse in
clarity. Paragraphs were
generally coherent,
sentences mostly well-
crafted and varied, and
words well-chosen.

Clear, logical creative
expression and well-crafted
sentences. Paragraphing
was coherent and consistent
with the ideas being
presented. Demonstrated a
creative and accurate use of
language and phrasing.




The analysis was based
very limited sources
and did not adopted
RMIT Business
referencing style. A very
limited use of academic
articles (e.g. greatly
less than 5).

The analysis was
gathered from several
relevant source(s) and
adopted RMIT Business
referencing style
appropriately (but not
consistently with errors).
Referred to a reasonable
number of academic
articles (e.g. around 4-5).

The analysis was
gathered from several,
relevant source(s).
Adopted RMIT Business
referencing style
appropriately, accurately
and consistently. Used
more than 5 academic

The analysis was
gathered from diverse,
quality source(s) beyond
those provided and
requested; and adopted
RMIT Business
referencing style
appropriately, accurately
and consistently. Used 5-8
academic articles of high-

The information analysed
was gathered from many
diverse, high quality
source(s) beyond those
provided and adopted; and
strictly conformed to the
RMIT Business referencing
style appropriately,
accurately and consistently.
Used 8 or more academic
articles of high-quality, in
addition to a wide range of
other useful resources.

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