Two Leaders

Please see attached for the leaders I selected. 

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If i could also have an outline in a separate document that would be great. 

For this  paper, you will choose two leaders, one male and one female. These two leaders do not need to be from the same organization. One leader should be what you would consider “effective and successful” and the other should be what you would consider “ineffective and unsuccessful.”

Compare these two leaders regarding their leadership characteristics, use of power and influence, and how these relate to their effectiveness or lack of effectiveness within their respective organization.

Make sure to use research to back up your statements within the paper. You will need to address each of the following as they relate to your two leaders. Each element is worth equal value.

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  • A brief background and      organizational framework for each leader, including job title and general      description, industry in which they work, number of subordinates they      supervise, and their leadership level within the organization (lower      level, middle level, executive level)
  • A comparison of the techniques      used by each leader to gain power in his or her role within the      organization
  • A comparison of how      subordinates relate to each leader, including how much influence the      subordinates have on each leader
  • An analysis of how each leader      uses influence to change the behavior of other leaders, co-workers, and      subordinates within the organization
  • A comparison of the techniques      used by each leader to influence employee motivation
  • An analysis of self-destructive      tendencies (dark characteristics) of each leader, and how these tendencies      affect the organization
  • A comparison of how each leader      rewards employees, and how effective the reward systems are
  • An analysis of which leadership      theory best describes each leader and the reasons why you selected the      leadership theory based on research


  • Your paper must be 8–10 pages      in length, not counting the required title, abstract, and reference pages.
  • You must back up your analysis      with at least six references not used as required or recommended readings      in this course. You may also use additional credible sources including      newspapers, trade journals, government reports, and white papers. 
  • Include a cover page denoting      the paper title, your name, the course number and name, your instructor’s      name, and the date you are making the submission.
  • Include an outline or table of      contents.
  • Include a brief abstract      statement summarizing your hypothesis or findings.
  • Format your paper according to APA.      Use APA citations where appropriate and include an APA- formatted      reference page at the end.

Portfolio Project Leaders

Dynamics of Power In Organizations

Matthew Buckner

Csu- Global

Phillip Jackson


John Legere- example of a great leader

John Legere is currently the CEO of T-Mobile, he is known for his very eccentric behavior in the atmosphere that he creates at T-Mobile. He strives to make sure that there is a clear communication with all employees. And since his arrival in 2012 has grown market share exponentially, they have since taken spot of the third largest mobile provider in the United States. I chose him as an example of a good leader because of his clear strength of communication. He is extremely transparent and takes the time to listen in and empower his employees. One of the examples of this is that until he was the CEO in 2012 none of the previous CEOs for T-Mobile had visited any of the call centers. The satisfaction with in the company of skyrocketed along with their market share. He started his career at New England telephone and then spent 20 years at AT&T working under Daniel Hesse. After that he was the Executive for AT&T global strategy for business development before becoming the president of world wide outsourcing for AT&T. From there he then moved on to be the vice president of DELL, then had one last role before joining t mobile. His last role of leadership at Global crossing was met with some controversy, but ultimately lead him to his current role.

John Legere – Interview. (2014). CEO Wire, CEO Wire, Oct 28, 2014

Bergen, Mark. (2014). T-MOBILE’S MUTINOUS MARKETING MACHINE; Mike Sievert, the CMO behind un-CEO John Legere, is reserved but aggressive–an ‘evil genius’ agitator who is the perfect counterpart to the brash executive who has made T-Mobile a takeover target. Advertising Age, 85(17), 0015.

Ginni Rometty – leader that is perceived to need direction or development.

Ginni Rometty is currently the CEO of IBM and the first women leader of IBM. She started with the company in 1981 and held many positions including vice President and group executive for sales before taking the CEO role. She has had several awards over the years it has been named one of the most influential people in the world several times. Though she is taking harsh criticism for executive compensation and out sourcing. She is also taking a lot of criticism based on company performance. IBM has currently had over 23 consecutive quarters in a decline of revenue. Low she is not known for creating a poor culture within the company the company definitely s suffers from a lack employee satisfaction. I trust her as a leader that my eight development because of the lack of employee satisfaction and the 23 consecutive quarters of the client. When reviewing and going over her leadership style she doesn’t have anything that would particularly stand out to you. The one thing that she is big on his results in communication, but she’s not perceived as being empathetic. I think this gives her a Callas reputation, and with the perceived high executive compensation it is believe that she doesn’t care about her employees. She does feel that action speak louder than words and the company as a whole comes up at goals that they all work towards. I look forward to diving in to see why She is perceived as being a poor leader.

Chafkin, M. (2016). Ginni Rometty, CEO, IBM. Bloomberg Businessweek, (4486), 58.

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