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Final Report and Presentation: Each student will prepare a formal academic report (in APA format), which should include the completed project documentation, the strategy for completing the project, and all supporting material.

The final report should be formatted as follows: 1” margins, double spaced, times-roman font, with appropriate citations for the use of data and analyses from primary and secondary research. The recommended outline of the report is as follows:

· Title page

· Table of Contents

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· Abstract/Executive Summary (one-page)

· Research Questions/Business Problem

· Research Methodology

· Literature Review/Background (including an analysis of the industry as it affects your business problem (environmental scan))

· Analysis and Recommendations

· Limitations of the Research, Future Work Planned, and Lessons Learned

· References

· Appendices

My topic for research paper is:

Smart Homes using AI virtual assistants with applied Smart devices”

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Smart Homes using AI virtual assistants with applied Smart devices

Smart Homes using AI virtual assistants with applied Smart devices
Integrated Smart Homes using AI virtual assistants with applied Smart devices

This proposal is focused on the smart homes that using the AI virtual assistants with the applied IoT smart devices. Home Automation is one of the most trending technology in the present world and has become a widespread practice. Using IoT devices with AI, we can control the home through cloud, WIFI and some more applications using mobile phones. I would like to give a complete review of the devices and use of AI in the smart homes will be provided by collecting the information that is relevant and accurate to it by going through some of the Journals, articles, review papers and text books.
An analyzed final document will be submitted by the end after reviewing all the provided information makes the others to learn about it.

Virtual Assistants, Artificial Intelligence, IoT devices, and Home Automation.

Table of Contents




Relationship to CPT




Problem Statement and Justification


Literature Review


Proposed Solution Approach


Proposed Work Plan



In the science fiction movies, we see humans interacting with machines as if like a conversation in-between family member. Researchers, Developers and Programmers are developing such tools and devices with voice enhanced skills embedding with artificial intelligence into them. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one among the cutting-edge technologies with creative innovations.
Virtual Assistants are the devices which uses the AI technology. Now-a-days Virtual assistants are more and more popular in helping the people to remind their daily tasks with scheduled timed messages. The Most Popular Social and the Business Platforms started investing in these Virtual Assistant races. Among the most popular devices some of them are namely, Amazon’s Echo, Google Assistant, Siri and Cortona. These devices are categorized to the smart devices which can recognize voice and replies with the available solution.
Smart homes comprise the smart devices with the highly automatic systems for temperature control, lights, music and some more IoT devices. Smart devices like google and amazon echo has a rapid growth and has many uses in the view of the smart homes. Use of AI in the home with applied IoT devices would be my area of focus.
I choose this as my topic because as in the field of IT everything is interlinked with one another either in the software or hardware to have a better understanding and more efficient information in a straightforward way. My motive for topic of this paper is, I’m basically a curious about the smart devices and these devices running with AI and interacting with the other devices understanding them is been more curious to me.

Commonly used terms in this paper and their definitions are

Artificial Intelligence (AI): we have different new definitions
Branch of the Computer Science (CS) that plays with program with if-then-else loop programs.
Conversations with Apple’s artificial intelligence can happen without even lifting an arm.
(Tsukayama, Apple unveils updated products including a $1,000 iPhone with facial recognition, 2017)
Virtual Assistant (AI): a software agent that helps any individual to perform the assigned task virtually.

Problem Statement and Justification
The main objective of my paper is to provide a review on the smart devices, security systems, smart power plugs that makes the home smart using AI virtual assistants. For this purpose, I have gone through some journals, papers, articles and some Talks.
The first question that raised in my mind while I’m writing this paper is: What makes a home to be intelligent hub? There are many products like Amazon Echo, Dot and Google Home and so on which uses the Bluetooth technology and voice recognition makes Home to Think, but are these the only technologies helps home more secured and intelligent?
Another primary question that needs to be clarify through this research paper is cost involved in building the intelligent home. Since there are no questions that intelligent roofs homes will change the human but when it comes to building an intelligent home, real issue comes in place that can we afford this? We all needed the advancement in technology side, but it’s also important to be focus on the cost and work involved in implementation
A technology built within home, makes home controlling and making the intelligent decisions like temperature control, security alerts, automatic electric control to save energy. Since, in a regular home building require human decisions to controlling home system. This paper will also look up and project the newer generation technologies like Zenbo from Asus or Aido an entertainment robot for the kids, Nest Cam and the Netatmo Presence which is advanced AI technology cameras for home security. Analyzing such kind of future technologies hopefully, helps in predicting the intelligent automation home.
There has been an increase in the smart home technologies which has led to the creation of several literature studies by different authors. The studies cover the awareness and perception of consumers on adopting new technologies and the responsibility of these technologies in energy saving. This paper will provide analysis of two literature reviews on smart home technologies topic.

Literature Review
The first literature review is the article on smart home automation while the second one is smart home activities.
The first article ( ) describes several intelligent home automation technologies and systems from a diverse features standpoint. The article focuses on home automation models where the control and monitoring operations are enabled through smart gadgets installed in residential structures (Gunge, 2016).The various home automation technologies and systems included in this article include cloud-based, Dual Tone Multi Frequency-based, ZigBee based, SMS based, mobile based, Bluetooth based, email-based, web-based and central controller based. The Smart home is known as the House automation which uses the new technology to ensure that the domestic operations are more economical, secure, comfortable and convenient.
The second article ((, n.d.) gives a review on the goals of the smart home energy management system together with information, applications and definitions on the creation of its elements. It also examines the challenges that are connected with the smart home energy management systems and how to resolve those challenges (saad, 2014). It also discusses the energy elements that contribute to the electricity bill of the customer. It also presents several load models and price plans that are required for solving problems related to scheduling optimization such as a literature review that is related to the management scheduling of energy system in respect to its communication, automation, and control.
The main lens to be applied in the research will be the logic lens. There are questions to be considered when applying this lens to the research they include:
1. Is the reasoning in the research logical?
2. What are the best techniques applied for thinking reasonably?
3. How has the research made logical arguments?
Reviewing both articles, I agree with how the authors have broken down the topics and covered the topic broadly. The first article has broken down into several topics such as Literature review, features and challenges of the home automation system and the conclusion. The literature review provides a vivid description of the remote home automation and how it functions. The second article has been classified into several topics such as home automation, energy management, SMART HOME EMS (SHEMS) – including its goals, challenges, possible solutions and the conclusion. The topic breakdown is appropriate and covers wide range ideas on smart home activities. It focuses on the key goals of smart home such as reducing environmental emissions, facilitating energy management and increasing home automation. Both articles have applied the logical lens in their research, and it can be identified by the logical way of how ideas have been presented by the authors in the articles. Both theory and practical have been presented by the authors in these articles.
The literature review needs the author to juggle several tasks such as evaluating and finding appropriate materials to synthesize data from different sources and poses good skills in the citation, paraphrasing critical thinking. Both the authors have followed the above principles when writing the articles extensively. The literature reviews discus the topics critically, identify the methodological issues and identify the research gaps. It can be a challenge to attain a great review of these fonts, and the best solution as seen from these articles is involving a complementary co-author.
Additional articles
1. Will artificial intelligence enable new smart home services personalized for the whole family?
This article describes analyst prediction on the looming increase in for smart homes as the mainstream media still ridicules at the pitiful customer take-up. However, as the author suggests the truth may lie in between the analyst prediction and the mainstream media ridicules. There are many services that are not valued by the user or that they struggle to set up. The artificial intelligence (AI) tends to provide consumers with personalized and smart services. A report from research conducted by analysts Markets And Markets gave a prediction that “the global smart home market is predicted to be valued at US$137.91 billion by 2023, growing at a CAGR (the compound annual growth rate) of 13.61% between 2017 and 2023.” (London, 2016)
2. Humans have much to teach AI about the smart home.
According to this article, the Artificial Intelligence is attracting a wide attention currently. Most of the conversations on this topic are considered irrelevant to the impactful, actual growth being achieved. Artificial Intelligence in the real world is not about supplanting and recreating generic human intelligence but about automating certain tasks and resolving certain issues that need the system beyond the simple pre-programmed logic. The adaptive cruise control and mobile check deposits are two examples of issues solved by Artificial Intelligence which people highly take for granted (Warren, 2017).Our homes in future will be helping us to proactively manage the several ordinary roles that are brought by owning a home. An example is the home detecting that the HVAC system is near the end of its life and organizing a technician to come and look at it.
3. AI is making smart homes safer.
The Artificial Intelligence and smart home devices are convenient and ensure a home is a safe place. The security practices have been made easier by the proliferating internet of things (IoT) (Bay, 2017).The smart cameras are most convenient AI-powered devices that can be put in the home from a security standpoint. The cameras act as prevention and keep the owner informed and can help the police in identifying a person. The camera device can upload video footage automatically to the cloud for an easy playback and storage. It can also tap into a live feed at any location with the help of the connected apps in the Smartphone. It is also possible to make the home more secure using Alexa (an AI digital assistant that powers the Amazon’s Echo devices. With Alexa, it is easy to plug into the smart home network and control other connected devices from a central center.
4. How AI Makes Smart Homes Smarter
In the current homes, we have Artificial Intelligence in nearly all devices around such as home alarm system. It is estimated that there will be roughly 20.4 billion devices that are the Internet of Things (IoT) enabled by 2022. According to IDC, 80 billion gadgets will be connected to the internet by 2025 with the market value being at $564 billion (Bondi, 2017).The home devices need to be more than smart but also intelligent in their operations. They also have to be intuitive and comprehend one’s lifestyle and personal moments in one’s life. They should also provide the right level of privacy, security, and assistance. So that the devices have high intelligence level, the IoT apps and devices need to have user aware Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence in smart home gadgets can transform the raw sensor information from the connected device/phone into a behavior pattern that is meaningful to the customer.

5. Will AI make our smart homes smarter?
According to the survey conducted by the British Science Association, 36% of the respondents agreed that the development of AI is posing a great threat to the human being’s long-term survival. There are two basic approaches that can be applied when it comes to the Artificial Intelligence modeling. The first one is the world model whereby all the intelligence of the system is supplied through programming and supplying it with data required in making informed decisions. The second approach (currently most favored by the machine learning projects) involves the development of frameworks that look like the human thought process. This means that it can teach itself about its environment and can update and create its world models easily. The smart home is a closed environment and also highly individualized to the user’s needs. It is also considered the perfect test bed for the Artificial Intelligence using the two models mentioned. The usage data that is processed by the home automation systems provide decent bedrock on which to construct an intelligent system that is based on the machine learning processes.
6. A smart home is where the bot is
The smart home will be like the human central nervous system in the few years coming. There will be a central platform at the core of the smart home. The personal home bots of the diverse computing power will emit from this platform and carry out a broad range of tasks such as supervising other bots. The home bots are diverse in their responsibility: personal, shared, invisible (software that runs products or systems), small and big. Some home bots are assistants/companions, and wealth planners. In the next few years, there will be more items in our living space that will be interconnected (initial stages of a new home ecosystem). That home improvement level offers significant changes, threats, and opportunities for devices and appliances that are part of our home life. (A smart home is where the bot is., 2017)

Proposed Solution Approach
The main objective for this research paper is to find the how to build an intelligence in a home that changes the human life. At present people are surrounded with many technologies that built with AI such as smart mobile, advanced laptops, intelligent watches which all together makes life of man in a comfort zone. When it comes to building or implementing the AI in homes, the primary questions to be answered is why and how.
To achieve all the answers to the questions, my research paper makes the readers know the theme of my aim. For this, initially I did lot of research on what is artificial intelligence and how programing instructions make to think by following the several peer reviewed articles and journals. Finally, which helped me to give my introduction, where I projected what is artificial intelligence and need of intelligence in the home with some web definitions made by different scientists, writers from different prospect view.
The problem justification and solution helped me to post the challenges and set goal for the research paper. The goal set in writing paper are researching on various gadgets, tools, technologies to achieve in building the intelligent homes and cost, efforts involved in it.
To find all the solutions did lot of researching on analysis of journals, peer reviewed articles, books and articles related to the Ai technology and smart gadgets. With researching on various articles and views, comparing the various prospects formed in to one document. In additional to the researching, my personal view using the AI technology gadgets like Siri in iPhone, smart watches using real time interactions.

To verify the gathered information quality, made several researches on the various well published documents and analyzed. Also made several personal interviews on personal use of individuals to get their opinions of using the AI interactions. Which helped me researching on my views from various authors thoughts and made me to focus on the targeted goals of the research paper.

( (n.d.). Retrieved from (
(2017, January). Retrieved from A smart home is where the bot is.:
Bay. (2017, october 27). AI is making smart homes safer. . Retrieved from
Bondi, K. (2017, September 14). The House That Learns: How AI Makes Smart Homes Smarter. Retrieved from
Brynjolfsson, Erik. (2017, july). Retrieved from
Gunge. (2016). Gunge, V. S., & Yalagi, P. S. (2016). Smart Home Automation: A Literature Review. International Journal of Computer Applicatios, 6-10., 6-10.
London, A. L. (2016, September 2017). Will AI make our smart homes smarter? Retrieved from
saad. (2014). Saad al-sumaiti, A., Ahmed, M. H., & Salama, M. M. (2014). Smart home activities: A literature review. Electric Power Components and Systems, 42(3-4), 294-305.
Warren. (2017, August 8). Humans have much to teach AI about the smart home. Retrieved from


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