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Symbiotic Interactionism Theory

When I read George Herbert’s theory, I thought of my freshman year in college. I wasn’t lucky to be accommodated inside campus so I sought for accommodation elsewhere. Campus was near a real estate development area and so it wasn’t so hard to find a place. I wanted somewhere quiet I could study with minimal or no disturbance. As fate would have it, I found a place. It wasn’t perfect but at least it met most of my room requirements. It was late in the evening and there I was in an environment where I knew nobody save for the caretaker. To make matters worse, my power was off since the previous tenant had interfered with the power supply. I was helpless and had to spend my first night in college in a blackout.

The next day was promising for I had the hope of fixing the power problem. But the first order of the day was school. We had an orientation lecture and I was so eager to hear the principal’s speech. When I returned back to the apartment in the evening, my power was not fixed and the caretaker wasn’t fixed. Luckily someone was also moving in next door. This is when George Herbert’s theory took effect. I had to start a conversation with a complete stranger. Coincidentally, he had the same power problem. This was a good conversation opener and I went for it. The fact that we faced a common problem made the bonding experience easy. We talked and planned on how we would storm the caretaker’s office when he returns. I had to spend day two of college in total darkness. I was beginning to hate this place but on the bright side, at least I had made one friend.

The next day I woke up infuriated and ready for action. There was no school today because we had been given a week to settle in before the lectures finally begun. My apartment was on the second floor so I had walk down the stairs. My first sight was of a woman, she was airing her clothes. Her apartment was on the first floor. She was so beautiful, and she smiled at me with kindness. Her smile was in my head; I didn’t even realize I was at the caretaker’s door or that I had knocked on the door. What woke me up from my trance was, “Hey, why are you smiling at me like that in the morning?” What? Was I smiling? I didn’t realize I had been smiling all this time. It was also the hardest question to answer and given the dilemma, it was so hard to shift into the beast mode as I had planned. I just stood there dumbfounded with nothing to say. Something then occurred that I can’t explain to this day. The caretaker told me the following words, “If this is about the power problem, there is no need for that smile, the electrician is on your door to fix it.” How could I have walked downstairs and the only person I remember running into was the beautiful woman on the first floor. And why is this guy assuming this smile is meant to persuade him to heed to my call for help? I didn’t come here to persuade him with a smile, I came here as to demand my own rights.

So without saying a word, I began walking upstairs to my apartment. It was amazing how my problems were solved without me saying a word. As I walked upstairs the electrician was not in my thoughts. My thoughts were still on the beautiful flower I saw in the first floor. I was hoping to catch a glimpse of her for the second time. When I got there, she was already gone! I didn’t know the specifics of the apartment so I just walked by to my apartment. I can’t remember talking to the electrician either, I just got to my apartment opened the door and he got in and completed his job.

The next day, I wanted to make some tea. To my realization, I had no milk! So I went out to get some, as I was walking downstairs, I saw her again; she was trying to lock her door at the same time hurling curses. I chuckled as I walked by and she turned to face me. Apparently she had hurt her finger while locking the door. I said hello and walked on without saying another word. I bought my milk and returned to my apartment. I didn’t see her again for the rest of the week. I assumed she had travelled somewhere, so I didn’t bother looking for her.

The next week was our lecture week. I got up and went for the first lecture. It was the first lecture so I was really excited. After the lecture, I was her! It seemed fate just crossed our paths. She didn’t see me. The next day I was excited to see her and tell her that I was also in the same college. This time we would have a real conversation. Luckily, I ran into her at the apartment. I confidently muttered the word hello as she turned to face me, “I saw you yesterday, I’m also in this college” I continued. She was surprised, she asked me what class I was in. “class A” I stated casually. She smiled as she said calmly, “ I’m also in class A.” Before I could say another word, she disappeared into her apartment.

Later that evening after the lectures, I was so eager to talk to her again. This time I would try to know her name at least. The only problem was that I had no conversation opener. I began with hello and how was your day, normal conversations take that format. I asked about the note, she didn’t have them. She asked for my number just in case I found the notes. To cut the long story short, she became my best friend in college. But we can see George Herbert’s theory in play. Through her I met other people and through me she met other people too. Mead believed that our thoughts, self-concept, and the wider community we live in are created through communication—symbolic interaction. theory, Mind, Self, and Society, describes how language is essential for these three critical human characteristics to develop. Symbolic interaction refers to the language and gestures a person uses in anticipation of the way others will respond. The verbal and nonverbal responses that a listener then provides are likewise crafted in expectation of how the original speaker will react. The continuing process is like the game of charades described in the introduction to this section; it’s a full-fledged conversation. From this story we see how human conversation occurs. From the verbal to non-verbal cues.

Chapter 5: Symbolic Interactionism (SI)
In this Chapter:
Background on SI
Core principles of SI
Critique of SI

Discussion Questions
Freakonomics and Naming
1. Do people’s names really matter?
– Why or why not?
2. Can your name influence your self?
– Defines your destiny?
3. What would Symbolic Interactionism Theory say about this example?

I. Background on SI
A. Early 1900s, two competing schools of thought on how to study “the self”
1. U of Iowa – objective approach
2. U of Chicago – interpretive approach
B. Key people: George Mead (Philosophy) & Herbert Blumer (Sociology)
– Mind, Self, and Society (1934)

Map of
Communication Traditions


I. Background on SI
C. Worldview (Interpretive; Socio-Cultural tradition)
1. Epistemology – multiple realities are possible; uses ethnography
2. Ontology – people make conscious choices to create their reality, although constrained by societal rules/expectations
3. Axiology – theory should be used to solve complex social problems; reform society
D. Thesis – Human realities are socially constructed through communication and the use of symbols

II. Core principles of SI
A. Meaning
1. Meanings are the basis of human behavior
2. We act on the meanings we give to people and things
3. Meanings are co-created and negotiated
Catch Me If You Can

II. Core principles of SI
B. Language
1. Through interactions with others we develop language
2. Language allows us to name our experiences; gives meaning
3. We develop default assumptions
Language and RateMyProfessor

II. Core principles of SI
C. Thinking
1. Thinking is an inner conversation with ourselves, called minding/being mindful
2. Role-taking is unique to humans (perspective-taking)
Children and “Imaginative Play”

II. Core principles of SI
D. The Self
1. Only through language can we develop a sense of self
2. Reflections in the looking-glass self
3. The self is an ongoing process of balancing the “I” and “me”
Gender Stereotyping?
Jennifer Lawrence Wage Gap

II. Core principles of SI
E. Society
1. The community’s influence on the self creates the generalized other
2. Particular others (significant people) can create a self- fulfilling prophecy

III. Critique of SI
A. SI is difficult to summarize (Aesthetic Appeal)
B. SI ignores emotions and power (Reform Society)

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