Integrative Literature Review

The primary goal of this literature review is to integrate concepts from four different content domains within the larger field of psychology. The four content domains should be chosen from previous coursework in this program. In this paper, students will review the findings in the individual empirical articles, organize the research in a meaningful way, evaluate the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the research findings, and present an integrated synthesis of the research that sheds new light on the topics within and across the four domains.  The result of a successful integrative literature review may be a significant contribution to a particular body of knowledge and, consequently, to research and practice. Therefore, before writing this literature review, substantive new research must be conducted via the Internet and within the Ashford University Library for each of the four chosen domains. A minimum of six sources must be included for each of the four domains. Although content from literature reviews completed in prior courses within this program may be included, it may not constitute the total research for the individual domains addressed within this assignment. No more than four sources from previous literature reviews completed in this program may be utilized for this integrative review.  The headings listed below must be used within the paper to delineate the sections of content. These sections include the following: a clear introduction that provides a general review and organizes the research in a meaningful way; a discussion in which the evidence is presented through analysis, critique, and synthesis; and a conclusion in which the discussion is drawn together in a meaningful way, the claims of the introduction are brought to a logical closure, and new research is proposed.  Introduction •Provide a conceptual framework for the review. •Describe how the review will be organized. The questions below may be used to guide this section. ◦What are the guiding theories within the domains? ◦How are the domains connected? ◦Are there competing points of view across the domains? ◦Why is the integration of these domains important? ◦What is the history of these domains? ◦What are the related theories or findings? •Describe how the literature was identified, analyzed, and synthesized. •How and why was the literature chosen? •What is your claim or thesis statement?  Discussion •Provide the analysis, critique, and synthesis for the review.  Analysis •Examine the main ideas and relationships presented in the literature across the four domains. •Integrate concepts from the four different content domains within the larger field of psychology. •What claim(s) can be made in the introduction? •What evidence supports the claim(s) made in the introduction?  Critique  •Evaluate the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the chosen research findings. •How well does the literature represent the issues across the four domains? •Identify the strengths and the key contributions of the literature. •What, if any, deficiencies exist within the literature? •Have the authors omitted any key points and/or arguments? •What, if any, inaccuracies have been identified in the literature? •What evidence runs contrary to the claims proposed in the introduction, and how might these be reconciled with the claims presented? •Explain how the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct might influence the reliability and/or generalizability of the chosen findings. •Did the ethical issues influence the outcomes of the research? •Were ethical considerations different across the domains?  Synthesis •Integrate existing ideas with new ideas to create new knowledge and new perspectives. •Describe the research that has previously been done across these domains, as well as any controversies or alternate opinions that currently exist. •Relate the evidence presented to the major conclusions being made. •Construct clear and concise arguments using evidence-based psychological concepts and theories to posit new relationships and perspectives on the topics within the domains.  Conclusion •Provide a conclusion and present potential future considerations. •State your final conclusion(s). •Synthesize the findings described in the discussion into a succinct summary. •What questions remain? •What are the possible implications of your argument for existing theories and for everyday life? •Are there novel theories and/or testable hypothesizes for future research? •What do the overarching implications of the studies show? •Where should the research go from this point to further the understanding of these domains and the greater study of psychology?

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The Integrative Literature Review •Must be 20 to 30 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.  •Must include a separate title page with the following: ◦Title of paper ◦Student’s name ◦Course name and number ◦Instructor’s name ◦Date submitted •Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. •Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. •Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. •Must use at least 24 peer-reviewed sources, including a minimum of 20 from the Ashford University Library. •Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. •Must include a separate reference list that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Running head: THESIS

Sharron Chambers


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Master of Arts in Psychology Capstone PSY 699

Dr. Shlomo Hollander

January 29, 2018

Ensuring treatment of adult treatment affected with substance abuse disorder and mental illness


My thesis involves a proposed program evaluation that is being conducted by United Nations Office on Drugs and crimes, on which has a motion “Ensuring treatment of adult affected with substance abuse disorder and mental illness.” The program is meant to evaluate some of the ways that can be used in making sure that the treatment of adults suffering from substance abuse and mental illness goes smoothly and easily. The program evaluation is also meant to make sure that there is sensitization of adults to avoid substance abuse and alcoholism (WHO, 2000).

Purpose of Program Evaluation (Thesis)

The main purpose of this program evaluation is to monitor treatment of substance abuse disorder and mental illness among adults. This program is also meant to systematically collect data and information with regards to substance abuse and mental illness which will be important in solving the necessary treatment and prevention strategies necessary for the program. The program evaluation is also important in making sure that the counseling profession improves the quality and rate of counseling sessions when dealing with victims of substance abuse disorder and mental illness. To add on that the program is meant to create best avenues in terms of psychology that can be used in making sure that adult who suffer or who once suffered from substance abuse are well treated.

Program to be Evaluated

The program of evaluation is “Ensuring treatment of adult affected with substance abuse disorder and mental illness” this evaluation seeks to make sure there is smooth treatment of adults that are suffering from substance abuse and mental illness. It is also meant to insure that the required resources are been used to make sure that the program is working and to do away with ineffective programs or activities that seems to waste the finances of the program. The program is also meant to monitor the progress towards the program goals and to make sure that the program is producing the desired results. The fact that this is a universal program there will be comparison of populations with high risk factors for substance abuse and mental illness (WHO, 2000).

Overall Goal

The overall goal of the proposed program evaluation is to systematically collect data and information with regards to substance abuse and mental illness which will be important in solving the necessary treatment and prevention strategies necessary for the program.


Mental and substance disorder is on the rise in today’s world. When it comes to the United States it is true where according to epidemiological evidence that was discovered recently there is 50% lifetime prevalence of substance abuse that is among those with mental illness, adult trauma and homelessness This means that as a program the main aim is to give the numbers of this prevalence to reduce as much as possible. The collection of data and information that will be used will include interviews and questionnaires on some of the families and friends affected by substance abuse and health providers who have had one to one experiences with victims of substance abuse and mental illness. A final report will be written and the required strategy will be used to accomplish the goals of our program (WHO, 2000).

Data Collection

The data collection instrument that will be used will include use of in depth interviews and questionnaires. There will also be analysis of data from the health providers, especially the department that interact with the victims of interest.

Data Analysis and Dissemination

The main ethical and cultural relevant strategy will be through use of the required local government which we will have to seek consent from them for the purpose of getting the medical statistics that involve the victims of interest in our program (Deborah, 2006).


In conclusion it is important to note that as much as it may look easy in the treatment of adults with mental illness and substance abuse disorder, it takes more than just money and resources to do it. Psychologists need a lot of strategies in changing any adult mind that was once or is still is involved in substance abuse to a more sober and liberal mind using three components of psychology which include affective, behavioral and cognitive.


(2000), “Evaluation of substance use treatment programmes”, United Nations Office on Drug
and Crime.

Deborah K. Padgett, PhD, Robert Leibson Hawkins, PhD, Courtney Abrams, MA, and Andrew
Davis, MA (2006), “In their own words: Trauma and Substance Abuse in the lives of
formerly homeless women with serious mental illness” American Journal of

Westermeyer, J. (1985). Substance Abuse and Psychopathology. Applied Clinical Psychology
Substance Abuse and Psychopathology, 45-68. doi:10.1007/978-1-4899-3641-7_3

Winnicott, D. W. (2016). The Psychology of Madness. Oxford Clinical Psychology.

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