Group interaction 3

  • Joining the ConversationIn college writing, it is important that you can express yourself clearly and concisely.  However, it is often not enough to simply explain what you’re thinking.  It is often necessary to explain how your ideas and arguments relate to the ideas and arguments offered by other writers.  In other words, writing is a type of conversation, and in this lesson, you will begin learning how to join that conversation.
    Student Learning Outcomes addressed in this unit:  

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    Write in a style appropriate to audience and purpose
    Demonstrate knowledge of indivdual and collaborative writing processes
    Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution
    Use Edited American English in academic essays
    Read, reflect and respond critically to a variety of texts

  • Vocabulary for Unit 3These are the vocabulary words for this unit.  Remember to incorporate them into your Discussion Board in this unit.
    Conviction          Impression          Misconception           Perspective
    Profound            Inherent              Inveterate                  Amenable
    Impinge              Subversion         Aesthetic
  • Lesson: Active ReadingWhen you participate in a conversation with a group of people, you must first listen to what the group is saying and understand their ideas and opinions before you can put in your own two cents.  A written conversation works much the same way.  Before writing about or responding to any text, you must begin by reading carefully and actively.  This lesson introduces you to those skills.

Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing

For many writing assignments, you will be required to use source material in your essays. Using source material can strengthen your writing because it shows that you have found evidence to support your main points from other writers. There are several different ways to incorporate source material into your writing: quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing, and a combination of any or all of the above.

When Should You Quote, Paraphrase, or Summarize?

Whether you decide to use quotations, paraphrases, or summaries depends on a number of different factors. Here are some suggestions for how to decide which to use:

You should include quotations when

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  • The author’s credentials will give your paper credibility
  • It is worded in a powerful, poignant way
  • The wording is very technical and difficult to translate

You should include paraphrases when

  • The source material is important but the wording is not (like facts and statistics)
  • The writer is not an expert in the field that would give your paper more credibility

You should include summaries when

  • The overall argument or main ideas are important but the details are not
  • The source materials needs to be shorter than the original

How do I quote, paraphrase, and summarize?

Steps for Quoting

Make a Quotation Sandwich

  1. Start with an introduction to the quote saying who says it and giving the author’s credentials.
  2. Give the quote. Don’t forget to use an in-text citation and quotation marks.
  3. Tell what the quote means. Briefly give your explanation of the quote.

Steps for Paraphrasing

  1. Read the entire source or section.
  2. Make sure you understand it.
  3. Put original away and recall main ideas.
  4. Put relevant info from passage’s surrounding in the paraphrase.
  5. Do not feel that you have to substitute every ordinary word.
  6. Go back and check original to make sure you’ve accurately represented the passage.

Steps for Summarizing

  1. Read & annotate source.
  2. Break into subdivisions.

    Write paraphrases of each subdivision.
    Decide which main ideas are most appropriate to include.
    Consider your purpose of the summary.

  3. Make sure your sentences restate the points.
  4. May include brief direct quotations.
  5. Write summary in your own voice.
  6. Keep summary objective.
  7. Edit to reduce repetition.

Create a conversation with your group by answering the questions below. If one of your group mates has a question or concern, be sure to address it. You will be graded on your interaction with each other. Try to have a conversation about the course material.

1. What did you learn in this unit?

2. How did you learn it? What techniques or strategies did you find most helpful? Have those techniques changed from previous units?

3. What else would you like to learn related to the topics covered in this unit?

4. Do you have any questions or concerns about anything related to the course?

if you have any question please feel free to contact me and ill provide you with any info you need.

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