community 6

Substance abuse as a Community Health Problem.

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Violence and Nursing’s Response.

Please read chapter 22 and 23 of the class textbook and review the attached Power Point Presentation.  Once done please answer the following questions;

1.  In your own words define substance abuse and give some examples of some substances and the impact in the health of your community.

2.  How can you apply the levels of prevention when dealing with the problem of substance abuse in your community.  Give some examples.

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3.  In your own words define violence and discuss the role of the community health nurse in the management of this public health issue.

4.  Discuss recent violence acts that happened in your community of nationally and how do you think it could be prevented and the role of the community nurse in the prevention of them.

As always present your assignment in an APA format word document Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion board call “week 6 discussion questions”.  A minimum of two evidence based references besides the class textbook .  A minimum of 500 words are required.

Chapter 23
Violence and the Community

From Criminal Justice to
Public Health
Public health approach to prevent injuries
Use of epidemiology

Defining and Explaining Violence
Behavioral violence
Structural violence

Risk Factors for Violent Behavior
Family, peers, school, and religious

Types of Violence in U.S. Society
Violence in the family
Violence against women
Child maltreatment
Elder maltreatment

Youth Violence
Scope of the problem
School violence
Gun control
Dating violence
Causes of youth violence

Mass Violence and War
Epidemiology of war
Roles of nurses related to war

Interventions to Prevent Violence
Microlevel interventions with individuals and families
Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
Tertiary prevention

Interventions to Prevent Violence
Mesolevel interventions: community structures
Community development
Action to enhance the ability of a community to meet the needs of its members
Community awareness
Collaboration and partnerships

Interventions to Prevent Violence (cont.)
Macrolevel interventions: society and culture
Policy issues
Faith-based connections
Nursing organizations

Chapter 22
Substance Abuse and Misuse as Community Health Problems

Definitions of Substance Abuse
Substance abuse: the use of any drug (alcohol, street drugs, prescription and over-the-counter medications) that results in a loss of control over the amount taken and when it is taken
Dependence or addiction: present when there are physiological symptoms that occur with withdrawal of the substance

Scope of Substance Abuse
Illicit drug use
Use of alcohol
Use of Tobacco

Impact of Substance
Abuse on Society
Preventable morbidity and mortality
Healthcare costs
Costs to society

Impact of Substance
Abuse on the Individual
Loss of job
Health problems (acute and chronic)
Nutritional deficiences
Low self-esteem

Risk Factors for
Substance Abuse
Society’s influence
The family’s influence
The workplace’s influence
Personal factors

Nursing Assessment
Nurses’ attitude self-assessment
Drug history
Recognizing the signs of substance abuse

Society’s response
Healthy People 2020
Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
Tertiary Prevention
Interventions with special populations

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