Handling Ethical Issues in Data Analysis


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Preliminary Reading: So far you have studied ethical issues in the display of data (Nolan and Heinzen, Ch. 3), but the discipline of statistics is governed by ethical guidelines that cover other areas including data analysis, interpretation, and reporting. Read the following sources concerning ethics in working with data and statistics:


Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice.

(1999). Committee on Professional Ethics, American Statistical Association. (Required sections: Part I (“Preamble”), and Part II (Ethical Guidelines, Sections A, C, E, F, and G) (Attached PDF)

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Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.

(2010). American Psychological Association. (Required sections: Standard 5.01 and Standards 8.10 through 8.15)



3. Kromrey, J.D. 1993. Ethics and data analysis. Educational Researcher, 22(4), p. 24–27. (Not required, but a highly recommended and related short article.

Scenario: Imagine you are working on a research paper with a partner. The two of you have been studying the effect of two types of therapy on combat-related PTSD symptoms, and your research hypothesis is that one treatment will be superior to the other. You have collected the data and are finished analyzing the numbers, and the results show that the treatments are not significantly different from one another in their effects. Though you are both disappointed, you yourself accept the results and are ready to start writing them up, when your research partner suggests going back and making some “small changes” to the data in order to try to make the preferred treatment look more successful. You have reviewed the ethical standards listed above and understand the expectation of integrity involved in research. After hearing your partner’s proposal, you decide to write him/her a letter in response.

Thread Prompt: Write a professional letter to your partner responding to his/her suggestion to manipulate data.

1.  Include supporting information from the 2 required sources listed in the reading (required), and any additional sources (optional). You may want to include the possible consequences of data manipulation in this particular field of study (PTSD).

2. Find and include a passage of Scripture relating to integrity, honesty, or another related concept, and explain why it applies in the context of this situation and how it affects your response (required).

3. Include current APA-style references at the bottom of the letter, in case your research partner wants to review the guidelines mentioned in your letter or find the verses you share (required).

Prepared by the Committee
on Professional Ethics of the

American Statistical Association

Approved by the ASA Board in April 2016

Ethical Guidelines
for Statistical Practice


  • Purpose of the Guidelines 1
  • A. Professional Integrity and
    Accountability 2

  • B. Integrity of Data and Methods 3
  • C. Responsibilities to Science/Public/
    Funder/Client 4

    D. Responsibilities to Research
    Subjects 5

    E. Responsibilities to Research Team
    Colleagues 6

    F. Responsibilities to Other
    Statisticians or Statistics
    Practitioners 7

    G. Responsibilities Regarding
    Allegations of Misconduct 8

    H. Responsibilities of Employers,
    Including Organizations,
    Individuals, Attorneys, or Other
    Clients Employing Statistical
    Practitioners 9



    1 Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice
    American Statistical Association

    The American Statistical Association’s
    Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice
    are intended to help statistics practitioners
    make decisions ethically. Additionally, the
    Ethical Guidelines aim to promote ac-
    countability by informing those who rely
    on statistical analysis of the standards that
    they should expect. The discipline of statis-
    tics links the capacity to observe with the
    ability to gather evidence and make deci-
    sions, providing a foundation for building
    a more informed society. Because society
    depends on informed judgments supported
    by statistical methods, all practitioners of
    statistics, regardless of training and occupa-
    tion or job title, have an obligation to work
    in a professional, competent, and ethical
    manner and to discourage any type of pro-
    fessional and scientific misconduct.1

    Good statistical practice is fundamentally
    based on transparent assumptions, repro-
    ducible results, and valid interpretations.
    In some situations, Guideline principles
    may conflict, requiring individuals to
    prioritize principles according to context.
    However, in all cases, stakeholders have
    an obligation to act in good faith, to act
    in a manner that is consistent with these
    Guidelines, and to encourage others to
    do the same. Above all, professionalism
    in statistical practice presumes the goal

    of advancing knowledge while avoiding
    harm; using statistics in pursuit of unethi-
    cal ends is inherently unethical.2

    The principles expressed here should guide
    both those whose primary occupation is
    statistics and those in all other disciplines
    who use statistical methods in their profes-
    sional work. Therefore, throughout these
    Guidelines, the term “statistician” includes
    all practitioners of statistics and quantita-
    tive sciences, regardless of job title or field
    of degree, comprising statisticians at all
    levels of the profession and members of
    other professions who utilize and report
    statistical analyses and their implications.

    Purpose of the Guidelines

    Good statistical
    practice is
    based on
    results, and valid

    2 Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice
    American Statistical Association

    The ethical statistician uses methodology
    and data that are relevant and appropri-
    ate, without favoritism or prejudice, and
    in a manner intended to produce valid,
    interpretable, and reproducible results.3
    The ethical statistician does not knowingly
    accept work for which he/she is not suffi-
    ciently qualified, is honest with the client
    about any limitation of expertise, and
    consults other statisticians when necessary
    or in doubt.

    The ethical statistician:

    1. Identifies and mitigates any preferences
    on the part of the investigators or data
    providers that might predetermine or
    influence the analyses/results.4

    2. Employs selection or sampling meth-
    ods and analytic approaches appropri-
    ate and valid for the specific question
    to be addressed, so that results extend

    beyond the sample to a population
    relevant to the objectives with minimal
    error under reasonable assumptions.5

    3. Respects and acknowledges the con-
    tributions and intellectual property
    of others.

    4. When establishing authorship order for
    posters, papers, and other scholarship,
    strives to make clear the basis for this
    order, if determined on grounds other
    than intellectual contribution.6

    5. Discloses conflicts of interest, financial
    and otherwise, and manages or resolves
    them according to established (institu-
    tional/regional/local) rules and laws.7

    6. Accepts full responsibility for his/her
    professional performance. Provides
    only expert testimony, written work,
    and oral presentations that he/she
    would be willing to have peer reviewed.

    A. Professional Integrity
    and Accountability

    3 Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice
    American Statistical Association

    6. Where appropriate, addresses potential
    confounding variables not included in
    the study.

    7. In publications and reports, conveys
    the findings in ways that are both
    honest and meaningful to the user/
    reader. This includes tables, models,
    and graphics.

    8. In publications or testimony, identi-
    fies the ultimate financial sponsor of
    the study, the stated purpose, and the
    intended use of the study results.

    9. When reporting analyses of volunteer
    data or other data that may not be
    representative of a defined population,
    includes appropriate disclaimers and, if
    used, appropriate weighting.

    10. To aid peer review and replication,
    shares the data used in the analyses
    whenever possible/allowable, and exer-
    cises due caution to protect proprietary
    and confidential data, including all
    data that might inappropriately reveal
    respondent identities.

    11. Strives to promptly correct any errors
    discovered while producing the final
    report or after publication. As appro-
    priate, disseminates the correction pub-
    licly or to others relying on the results.

    B. Integrity of Data and Methods
    The ethical statistician is candid about any
    known or suspected limitations, defects, or
    biases in the data that may impact the in-
    tegrity or reliability of the statistical analy-
    sis. Objective and valid interpretation of the
    results requires that the underlying analysis
    recognizes and acknowledges the degree of
    reliability and integrity of the data.8

    The ethical statistician:

    1. Acknowledges statistical and substan-
    tive assumptions made in the execution
    and interpretation of any analysis.
    When reporting on the validity of data
    used, acknowledges data editing pro-
    cedures, including any imputation and
    missing data mechanisms.

    2. Reports the limitations of statistical in-
    ference and possible sources of error.9

    3. In publications, reports, or testimony,
    identifies who is responsible for the sta-
    tistical work if it would not otherwise
    be apparent.

    4. Reports the sources and assessed ade-
    quacy of the data; accounts for all data
    considered in a study and explains the
    sample(s) actually used.

    5. Clearly and fully reports the steps
    taken to preserve data integrity and
    valid results.

    4 Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice
    American Statistical Association

    C. Responsibilities to

    The ethical statistician supports valid in-
    ferences, transparency, and good science in
    general, keeping the interests of the public,
    funder, client, or customer in mind (as well
    as professional colleagues, patients, the
    public, and the scientific community).1⁰

    The ethical statistician:

    1. To the extent possible, presents a client
    or employer with choices among valid
    alternative statistical approaches that
    may vary in scope, cost, or precision.

    2. Strives to explain any expected ad-
    verse consequences of failure to follow
    through on an agreed-upon sampling
    or analytic plan.

    3. Applies statistical sampling and anal-
    ysis procedures scientifically, without
    predetermining the outcome.

    4. Strives to make new statistical knowl-
    edge widely available to provide bene-
    fits to society at large and beyond his/
    her own scope of applications.11

    5. Understands and conforms to confi-
    dentiality requirements of data collec-
    tion, release, and dissemination and
    any restrictions on its use established
    by the data provider (to the extent
    legally required), and protects use and
    disclosure of data accordingly. Guards
    privileged information of the employer,
    client, or funder.

    5 Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice
    American Statistical Association

    D. Responsibilities to
    Research Subjects

    The ethical statistician protects and re-
    spects the rights and interests of human
    and animal subjects at all stages of their
    involvement in a project. This includes
    respondents to the census or to surveys,
    those whose data are contained in adminis-
    trative records, and subjects of physically or
    psychologically invasive research.

    The ethical statistician:

    1. Keeps informed about and adheres to
    applicable rules, approvals, and guide-
    lines for the protection and welfare of
    human and animal subjects.12

    2. Strives to avoid the use of excessive
    or inadequate numbers of research
    subjects, and excessive risk to research
    subjects (in terms of health, welfare,
    privacy, and ownership of their own
    data), by making informed recommen-
    dations for study size.13

    3. Protects the privacy and confidential-
    ity of research subjects and data con-
    cerning them, whether obtained from
    the subjects directly, other persons, or
    existing records. Anticipates and solic-
    its approval for secondary and indirect
    uses of the data, including linkage
    to other data sets, when obtaining
    approvals from research subjects, and
    obtains approvals appropriate to allow
    for peer review and independent repli-
    cation of analyses.

    4. Knows the legal limitations on priva-
    cy and confidentiality assurances and
    does not over-promise or assume legal
    privacy and confidentiality protections
    where they may not apply.

    5. Considers whether appropriate re-
    search-subject approvals were ob-
    tained before participating in a study
    involving human beings or organiza-
    tions, before analyzing data from such
    a study, and while reviewing manu-
    scripts for publication or internal use.
    The statistician considers the treat-
    ment of research subjects (e.g., con-
    fidentiality agreements, expectations
    of privacy, notification, consent, etc.)
    when evaluating the appropriateness
    of the data source(s).14

    6. In contemplating whether to partic-
    ipate in an analysis of data from a
    particular source, refuses to do so if
    participating in the analysis could rea-
    sonably be interpreted by individuals
    who provided information as sanction-
    ing a violation of their rights.

    7. Recognizes that any statistical descrip-
    tions of groups may carry risks of ste-
    reotypes and stigmatization. Statisticians
    should contemplate, and be sensitive
    to, the manner in which information is
    framed so as to avoid disproportionate
    harms to vulnerable groups.

    6 Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice
    American Statistical Association

    do not have obligations to standards
    of other professions that conflict with
    these Guidelines.

    2. Ensures that all discussion and report-
    ing of statistical design and analysis is
    consistent with these Guidelines.

    3. Avoids compromising scientific validity
    for expediency.15

    4. Strives to promote transparency in
    design, execution, and reporting or
    presenting of all analyses.

    E. Responsibilities to
    Research Team Colleagues

    Science and statistical practice are often
    conducted in teams made up of profession-
    als with different professional standards.
    The statistician must know how to work
    ethically in this environment.

    The ethical statistician:

    1. Recognizes that other professions have
    standards and obligations, that research
    practices and standards can differ
    across disciplines, and that statisticians

    7 Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice
    American Statistical Association

    F. Responsibilities to Other
    Statisticians or Statistics Practitioners

    The practice of statistics requires consid-
    eration of the entire range of possible ex-
    planations for observed phenomena, and
    distinct observers drawing on their own
    unique sets of experiences can arrive at
    different and potentially diverging judg-
    ments about the plausibility of different
    explanations. Even in adversarial settings,
    discourse tends to be most successful
    when statisticians treat one another with
    mutual respect and focus on scientific
    principles, methodology and the sub-
    stance of data interpretations.

    Out of respect for fellow statistical practi-
    tioners, the ethical statistician:

    1. Promotes sharing of data and methods
    as much as possible and as appropriate
    without compromising propriety. Makes
    documentation suitable for replicate
    analyses, metadata studies, and other
    research by qualified investigators.

    2. Helps strengthen the work of others
    through appropriate peer review; in
    peer review, respects differences of
    opinion and assesses methods, not
    individuals. Strives to complete review
    assignments thoroughly, thoughtfully,
    and promptly.

    3. Instills in students and non-statisticians
    an appreciation for the practical value
    of the concepts and methods they are
    learning or using.

    4. Uses professional qualifications and
    contributions as the basis for decisions
    regarding statistical practitioners’
    hiring, firing, promotion, work assign-
    ments, publications and presentations,
    candidacy for offices and awards, fund-
    ing or approval of research, and other
    professional matters.

    5. Does not harass or discriminate.

    8 Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice
    American Statistical Association

    4. Maintains confidentiality during an
    investigation, but discloses the in-
    vestigation results honestly to appro-
    priate parties and stakeholders once
    they are available.

    5. Following an investigation of miscon-
    duct, supports the appropriate efforts of
    all involved, including those reporting
    the possible scientific error or mis-
    conduct, to resume their careers in as
    normal a manner as possible.

    6. Avoids, and acts to discourage,
    retaliation against or damage to the
    employability of those who responsi-
    bly call attention to possible scientific
    error or misconduct.

    G. Responsibilities Regarding
    Allegations of Misconduct

    The ethical statistician understands the
    difference between questionable scientific
    practices and practices that constitute mis-
    conduct, avoids both, but knows how each
    should be handled.

    The ethical statistician:

    1. Avoids condoning or appearing to con-
    done incompetent or unethical practic-
    es in statistical analysis.

    2. Recognizes that differences of opinion
    and honest error do not constitute mis-
    conduct; they warrant discussion, but
    not accusation.

    3. Knows the definitions of, and pro-
    cedures relating to, misconduct. If
    involved in a misconduct investigation,
    follows prescribed procedures.

    9 Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice
    American Statistical Association

    H. Responsibilities of Employers,
    Including Organizations,
    Individuals, Attorneys, or
    Other Clients Employing
    Statistical Practitioners

    Those employing any person to analyze
    data are implicitly relying on the profes-
    sion’s reputation for objectivity. However,
    this creates an obligation on the part of the
    employer to understand and respect statis-
    ticians’ obligation of objectivity.
    Those employing statisticians are expected to:

    1. Recognize that the Ethical Guidelines
    exist, and were instituted, for the pro-
    tection and support of the statistician
    and the consumer alike.16

    2. Recognize that valid findings result
    from competent work in a moral
    environment. Employers, funders,
    or those who commission statistical
    analysis have an obligation to rely on
    the expertise and judgment of qualified
    statisticians for any data analysis. This
    obligation may be especially relevant in
    analyses that are known or anticipated
    to have tangible physical, financial, or
    psychological impacts.17

    3. Recognize that the results of valid sta-
    tistical studies cannot be guaranteed to

    conform to the expectations or desires
    of those commissioning the study or
    the statistical practitioner(s).

    4. Recognize that it is contrary to these
    Guidelines to report or follow only those
    results that conform to expectations
    without explicitly acknowledging com-
    peting findings and the basis for choices
    regarding which results to report, use,
    and/or cite.18

    5. Recognize that the inclusion of statisti-
    cal practitioners as authors, or ac-
    knowledgement of their contributions
    to projects or publications, requires
    their explicit permission because it
    implies endorsement of the work.

    6. Support sound statistical analysis
    and expose incompetent or corrupt
    statistical practice.

    7. Strive to protect the professional
    freedom and responsibility of statis-
    tical practitioners who comply with
    these Guidelines.19

    10 Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice
    American Statistical Association

    1 The use of statistics in medical diagno-
    ses and biomedical research may affect
    whether individuals live or die, whether
    their health is protected or jeopardized,
    and whether medical science advances
    or becomes sidetracked. Life, death, and
    health may be at stake in statistical anal-
    yses of occupational, environmental, or
    transportation safety. Early detection and
    control of new or recurrent infectious
    diseases depend on sound epidemiological
    statistics. Mental and social health may be
    at stake in psychological and sociological
    applications of statistical analysis.

    Effective functioning of the economy de-
    pends on the availability of reliable, timely,
    and properly interpreted economic data.
    The profitability of individual firms de-
    pends in part on their quality control and
    market research, both of which should rely
    on statistical methods. Agricultural pro-
    ductivity benefits greatly from statistically
    sound applications to research and output
    reporting. Governmental policy decisions
    regarding public health, criminal justice,
    social equity, education, the environment,
    national defense, and security depend in
    part on sound statistics.

    2 Misconduct is not limited to instances of
    plagiarism and data fabrication or falsifi-
    cation. More broadly, misconduct includes
    all professional dishonesty, by commis-
    sion or omission, and, within the realm of
    professional activities and expression, all
    harmful disrespect for people, unautho-
    rized use of their intellectual and physical
    property, and unjustified detraction from
    their reputations.

    3 Typically, each study should be based on
    a competent understanding of the sub-
    ject-matter issues and statistical protocols

    that are clearly defined for the stage
    (exploratory, intermediate, or final) of
    analysis before looking at those data that
    will be decisive for that stage and tech-
    nical criteria to justify both the practical
    relevance of the study and the amount of
    data to be used.

    4 Running multiple tests on the same data
    set at the same stage of an analysis increas-
    es the chance of obtaining at least one in-
    valid result. Selecting the one “significant”
    result from a multiplicity of parallel tests
    poses a grave risk of an incorrect conclu-
    sion. Failure to disclose the full extent of
    tests and their results in such a case would
    be highly misleading.

    5 For example, address the multiple
    potentially confounding factors in obser-
    vational studies and use due caution in
    drawing causal inferences. The fact that a
    procedure is automated does not ensure
    its correctness or appropriateness; it is also
    necessary to understand the theory, data,
    and methods used in each statistical study.

    6 Preferably, authorship order in statisti-
    cal publications should be by degree of
    intellectual contribution to the study and
    material to be published, to the extent that
    such ordering can feasibly be determined.
    When some other rule of authorship order
    is used in a statistical publication, the rule
    should be disclosed in a footnote or endnote.
    Where authorship order by contribution is
    assumed by those making decisions about
    hiring, promotion, or tenure, for example,
    failure to disclose an alternative rule may
    improperly damage or advance careers.

    7 This may sometimes require divestiture
    of the conflicting personal interest or
    withdrawal from the professional activity.


    11 Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice
    American Statistical Association

    Examples where conflict of interest may
    be problematic include grant reviews,
    other peer reviews, and tensions be-
    tween scholarship and personal or fami-
    ly financial interests.

    8 For the general public, convey the scope,
    relevance, and conclusions of a study
    without technical distractions. For the
    professional literature, strive to answer the
    questions likely to occur to your peers.

    9 For example, disclose any significant fail-
    ure to follow through fully on an agreed
    sampling or analytic plan and explain any
    resulting adverse consequences. Address
    the suitability of the analytic methods and
    their inherent assumptions relative to the
    circumstances of the specific study. Iden-
    tify the computer routines used to imple-
    ment the analytic methods.

    1⁰ Statisticians are encouraged to partici-
    pate in professional activities contributing
    to the improvement of the community
    and to work that elevates the statistical
    profession in the United States and the
    world. It is recognized that the ability to
    do pro bono work may be limited by the
    conditions of the statistician’s employment
    and personal situations, but statisticians
    should be open to opportunities for pro
    bono and other work, including service to
    the local community or to international
    organizations. Service to the profession—
    including service on ASA committees, sec-
    tions, and chapters—is also encouraged.

    11 Statistical methods may be broadly
    applicable to many classes of problem or
    application. Statistical innovators may
    well be entitled to monetary or other
    rewards for their writings, software, or
    research results.

    12 Ensure adequate planning to support
    the practical value of the research, validity
    of expected results, ability to provide the
    protection promised, and consideration of
    all other ethical issues involved.

    13 These recommendations may be
    based on prospective power analysis,
    the planned precision of the study end-
    point(s), or other methods to ensure
    appropriate scope to either frequentist or
    Bayesian approaches. Study scope also
    should take into consideration the feasibil-
    ity of obtaining research subjects and the
    value of the data elements to be collected.

    14 Appropriate approval is not necessarily
    given by the research subjects themselves.
    Approval may be required from a parent
    or legal guardian who must consent, and
    the actual participant may be required to
    assent in some cases. This includes legal
    guardians for minors and adults who are
    unable to give consent. In animal studies,
    statisticians should enquire as to proper
    forms of owner or institutional consent for
    animals that are part of a research project.

    In all cases, avoid or minimize the use of
    deception. Where it is necessary and pro-
    vides significant knowledge—as in some
    psychological, sociological, and other
    research—ensure prior independent eth-
    ical review of the protocol and continued
    monitoring of the research. Where full
    disclosure of study parameters to subjects
    or other investigators is not advisable, as
    in some randomized clinical trials, gen-
    erally inform them of the nature of the
    information withheld and the reason for
    withholding it. As with deception, ensure
    independent ethical review of the protocol
    and continued monitoring of the research.

    12 Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice
    American Statistical Association

    15 All research is constrained by resources,
    including the available funding, timing,
    and personnel. Thus few, if any, studies
    can achieve the highest standards imag-
    inable. However, the statistician should
    always strive to achieve the most valid
    results with the resources available and
    avoid working on studies likely to produce
    misleading or meaningless results.

    16 This safeguard will lower your risk of
    learning only after the fact that you have
    collaborated on an unethical study.

    17 In cases of conflict, statistical practi-
    tioners and those employing them are
    encouraged to resolve issues of ethical
    practice privately. If private resolution
    is not possible, recognize that statistical
    practitioners have an ethical obligation to

    expose incompetent or corrupt practice
    before it can cause harm to research sub-
    jects or society at large.

    18 Any measures taken to ensure a partic-
    ular outcome will lessen the validity of the
    analysis. Pressure on a statistical practi-
    tioner to deviate from these guidelines is
    likely to damage both the validity of study
    results and the professional credibility of
    the practitioner.

    19 Within organizations and within pro-
    fessions using statistical methods gener-
    ally, statistics practitioners with greater
    prestige, power, or status have a responsi-
    bility to protect the professional freedom
    and responsibility of more subordinate
    statistical practitioners who comply with
    these guidelines.

      Purpose of the Guidelines 1

    • A. Professional Integrity and Accountability 2
    • B. Integrity of Data and Methods 3

    • C. Responsibilities to Science/Public/ Funder/Client 4
    • D. Responsibilities to Research Subjects 5
    • E. Responsibilities to Research Team Colleagues 6
    • F. Responsibilities to Other Statisticians or Statistics Practitioners 7
    • G. Responsibilities Regarding Allegations of Misconduct 8
    • H. Responsibilities of Employers, Including Organizations, Individuals, Attorneys, or Other Cli
    • Discussion 10

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