PSY/250 Psychology of Personality

Attached is the instructions and my test results for the Big Five Personality test. Please let me know if you have questions. Thanks

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Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper describing your personality traits based on your findings from the Big Five assessment tool. Include the following in your paper:

· Summarize your results.

· Propose solutions for working with other personality types using the information from the Big Five assessment and the underlying principles of trait theories.

· Describe how your results from the assessment compare to the 16 personality factors. Explain how your results are relative to genetics.

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Include an introduction and conclusion, and cite at least two sources other than your textbook.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.


Your results from the IPIP Big Five Factor Markers are in the table below. The table contains a raw score and also a percentile, what percent of other people who have taken this test that you score higher than.

Trait descriptions

Factor I

Factor I was labelled as Extroversion by the developers of the IPIP-BFFM. Factor I is sometimes given other names, such as Surgency or Positive Emotionality.

Individuals who score high on Factor I one are outgoing and social. Individuals who score low tend to be shut ins.

Factor I

Factor I was labelled as Extroversion by the developers of the IPIP-BFFM. Factor I is sometimes given other names, such as Surgency or Positive Emotionality.
Individuals who score high on Factor I one are outgoing and social. Individuals who score low tend to be shut ins.

Factor II

Factor III

Factor IV

Factor V

Factor II

Factor II is labeled as Emotional Stability. Factor II is often referred to by other names, such as Neruoticism or Negative Emotionality (in these two cases interpretations are inverted, as Neruoticism and Negative Emotionality can be though of as the opposite of Emotional Stability).

Factor III

Factor III is labeled as Agreeableness. A person high in agreeableness is friendly and optimistic. Low scorers are critical and aggressive.

Factor IV

Factor IV is labeled as Conscientiousness. Individuals who score high on this factor are careful and diligent. Low scorers are impulsive and disorganized.

Factor V

Factor V is labeled as Intellect/Imagination. This factor is also often called Openness to Experience.

People who score low tend to be traditional and conventional

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