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The Assignment:

Your PPT presentation should include the following:

· A first slide that contains your name and presentation title

· An introduction to your selected group and an overview of your experiences

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· Cultural factors (beliefs, practices, norms, historical experiences) that might impact human and social services work with people from this group; you may also include changing beliefs or practices (e.g., among generations), if applicable

· Insights you gained from completing the Immersion Experience itself that will inform your practice related to multicultural competence and that could be applied to other groups or situations

Remember that your slides should contain brief phrases or sentences only; the majority of your content will be explained through your narration.

With a narratition written for me to read for each slide



A Reflection on Immersion Project

Ralston Spellman

Walden University


The Immersion Project entailed observing, interacting, and observing the LBGT community. In the U.S., the community has not been able to attain complete appreciation by the society which explains why their rights have not been upheld in some states.

Reflection on the Immersion Project

It is a group that undergoes various challenges, which is the basis upon which the group was chosen. For instance, it has been established that homosexuals are likely to experience low quality health care services in healthcare facilities (Wright, Colgan, Creegany & McKearney, 2006). In some cases, they are marginalized and discriminated against, an issue they have had to deal with for a long time. Despite, opposition being faced by the LBGT community, it was noted that they continue having pride in themselves and are ready to fight for their rights and appreciation by the society.

In order for more specific information to be gained, African-American gay individuals were involved in a single session. It is imperative to note that the individuals chosen are work colleagues and hence there was maximum time for observing their interactions and behaviors. At the work place, the managerial level does not take into account one’s sexual orientation and hence the individuals did not find any notable challenges while working for the organization. During the dialogue, they however did state that they sometimes feel marginalized and discriminated against, though it may not be evident. They stated that it is hard for the managerial positions to be awarded to members of the communities. Currently, the managerial level has four African-Americans where two are females which means that there is no discrimination based on gender or race.

In making direct observations of the groups; behavior, there are a number of aspects that were noted. First, though the members of the group worked in different establishments, they were able to meet, interact, and socialized regularly. During breaks, they could mostly be seen interacting which highlighted the fact that they preferred being with each other as opposed to being with non-LBGT community members. However, it was observed that their interactions with their work colleagues were healthy and purpose-based. There were no any notable challenges that existed in interactions between the group and other colleagues. It was observed that female members of the group were more likely to interact better with their work colleagues when compared to their counterparts.

In observing their performance, their productivity was equal to that of their work colleagues. Actually, two of the members had won the ‘Employee of the Month’ awards in the last two months which showed that their sexual orientation did not impact their work performance. More so, upholding organization’s policies such as punctuality and adhering to protocols and procedures was efficient throughout the period of observation. Essentially, when comparing behavior and performance, there was no any notable difference between the LBGT group and other work colleagues.

The group’s relation with the managerial level was active as they sought recognition and appreciation. As earlier highlighted, the organization does not discriminate or marginalize individuals based on sexual orientation, but does not recognize their presence. In this regard, the relationship between the group and the managerial level was based on the need to have the group recognized especially through having one of the members joining the managerial level. The group felt left out and hence sought ways through which it could be recognized and appreciated.

The company upholds diversity and has strained to attain it through hiring and selection. There are individuals from every major ethnic groups in the society as a means of promoting diversity. However, it was observed that diverse in gender is only in the two main ones, a situation similar in most modern organizations in the society. Out of the need to be recognized, it was observed that the group tries to promote its presence through campaigns especially when interacting with other colleagues whenever the topic of sexual orientation come up.

Dialogue with the group gave a lot of insights with regard to the relationships between work and the LBGT community. First, as earlier highlighted, the group complained that despite their rights being recognized by employment laws which prevents employees from discriminating anyone based on their gender, the organization marginalized them in a number of ways. For instance, they argued that in the recent history of the organization, there is no any LBGT members that has climbed to the managerial level. More so, the members of the group are not commonly allowed to represent the organization outside. They argued that the organization is yet to accommodate the LBGT community as part of its diversity.

Second, it was also established that the group feels the work place is better than the external environment. Work mates are more likely to appreciate the LBGT community when compared to the society. The society is yet to appreciate them, where some claimed to be discriminated against in various social places including local restaurants. More so, when accessing social services, they are likely to be discriminated against which is experienced by low services offered to them (Riley, 2008). At the work place, they access services, receive wages, and get treatment similar to other employees which makes them feel, the work place is actually a better environment.

Third, the group asserted that even in the work place, there are individuals whom they do not relate well with. They stated nine employees who treated them with disrespect and contempt and the group has since learnt how to interact with such employees. The employees had already stereotyped them and were not willing to interact with them collectively. They stated that there are members of the group who left the organization as a result of being stereotyped by some employees who do not respect and appreciate the members of the community.

Additionally, the group asserted that though the company has invested in training employees on diversity, it was notable that the training had not positively impacted the interactions of the group and the other colleagues. A major reason which was highlighted entails the fact that the training does not put special focus on how colleagues need to interact with members of the LBGT community (Riley, 2008). In this regard, the group argued that there ought to be special training which will help workers attain skills necessary in relating with individuals from the LBGT community.

Essentially, though work places are favorable environments of the LBGT community members, there are a number of challenges that exist such as stereotyping and being treated with contempt by some employers and failure of the managerial level to recognize them. The group felt that employees need special training so that they may be equipped with competent and modern skills necessary in relating with members of the LBGT community.

Reaction and Critical Analysis

As earlier highlighted in the previous section, the observation and dialogue involved gay African-Americans who are work mates and hence there was sufficient time for dialogue and observation. There are various new attributes that were learnt about the community. First, it was noted that the group was happy about changes that have been put in place in the work place which is common in most modern organizations. The group is being recognized as part of the workforce and no employee should stereotype or discriminate against them based on the sexual orientation. However, it was noted that though an organization may have policies that deter discrimination against the group, there is no definitive punishments for individuals who violate the policies.

It was also noted that individuals from the LBGT community are more likely to come out. Earlier on, such people used to conceal their identities but now come out seeking appreciation and recognition. For instance, the gay African-Americans that were involved in the project disclosed their sexual identities within the first two weeks of joining the organization. However, it is imperative to point out that before joining an organization they first did a preliminary research so as to ascertain the organization’s position on the LBGT community. Actually, it was found out that most of the members are not willing to work in organizations that do not have policies in place to protect LBGT community from harassment and discrimination.

In various organizations, it was observed that members of the LBGT community convene so that they can fight for their rights and recognition. Observations made at the organization showed that the members had scheduled meetings where they meet to discuss strategies that may be applied in fighting for their rights and priveleges. For instance, during dialogue with the gay African-Americans, it was learnt that their last meeting’s main agenda was how they could be represented at the managerial level. This is an example scenario that highlights the plight of various LBGT communities in various organizations. They have agendas they fight for that mainly focuses on their position in the organizations.

It was also noted that the LBGT community had similar values and beliefs that also highlight the plight of their sexual orientation (Riley, 2008). For instance, the gay African-Americans argued that an employer is responsible for ensuring that all workers are feeling safe, appreciated, and fulfilled while working for an organization. The LBGT community also need to be fulfilled through ensuring the working environment is fulfilling which cannot be attained without training all employees on how to relate with LBGT community.

Additionally, the group also holds a belief that all employees need to be treated with respect and dignity. It was noted that the members had pledged to treat all employees with respect and dignity and hence they expected similar treatment in return. They asserted that they are part and parcel of diversity and hence upholding diversity should ensure the LBGT community is safe and fulfilled while working for an organization. Further, the community feels that diversity should be a top-down attribute and hence the managerial level should as well uphold diversity.

It is imperative to point out that the group did not have any religious beliefs but asserted that everyone’s religious and spiritual beliefs ought to be respected. They asserted that they felt that religion does not accommodate their positions and hence failed to connect with religious beliefs. This is similar to majority of LBGT community members who feel that religious beliefs have mainly been the basis upon which they are discriminated against, stereotyped and marginalized (Eliason, Dibble & Robertson, 2011). However, they had pledged to respect other peoples’ religious and spiritual beliefs as they believed that was part of the world’s diversity.

As a member of the LBGT community, it was realized that there are roles and responsibilities that one is expected to achieve. First, the members are supposed to be active in promoting public awareness which is believed to be the avenue towards appreciation and recognition. Second, members are supposed to conduct themselves in a manner which promotes the plight of the LBGT community both in the neighborhood and at the work place (Green, Payne & Green, 2011). No one should violate the moral code of conduct which entails respecting diversity and the differences it brings between various groups and individuals. Finally, each members is supposed to play an advocacy role so as to help eliminate stereotyping and marginalization currently being suffered by the community.


Essentially, there are changes that have been experienced by the LBGT community in the last two decades. The work place is now a favorable environment for the community though there are a number of challenges being experienced such as being treated with contempt by some colleagues and underrepresentation (Riley, 2008). However, despite such challenges, the group has remained confident about its plight and continues to fight for its position through promoting self-awareness and advocacy. The community feels that the employer is responsible for a working environment that enables them find fulfillment and satisfaction.


Eliason, M., Dibble, S., & Robertson, P. (2011). Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Physicians’ Experiences in the Workplace. Journal of Homosexuality, 1355-1371.

Green, H., Payne, N., & Green, J. (2011). Working Bi: Preliminary Findings from a Survey on Workplace Experiences of Bisexual People. Journal of Bisexuality, 300-316.

Riley, D. (2008). LGBT-Friendly Workplaces in Engineering . Leadership and Management in Engineering, 113-121.

Wright, T., Colgan, F., Creegany, C., & McKearney, A. (2006). Lesbian, gay and bisexual workers: equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Equal Opportunities International, 465-470.

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