Experiential Essay – History of Christianity **Experienced Teachers Only** Phyllis Young

Using Kolb’s 4 areas of model learning (see the attached), provide only a 3000 word historical overview of Christianity and address the following subtopics:

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1.  Theoretical perspectives and development of the theology

2.  Mysticism 

3. Organization and sacred literature 

4. Significant events and history

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5. Rites and practices

6. Persons contributing to contemporary expression of the religion

ExperientialLearning Essay

Experiential Learning Essay Template


Kellee D. Salas


March 18, 2018

Individual Record Number:


Approved Essay Title:

History of Christianity

Enter your name, the date, your IRN, and the approved essay title of the essay topic you have chosen from the
PLA website. When you are ready to begin writing the essay, type out the essay subtopics as they appear in the essay course description, and follow the four steps of Kolb’s model.

Describe the experiences that taught you about the subtopic, reflect on that experience, explain the principles learned, and then explain how those principles were tested and applied. You are then ready to move on to the next subtopic. Follow this process until you meet the length requirement, and have addressed all required subtopics. *Word count begins at the first subtopic.

Subtopic (1): Theoretical perspectives and development of the theology

Description of Concrete Experience: Christian theology has a history of philosophy being seen as an essential aspect of theological reflection. However, there are other practitioners in the two disciplines that the two are mortal enemies. To these group, even in cases where the religious claims seem to be supported by philosophical reasoning, theologians were not to flinch to such. However, there are people who took a middle approach to the issue of logical rationale complimenting theology. For example, St. Augustine of Hippo was of the view that in cases where philosophical reflections commended belief, there were only to be accepted if such thoughts were firmly based in a prior intellectually grounded truth of the Christian faith. This means that the faith commitments derived their legitimacy from the philosophical theories.

Reflections: During the Middle Ages, St. Augustine’s view was popularly accepted. St. Thomas Aquinas highlighted his connection concerning theology versus philosophy. In regards to the model by St. Thomas Aquinas, the two that is theology and philosophy are distinct areas, which differs mainly at the point where intellectual reasoning starts. Thomistic model, explains a theory that relates to data of natural senses: what we taste, touch, smell, and see. Theology on a different angle is viewed by this model as the beginning point for divine interventions as provided for in the Bible. This means that these data are acquired through philosophy can only be accepted through divine authority.

Generalizations, Principles, and Theories: The deliverance of the two areas tend to coincide, and when that happens philosophy can be at the service of theology. This is because there are ways in which theory can play a complementary role to belief. One of how philosophy plays an integral part is when such reasoning can be used to convince those who do not accept the authority of the believed divine revelations of the arguments that are contained in the texts. For example, an atheist who is unwilling to take the body of religious writings might come to believe that God exists based purely on philosophical arguments. Through rational arguments, atheists can agree to the authority of religious literature about the existence of God. Another way in which philosophy can play a complementary role is when philosophical techniques are brought into context to help the theologians bring about clarity to theological claims. A good example is that theology has provided people with information enough to reach a conclusion that Jesus Christ as a single person was of two natures, one divine, and one human, but all other aspects about how this relationship between human and divine characters and how it can to be understood is still all in the dark.

One of the reasons for lack of interaction was as a result of the widespread opinion among philosophers of the English language throughout that century. Another argument is that philosophers in the 20th century took theological language as either of no meaning or a subject of scrutiny only as far as such a style had practices that were considered to be religious.

Testing and Application: In the late 20th century to this point in time, however, philosophers that are concern mostly with religion have gone back to the activity of theorizing the many forms of the traditional Christian doctrines and have started to use tools of contemporary philosophy in different ways as envisioned by the Augustinian or Thomistic models. Philosophers of religion in the modern setup are reluctant to maintain distinctions that exist between the theology and philosophy. This has made various theories to be developed to help explain the development of faith.

Subtopic (2): Mysticism

Description of Concrete: Experience Mysticism can be defined to mean any meditation, which is given a religious and spiritual meaning. Mysticism is also known as the absolute or becoming one with God. In my spiritual development as a Christian, there are times that one felt closer and connected to God that before. For example, when am praying, there is a point during the prayer that I find myself in deep conversation with God to the extent that I can say that I am have become one with God.

Reflections: There are times that people have altered the state of consciousness. For philosophers, this is referred to as meditation, where one is in deep thought about various things that have been in his or her mind and that particular time. However, for Christians, this is the time that an individual gets into personal communication with God as he and God become the same thing. For example, in contemplative prayer, people tend to get the divine connection they need for them and God to be the same thing. There are also sometimes when Christians engage in worship and end up having an altered state of consciousness, where they start to talk in tongues as was the case when the disciples of Jesus Christ were receiving the Holy Spirit.

Generalizations, Principles, and Theories: Christianity in the early times defined the term mysticism to mean three dimensions that become linked, namely, the liturgical, the spiritual or contemplative, and the biblical. The ritual aspect referred to a mystery that existed about the Eucharist, that is, how Jesus Christ presence can be seen in the Eucharist. The relationship between the divine vision and mysticism was used by the early church fathers, to show the relationship between mystical theology and mystical contemplation.

Testing and Application: In conclusion, Christian mysticism can be applied today in very many ways. One is through the centering prayer that helps people have the divine and personal connection with God. Centering prayer as part of contemplative prayer ensures that people have the deep relationship with God. Mysticism can also explain the moments during worship that people become deeply connected with God to the extent that they start to talk in tongues.

Subtopic (3): Organization and sacred literature

Description of Concrete Experience: One of the things that a practicing Christian will quickly notice is the organization of Christianity and the existence of so many holy literature materials talking about different Christian issues. Across the world, the world there is the various organization of Christianity that have come across with and personally engaged in their religious activities.

Reflections: Jesus Christ did not visibly organize the church during His ministry. It is His disciples created the visible church that exists up to the present times. The good thing is that the all these different organizations have engaged in giving God’s unique message. However, there are those that will argue that Jesus Christ organized the church during his existence on earth. These groups believe that through His 12 disciples, and apostles, the organization was already laid out for the Christian fraternity. However, I think that Christ never organized the Christian church during His life and ministry. The organization came at a later stage during the development of the Church. In regards to sacred literature, the primary literature materials for Christians is the Bible. This is the reference point to all Christian arguments and concepts. All other literature materials are just to explain and bring an understanding of the ideas and concepts of the Bible.

Generalizations, Principles, and Theories: There are two main theories about the organization of Christianity. According to this group, the organization of Christianity as currently constituted came a result of the development of Christianity was being realized. This realization of the organization of Christianity to this group was through the activities of the disciples and apostles of Jesus Christ after He had returned to heaven after the resurrection. However, there is also another theoretical reasoning that argues that through the selection of His 12 disciples and 72 apostles Jesus Christ had already brought about the organization of the Church.

Testing and Application: Sacred literature today, not only continue to be the foundation of civilizations across the world, but also the contemporary interpretation influences societal values, social hierarchies, and world politics. The critical study of the sacred literature and organization of Christianity is irreplaceable for modern societies to enable be analyze the arguments rising for the interpretations. The investigation of the historical process of both the organization and sacred literature has contributed to the comprehension of their present influence, which is continuously in a state of uncertainty.

Subtopic (4): Significant events and history

Description of Concrete Experience: Throughout my life as a Christian and in an understanding of theology I can say that there are a lot of significant events that have taken place in the history of Christianity. In fact, the important games are so many to the extent that noting them down in a single text means that some will have to be left without being discussed. This is because as late as in the twenty-first century significant events have been taking place in Christianity. However, theologically it can be said that the significant events that shaped the current Christianity took place many years ago and these will be the focus of this section.

Reflections: Development of Christianity meant that there were events that have been taken place before, the time of Jesus Christ, during the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, and after the resurrection and ascension of Him. This is the best way in which the significant events in regards to Christianity can be looked at for better and natural understanding of such significant events, as some of the events are confusing regarding timelines.

The calling of Abraham sets the stage for Christianity. As the father of the Jewish nation, all things can be said to start at this point. This all led to the many stories of the Old Testament when God was setting the path for the coming of Jesus Christ through His prophets. The significant event is the ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the point of origin and the central figure of the Christian faith. Through His life story and teachings, Jesus Christ laid the foundations in which His disciples and apostles continued with His Christian ministries across the world as He had ordered them.

Generalizations, Principles, and Theories: The apostle age is another significant event in the history of Christianity. After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, He commissions his disciples and apostles to continue with His ministry before ascension to heaven. The early Christian church is another significant event in the history of Christianity. This particular church was tasked with making all nations aware the teachings of Jesus Christ. This was done by the Apostles through the Roman Empire at a time where Christians were being killed and persecuted.

Testing and Application: The tenets of the New Testament are also very significant in the development of Christianity. After the ministry of Jesus and the oral traditions of the Apostles, there came the phase of the word in the written form. The authors of the books of the New Testament are same people who took part in the establishment of the early church. Another significant event is the publishing of the Latin Vulgate Bible by St. Jerome. Through his education in linguist in Greek and Latin, and being a student of Hebrew, he was given the mandate by Pope of Damasus to create a new Latin translation of the Bible. He settled in Bethlehem and completed the conversion of both Old and New Testament from the original languages into Latin.

Subtopic (5): Rites and practices

Description of Concrete Experience: As a practicing Christian, it is true that there are rites and practices in the Christian faith. However, through interactions with different Christians from different denominations it is clear that rites of passages or what can be referred to as the stages of Christianity are the same across the denominations, but in regards to practices, there a significant variation from one faith to another. My experience with the rites of traditions in Christianity can be exemplified by reading of scriptures and attending church services as part of the practices and baptism as part of the sacraments.

Reflections: Rites and practices are the very important aspect of Christianity as a religion. This is because there are billions of Christians across the world. However, there are only a few of this population that can be said to be practicing Christians as a result of the rites and practices. Therefore, through the rituals and traditions in Christianity different types of Christians can be given. For example, there are those that believe in the existence of God and His teaching as provided in the sacred literature but does not live according to such instructions. There is another group that does not only believe in the existence of God and His education but also lives and practices His teachings through rites and practices.

Generalizations, Principles, and Theories: The rites in Christianity can also be referred as the stages of life in Christianity. One of such rituals is baptism. Confirmation is another rite in Christianity. The rise of infant baptism created this rite. The baptism at birth is done when a Christian knows nothing; this one is the one that brings the commitment as such a person is an adult and can make decisions. Marriage is another rite of passage for Christians. This is to help continue the creative work of God. Ordination is another rite. This rite involved the process of becoming church official.

Apart from the rites, there are Christian practices that vary from one denomination to another. This means that methods are unique from one faith to another. For example, Catholics celebrate Christmas as the day when Jesus Christ was born, but for Adventists’ this day is not observed. However, it should be noted that there are some common elements such as studying and reading of the scriptures and private and corporate prayer among many others.

Testing and Application: The practices and rites in the contemporary Christianity are essential as it helps people to not only just be Christians, but also ensure they practice it. For example, one who be considered to be a practicing Christian when he or she is engaging in the rites and practices that are believed to be engaged in by Christians. This means that things like baptism are necessary for one to be considered in today world to be a Christian.

Subtopic (6): Persons contributing to the contemporary expression of the religion

Description of Concrete Experience: Just like there are people who influence others, there are personalities with the Christian fraternity that affect the extent that they have brought about the contemporary expression of Christianity as a religion. Personally, there are many people at my local church that I believe influence a lot how people express themselves as the member of the Church. From an experience point of view, I think there are people within the church that have influenced how I show myself in a member of the Christian faith.

Reflections: Jesus Christ is one person that has contributed so much to contemporary expression of Christianity. Christians have taken Christ teaching and use them as the benchmark on how Christians should behave and related with people within the society. The concept of sharing and praying are mostly derived from the teachings of the Jesus Christ. Saint Paul is another person that has influenced the contemporary expression of Christianity. Saint Paul wrote so many books in the New Testament, which have become a reference point on how Christians should be engaging in the worship of God. Saint. Paul continues to be celebrated and mention by Christians when talking about various issues and concepts of Christianity.

Generalizations, Principles, and Theories: Religious leaders such as priests, pastors, bishops, and the pope. This is a group of religious personalities that on day-to-day basis minister the word to the Christian believers. They influence how people should behave and interact with one another. They have also changed so many things concerning how Christian worship is being conducted in the today’s Christian society. Various issues have been facing the practice of the Christian faith. In particular, about how Christians should be behaving and interacting with the rest of the society. These groups of religious leaders are the ones tasked with the mandate of giving direction such issues.

Testing and Application: Christianity has been faced with a lot of issues such as gay-related issues, and dress code among other topics. It is the group mentioned above of personalities that are always used as references point to help give guidance. Some of the mannerisms and behaviors that are today taking place in the contemporary churches are a result of the influence that these group of people has had on the Christian believers. This means that the modern Christian church relies heavily on the opinion of these leaders as guidance on how they should be facing various issues of life. For example, the Catholic is influenced a lot by the decisions and opinions of the Pope in how they interact and relate to each other as Catholic Christians. Pentecostals also had people like Charles Harrison Mason that established the doctrine of holiness and sanctification and how they should conduct themselves.

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