use the work earlier to complete

Part 1: Develop a thesis statement for one of your topics from Previous Assignment. Present your topic in 1-2 paragraphs. You may refer to the tips for “Developing Strong Thesis Statements” at Purdue Online Writing Lab:

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Your paragraph(s) should state your thesis, provide context and motivation for your thesis (statistics, why is it important to know), and include the main arguments you will use to support your claim.

Part 2: Provide an annotated bibliography with four credible sources, at least two of which must be from an economics/business journal or other economics/business scholarly publication. The other two sources may be scholarly, or be from popular media or a statistical/numerical data source. Each entry in your annotated bibliography will be a single-spaced paragraph summarizing the source document and how it relates to your argument. The format of each entry in your annotated bibliography will be:

The bibliographic information: I prefer the Chicago Style of citing, but you are welcome to choose another commonly used style if you are accustomed to another.

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The annotations: A single-spaced paragraph summarizing your source document and how it relates to your thesis

Use double-spacing for the topic proposal paragraph(s) and single-spacing for the paragraphs in the annotated bibliography. Together, the proposal and annotated bibliography should total 1-2 pages in length.

Running head: PROMPTS 1






US visa regulations leads to high barriers for international student work in the US and this negatively affect US Economy

The article examines the HB-1 visa policy and labor market openness in the United States hence it is connected to the topic of discussion. The H-1B program has strict regulations to restrict the number of international students working in the US. When using the article, I will use the information to prove that hindering foreign students from joining the labor market has a negative effect on the US economy. Some of the foreign students have advanced degrees and skills therefore; they can contribute to innovation and economic productivity. Therefore, the H-1B regulations restrict these graduates from using their knowledge and talents to build the US economy.

Benefits of college outweigh the costs in the labor market

The article explores the debate about whether the benefits of earning a college degree are greater than the costs. The authors have included data collected since the 1970s to show the costs of college and average wages over time for the graduates. Therefore, I will utilize the article to demonstrate that although tuition fees have increased significantly, a college degree still offers high economic benefits. Many college graduates have student loans and the earnings in the labor market are declining. Nonetheless, college wages remain premium, as they are higher than the earnings of the workers who do not have a college degree.

China’s economic power positive impact on world economy

The article is relevant in the discussion of the above topic because it focuses on China’s rise as an economic power and its effects on the rest of the world. Specifically, the article contains perspectives from various editors. Since 2012 and 2013, China became the leading exporter and importer of goods respectively. According to the authors, China has created new opportunities especially in Latin America and Africa where it is a major trader and investor in different sectors. Moreover, I will use the information in the article to discuss how China is providing development assistance to various nations. China’s economic growth also has a positive influence on international governance structure.

Middle East economies be affected by the new alternative sources of energy.

The article is related to the topic as it describes the state of the Middle East beyond oil. As a result, I intend to use the article to demonstrate how the economy of the Arab Gulf States (AGS) is expected to change once the world starts using alternative energy sources. The Middle East countries have been primarily depending on oil for revenues hence the new energy alternatives will have an adverse impact on the economies. However, some Middle East nations particularly Saudi Arabia has already developing plans to prevent a collapse of the economy after oil revenues decline.


Abel , J., & Deitz, R. (2014). Do the benefits of college still outweigh the costs? Current Issues in Economics and Finance, 20(3), 1-11.

Aman, M. (2016). Editor’s viewpoint: beyond oil: Anew Middle East vision. Digest of Middle East Studies, 25(2), 180–185. DOI: 10.1111/dome.12096

Shih, K. (2016). Labor market openness, H-1B visa policy, and the scale international student enrollment in the United States. Economic Inquiry, 54(1), 121–138. doi:10.1111/ecin.12250

Ito, T., Iwata, K., Mckenzie, C., Noland, M., & Urata, S. (2014). China’s impact on the rest of the world: Editors’ overview. Asian Economic Policy Review, 9, 163–179. doi: 10.1111/aepr.12077

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