BUSI 600 – Responses to Discussion Posts required – 10 Hours A+ Needed.

You must reply to at least 2 of your group members’ threads and address at least 1 strength and 1 weakness per reply. Each reply must be 450–600 words, reference at least 2 peer-reviewed sources, and include 1 biblical integration. All group members must participate equally in the group discussion and provide input into the Final Group Answers for each forum.

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Please find the attached Main Posts of two students for whom the responses are required. you can take the example of the biblical integration.

Please have a look at the Grading Rubic as well.

Question 20.12

-G4 1

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Liberty University

BUSI 600

Question 20.12

20.12 You are preparing to give a research presentation about the effectiveness of Toyota’s advertising to restore public confidence in the wake of their delays in solving the accelerator pedal malfunction and antilock braking problems for high-tech hybrid vehicles. Which of the pat­terns of organization would be appropriate for your pur­pose? Why?

Within this assignment, for question number two, I intend to express what I feel would be an effective way to Toyota’s advertising. This scenario presented should be handled diligently, because given such a delay in their response in taking actions towards fix the issues, they have placed themselves at the mercy of their own customers and left in a position to win back their trust and the ability to gain an increase in customers. When I think about trust, I think about the trust we have in God. God never mistreats anyone yet we trust him more than anything in the world. In the bible it states, “Blessed is the ones who trust in you” (Psalm 84:12, King James Version). The more people trust you, the blessed you are in the situations. It takes great character and leadership to let the customers know what is going on to avoid becoming a liability. However, “Great leaders respond to each situation with a fresh eye” (Brio, 2013). That means before you act on a certain situation, make sure it is the right decision.

The key to presenting on this particular issue, would be to first acknowledge the problem of the past, then transition into the current plan of correcting the problem, and to end it addressing future plans to preventing the unfortunate event for occurring again. This is pattern of organization is best known as the traditional. But, the most effective pattern is the problem/solution. It allows you to present the problem and tag the solution right on behind it. When a customer is confident that you have a solution you are less likely to lose the interest of that customer. To support your presentation with the customers you need to have facts, statistics, specific instance, and examples. The following key points are, “supporting materials to develop and authenticate the ideas you are presenting for your listener’s deliberation or action” (Cooper, 2017). This will be beneficial for Toyota and their reputation.

Next, this research would consist of gathering data on the decline of customers since the issue occurrence, comparison on individuals who currently drives Toyota’s, past owners, and the possible expected number growth of new future customers. This would further help aid in bring clarity with what you are to your audience. Also visional aid, any type of diagrams or pie charts can help allow you audience to visional see your collected date or the plans that are intended to resolve everything, this gets you audience to believe in your work and take it seriously. However, when it comes to the method of visualization, “this will help the customers understand the data presented” (Cooper, 2017). Let’s not forget that we are dealing with not just customers, but human being that has feelings and opinions. So addressing them is always a must, being aware of the fact that you presenting to a crowd that will filled with question and concerns. This would be the perfect example of applying the “Golden Rule”, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Luke 6:31, KJV). Not only that, the issue has now formed trust issues between you can you customers, it is only fitting to acknowledge this by a simple apology. This apology will be the attention grabber, because at this point your audience becomes curious in what exactly you are apologizing for. Once that is done, you can easily stop with your: past, current, and future plans in reassuring that the matter at hand when not be a factor to be concerned about now or even down the line. This will show really great leadership. When you become a leader it will teach you a great lesson which is, “Becoming a leader, means that everything is not just about you” (Modglin, 2017). That means that you should think about other people instead of trying to get over on others.

So in conclusion, with all of this being said, the traditional pattern of organization acts as a timeline template. It easily allows you start the presentation with a formal professional apology, then to discuss the problems or the past, current, and to end it with the future plans of how the issues can be avoided in the future. The traditional way just prevents things from looking out of order or choppy as if it is missing something. Using these patterns covers all the basic needs in what one would require to have in order to appropriately present.

Works Cited

Brio, M, (2013, December 15). Leadership Is About Emotion. Retrieved from


Cooper, Donald. (2017, February 02). Business Research Methods, 12th Edition. [MBS Direct]. Retrieved from


Modglin, A. (2017, September 20). Leadership: It’s Not About You. Retrieved from


Question 2.3


Top of Form

What are the most prudent decisions Avionics Inc. can make about its responsibilities to itself and others?

            When managers succeed in their endeavors, their teams become more engaged. Gallup, a leading company for conducting surveys, has found that employees who feel engaged at work and who can use their strengths in their jobs are more productive and profitable and have higher quality work. Based on findings like these, Gallup concluded that a strengths-based management approach is the best way to improve the employee-manager relationship. (Sorenson, 2014)

Employers are often hesitant to measure employee attitudes during business slumps, reorganizations, downsizings or outsourcing efforts because they assume that employees will simply say how disgruntled they are; however, organizational experts suggest that such times can provide an ideal opportunity to check in. The simple act of asking for input during critical junctures can send a positive message to the workforce (Managing, 2015).

            Avionics, Inc. has a moral responsibility to report research findings without prejudice. This is also the case for the researcher. Unethical practices such as changing/deleting information hinders the purpose of providing important answers to questions regarding employment disengagement. The researcher provided data addressing problems encountered by the employees, which made management skeptical of their current business practices and their future contract awards from government sponsors. Being a government contractor, we are given annual surveys questioning morale and management engagement. Conflicts on the job arise between what the decision maker wants and what the researcher can provide ethically or thinks should be provided. “The sponsor wants certainty and simple, explicit recommendations, while the researcher often can offer only probabilities and hedged interpretations” (Cooper & Schindler, 2014, p.37).  In the case of Avionics, Inc., top management insists on removing damaging key information which may be vital to employees’ morale, and the researcher is hesitant because the information was retrieved from all willing participants. Avionics, Inc. and the researcher should find a workable balance with regard to ethical constraints being imposed on the researcher, and restrictions imposed on the researcher by management (Cooper & Schindler, 2014, p.37).

What are the implications of those decisions even if there is no violation of law or regulation?

            Speaking from experience, when an organization decides to conduct a survey, such actions can have a positive effect on employees and their morale. Supervisors gain insights into issues affecting their departments or business units, which allow them to manage their team more effectively. Senior management at Avionics, Inc. is not fully committed to provide corporate with information gained from their employees, which in the long run can cause negative employee relations.  Avionics, Inc. employees are thinking about unionizing due to the improper treatment they are receiving from management.

The goal of ethics in research is to ensure that no one is harmed or suffers adverse consequences from research activities. This objective is usually achieved. However, unethical activities are pervasive and include violating nondisclosure agreements, breaking participant confidentiality, misrepresenting results, deceiving people, using invoicing irregularities, avoiding legal liability, and more (Cooper & Schindler, 2014, p.28).

            Although there are no legal implications to the information being deleted, deception occurs when management decides to delete damaging information. “Deception occurs when the participants are told only part of the truth or when the truth is fully compromised” (Cooper & Schindler, 2014, p.32). Avionics, Inc. upper level management wants to remove key components of the research for fear of making themselves look bad. According to Cooper & Schindler, (2014) there are two reasons for deception: “(1) to prevent biasing the participants before the survey or experiment and (2) to protect the confidentiality of a third party (e.g., the sponsor)” (p.32). If the researcher decides to remove the two items, the entire research would be compromised, thus proving invalid for the purpose intended.  Research should retain its integrity in order to provide subjects with confidence of providing valid information in the future. (Cooper & Schindler, 2014, p.32).


Anonymous (2015).  Managing employee surveys.  Retrieved from https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-samples/toolkits/pages/managingemployeesurveys.aspx

Cooper, D. R., & Schindler, P. S. (2014). Business research methods (12th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. The ISBN for this textbook is 9780073521503.

Sorenson, S. (2014).  How employees’ strengths make your company stronger.  Retrieved from  http://news.gallup.com/businessjournal/167462/employees-strengths-company- stronger.aspx

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BUSI 600

Group Discussion Board Forums Grading Rubric


Points Possible

Points Earned


0 to 100 points

· All questions are divided amongst the group members and answered fully.

· At least 2 unique questions were responded to for Part 1.

· At least 2 substantive replies for Part 2 were submitted; each reply includes at least 1 strength and 1 weakness of the group member’s thread.

· Each thread is 500–750 words, and each reply (at least 2) is 450–600 words.
· All posts were submitted by the stated submission deadlines.
· Each thread and response references at least 2 peer-reviewed sources and 1 biblical integration.
· All sources are cited in current APA format.
· Proper spelling and grammar are used.
· Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.



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