Individual Behavior Change Case Study Assignment


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Objectives of this assignment are to demonstrate thorough: 1. understanding of the following models of health behavior, especially regarding the prediction of successful behavior change: Health Belief Model, Theory of Planned Behavior/Reasoned Actions, The Transtheoretical Model (Stages of Change), The Precaution Adoption Process Model. 2. application of the above models of health behavior to a specific “success story,” analyzing in-class presentation of the individual as well as his personal blog that chronicles his health behavior change journey to date. 3. synthesis  of theoretical models to expertly explain the important components and predictors of successful behavior change in this case.

Individual Behavior Change Case Study Assignment

Objectives of this assignment are to demonstrate thorough:

1. understanding of the following models of health behavior, especially regarding the prediction of successful behavior change: Health Belief Model, Theory of Planned Behavior/Reasoned Actions, The Transtheoretical Model (Stages of Change), The Precaution Adoption Process Model.

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2. application of the above models of health behavior to a specific “success story,” analyzing in-class presentation of the individual as well as his personal blog that chronicles his health behavior change journey to date.

3. synthesis of theoretical models to expertly explain the important components and predictors of successful behavior change in this case.

This assignment is a single space 5 –7 page paper in which you will present the case of Chris Ferguson within the context of health behavior change theory. The assignment should consist of 3 specific parts.

1. An introduction in which you summarize the important points of the case. Put forward the facts: For example: what was the behavior that needed to be changed and why?; What behaviors were changed and what has the outcome been thus far?; What should the reader know to best set them up to understand the rest of the paper?

2. A body in which you explain the case within the context of each health behavior model. Be sure to use the language (constructs) put forth within each of the models to accomplish this. Provide evidence within the case presentation and blog to support your points. You may provide individual heading for each of the models if you prefer or simply individual paragraphs.

3. A synthesis/conclusion in which you identify the most relevant aspects of the models to this case. No model is perfect. Synthesize the most important parts of each model to best This is where you can take the models to the next step. How would you customize a model to describe this specific case?


Chris’s blog may be accessed at


You do not have to include a references cited page unless you access sources beyond class documents and the two above resources. However, it is important to “cite” your evidence for the case by letting the reader know where it came from (blog, presentation, etc).

Due February 12, 2018

Individual Behavior Change Case Study EXS 4400

Exemplary (4)

Accomplished (3)

Developing (2)

Unsatisfactory (1)


The work consistently shows proper punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Writing is very well organized, and word choice is precise.

The work usually shows proper punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Writing is adequately organized, and word choice is also adequate.

The work shows uneven punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Writing is unevenly organized, and word choice is ambiguous.

The work shows inadequate punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Writing is disorganized, and word choice sometimes inappropriate.


The work thoroughly addresses all assigned components.

The work adequately addresses all assigned components.

The work unevenly addresses the assigned components.

The work inadequately addresses the assigned components.

Critical Thinking

KNOWLEDGE AND COMPREHENSION (understanding the basics)

The work consistently demonstrates clear, accurate, detailed and comprehensive understanding of the relevant facts /data/ theories/ terms.

The work demonstrates an adequate understanding of the relevant facts / data / theories/ terms.

The work demonstrates an uneven understanding of the relevant facts / data / theories/ terms.

The work demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the relevant facts / data / theories/ terms.


(attaining the concept)

The work demonstrates confident ability to work with the key concepts/information/process/theory presented in the course — applying or extending them to the problems/context of case study—making predictions, recognizing meanings, drawing inferences, analyzing patterns and component parts, communicating insightful contrasts and comparisons.

The work demonstrates adequate ability to work with the key concepts / information / process / theory — applying or extending them the problems/ contexts of the case study, making predictions, recognizing meanings, drawing inferences, analyzing patterns and component parts, communicating insightful contrasts and comparisons.

The work demonstrates uneven ability to work with the key concepts / information / process / theory –applying or extending them with mixed success to the problems/contexts of the case study, making predictions, recognizing hidden meanings, drawing inferences, analyzing patterns and component parts, communicating insightful contrasts and comparisons.

The work demonstrates extremely limited ability to work with the key concepts / information / process / theory –applying or extending them with very limited success to problems/context of the case study, making predictions, recognizing meanings, drawing inferences, analyzing patterns and component parts, communicating insightful contrasts and comparisons.

SYNTHESIZING AND EVALUATING (going beyond the given)

The work demonstrates surprising/insightful ability to take ideas / theories / processes / principles further into new territory, broader generalizations, hidden meanings and implications as well as to assess discriminatively the value,

credibility and power of these ideas (etc) in order to decide on well-considered choices and


The work demonstrates adequate ability to take ideas / theories / processes / principles further into new territory, broader generalizations, hidden meanings and implications as well as to assess discriminatively the value,

credibility and power of these ideas (etc) in order to decide on well-considered choices and opinions.

The work demonstrates uneven and superficial ability to take ideas / theories / processes / principles further into new

territory, broader generalizations, hidden meanings and implications as well as a limited ability to assess

discriminatively the value, credibility and power of these ideas (etc) in order to decide on well-considered choices and


The work demonstrates little ability to take ideas / theories / processes / principles further into new territory, broader

generalizations, hidden meanings and implications as a limited and superficial ability to assess

discriminatively the value, credibility and power of these ideas (etc) in order to decide on well-considered choices and

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