One Meridian Plaza Highrise Fire of 1991
Although this fire took place 21 years ago, it remains one of the most significant non-terrorist associated highrise fires in the last century of U.S. fire history. On that fateful evening of February 23, 1991, an alarm of fire was received by the Philadelphia Fire Department reporting a fire on the “upper floors” at One Meridian Plaza. Fire-due fire companies made their best guess assessment of the situation and began fire suppression operations.
For this Case Study and analysis you will be using the PDF document titled, “Highrise Office Building Fire One Meridian Plaza, USFA-TR-049” located in the required reading section of your Unit VII Study Guide.
You must read the document in order to analyze and write your Case Study analysis summation of the incident. Your Case Study and analysis paper will consist of the following minimum number of pages from beginning to end (for a total of 11 pages): BFS 3251, Introduction to Fire Protection 5
A cover page (5 points)
Nine pages of summary text addressing the following topics (10 points per page):
o Building construction, occupancy, and fire protection systems
o Response, fire attack, fire spread, loss of lives, and extinguishment
o Strengths and weaknesses of incident command
o Lessons gained or lost with passage of time
A reference page (5 points)