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Assignment (PART II)

HS1011 Data Communication and Networks

Trimester 3 2017

Assignment Part II – Group Assignment:

Date Due: Friday Week 12, by 5:00 PM

Marks: Weighting 15%

Word limit: 2000-2500 words equivalent

Student Name (Block letters) Student Number:

___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________

___________________________ _____________






HS1011 Data Communication and Networks Trimester 3 2017


Purpose of the assignment:

The purpose of this assignment is to exercise and develop skills required to analyse
and design networks to address the need of clients. In this assessment, students will
be able to

 Understand the basic concepts and principles of technology relating to
electronic data communications and computer networking

 Demonstrate a basic understanding of terminology of network
communications technology, network operating systems and network

 Articulate the difference between different types of network configurations
and indicate the situations in which various options are best/most appropriate

 Understand and explain different role of networking and network operating
systems for information systems

 Appreciate the need for different types of networks

Assignment requirements:

All three scenarios should be addressed. Use the instructions within each scenario to
prepare a report. Each scenario has a discussion component and a network prototype
component. Please present the discussion components in a Word document and
screenshots of the network prototypes. Network prototypes should be submitted as .pkt


Scenario 1:

You must install a network with 20 computers for a new business that wants to run

TCP/IP and have access to the Internet. The ISP in town will assign you only two public

IP addresses, so you decide to assign the computers addresses in the range of to You also need to install a network monitoring tool

on the central server to monitor network activities which shows status of each

computer in the network. You need to report the following to your supervising boss

before you are assigned with the project.


 Produce a report that states all the required hardware and software to

implement this network.

 Design the prototype of the network using Packet Tracer and describe it in the


You need to submit the .pkt file of your prototype created in Packet Tracer.

HS1011 Data Communication and Networks Trimester 3 2017


Scenario 2:

You are hired as a consultant to place a WiFi network (for 50-60 customers) for which

you need to carry out WiFi scanning, to notify you of all the nearest and closest Access

points (APs), as well as to identify if the networks are 802.11/a, 802.11/b, 802.11/g.

Also, its main features should include AP information (SSID, MAC Address) and signal

quality chart. Your wireless network should be supported by 2 servers (Web and email

servers) that are connected to LAB of 20 users. You need to report the following to

your supervising boss before you are assigned to the project.


 Produce a report that states all the required hardware and software to
implement this network.
 Design the prototype of the network using Packet Tracer and describe it in the
You need to submit the .pkt file of your prototype created in Packet Tracer.

Scenario 3:

You have been called in to consult on a new network design for CNT Books. The

requirements of this design are summarized as follows:

 The building has three floors.

 There are 300 user workstations and 10 servers.

 Users must be grouped according to the projects they’re working on, but the

users for each project are located on all three floors.

 There must be fault tolerance for communicating between the floors.

 Performance analyzing tool to evaluate performance and QoS of the network.


 Produce a report that states all the required hardware and software to
implement this network.
 Design the prototype of the network using Packet Tracer and describe it in the

You need to submit the .pkt file of your prototype created in Packet Tracer.

HS1011 Data Communication and Networks Trimester 3 2017


Assignment Submission:

Assignment PART II Date Due: Friday Week 12 by 5:00 PM

Assignment Submission Guideline:

Please submit your softcopy online using the respective Blackboard assignment
submission link. Only one submission per group can be made on Blackboard.

In your group submission please include:

 A Word document, including
– Discussion component from Scenario 1
– Discussion component from Scenario 2
– Discussion component from Scenario 3
– Screenshots of Network prototypes from all three scenarios (not

included in the word limit)

 Three .pkt files, one for each scenario, created in Packet Tracer

Marking criteria Weighting

Discussion component – hardware and software requirements and

network prototype descriptions (from all three scenarios)


Network prototypes (from all three scenarios) 10%

TOTAL Weight 15%

Assessment Feedback:

ReflectiveEssay Assignment – Individual Assignment

For this assignment, you are required to write 5 reflective essays, each of 300 – 400 words length. These essays

would be based on the videos that are part of the learning material for this unit. You are required to choose ANY

five of the videos and write a reflection on each of the chosen videos. Each of these essays will account for 6%

of your semester grade (all five together determine 30% of your trimester grade).

The purpose of the reflection essay is to encourage a deeper exploration of the learning videos. Focus on

interpreting a specific aspect of the videos rather than skimming the surface or giving general comments or

opinions. A good starting point is to briefly identify how the ethical views/concepts impacted you, then move on

to a critical approach, theme, or analysis of basic elements (such as identifying how the video’s point of view and

the ethical concepts taught are presented). Support your reflection with personal observations, reasoning and

academic references.

Due Date: Friday, Week 11 – 11.55pm

Essay requirements: Your essay should be between 1500 and 2000 words in length. In addition, you should:

 Ensure your main idea is clear (what is your insight?)

 Engage the reader by using personal anecdotes

 Effectively use dialogue to help the reader understand your subject

 Support your reflections with personal observations and reasoning

 Clearly document sources using Harvard referencing style

Conclude your essay by doing more than just summarizing what you’ve learnt so far. Revise to clarify and

strengthen your reflections and edit to remove errors in spelling, grammar and mechanics so your writing is clear

and readable.


Please submit the following in a folder:

 At least one previous draft in the draft submission folder to assess the similarity level using SafeAssign.

 The final submission of your essay should be formatted with default Microsoft Word margins, double-

spaced, and printed in Times New Roman or Arial font size 12. This should be submitted in the final

submission folder.

Reflective essay marking rubric

Criteria Superior (4.6 – 6.0 points) Sufficient (2.6 – 4.5 points) Minimal (1- 2.5 points) Unacceptable (0 points)

Depth of


Response demonstrates an

in-depth reflection on, and

personalization of, the

theories, concepts, and/or

strategies presented in the

Viewpoints and

interpretations are

insightful and well

supported. Clear, detailed

examples are provided, as


Response demonstrates a

general reflection on, and

personalization of, the
theories, concepts, and/or

strategies presented in the
video. Viewpoints and

interpretations are

supported. Appropriate

examples are provided, as


Response demonstrates

a minimal reflection on,

and personalization of,

the theories, concepts,

and/or strategies
presented in the video.

Viewpoints and
interpretations are

unsupported or

supported with flawed

arguments. Examples,

when applicable, are

not provided or are

irrelevant to the


Response demonstrates a

lack of reflection on, or

personalization of, the
theories, concepts, and/or
strategies presented in the
video. Viewpoints and
interpretations are

missing, inappropriate,

and/or unsupported.

Examples, when

applicable, are not




Response includes all

components and meets or

exceeds all requirements

indicated in the

instructions. Each

question or part of the

assignment is addressed


Response includes all

components and meets all

requirements indicated in
the instructions. Each

question or part of the

assignment is


Response is missing

some components

and/or does not fully
meet the requirements

indicated in the

instructions. Some

questions or parts of the

assignment are not


Response excludes

essential components

and/or does not address
the requirements

indicated in the

instructions. Many parts

of the assignment are

addressed minimally,

inadequately, and/or not

at all.


Writing is clear, concise,

and well organized with



construction. Thoughts
are expressed in a

coherent and logical

manner. There are minor

spelling, grammar, or

syntax errors in the


Writing is mostly clear,

concise, and well organized

with good


construction. Thoughts are
expressed in a coherent and

logical manner. There are

few spelling, grammar, or

syntax errors in the

Writing is unclear

and/or disorganized.

Thoughts are not

expressed in a logical

manner. There are
major spelling,

grammar, or syntax

errors in the reflection.

Writing is unclear and

disorganized. Thoughts

ramble and make little

sense. There are

numerous spelling,
grammar, or syntax

errors throughout the


Evidence and


Response shows strong

evidence of synthesis of

ideas presented and

insights gained

throughout the entire

video. The implications of

these insights for the

respondent’s overall

understanding are

thoroughly detailed, as


Response shows evidence

of synthesis of ideas

presented and insights

gained throughout the entire

video. The implications of

these insights for the
respondent’s overall

understanding are

presented, as applicable.

Response shows little

evidence of synthesis of
ideas presented and
insights gained
throughout the entire

video. Few implications
of these insights for the

respondent’s overall
understanding are

presented, as


Response shows no

evidence of synthesis of
ideas presented and
insights gained
throughout the entire

course. No implications
for the respondent’s

overall understanding are

presented, as applicable.

Adherence to



Adheres to the guidelines

in all ways.

Adheres to most of the


Adherence to format


Submitted late or does

not adhere to any of the




Assignment One (PART I)

HS1011 Data Communication and Networks

Trimester 3 2017

Assignment Part I – Individual:

Date Due: Friday Week 10, by 5:00 PM)

Marks: Weighting 15%

Word limit: 1000-1500 words equivalent

Student Name (Block letters) Student Number:

___________________________ _____________






HS1011 Data Communication and Networks T3 2017


Purpose of the assignment:

The purpose of this assignment is to exercise and develop skills required to analyse
and design networks to address the need of clients. In this assessment, students will
be able to

 Understand the basic concepts and principles of technology relating to
electronic data communications and computer networking

 Demonstrate a basic understanding of terminology of network
communications technology, network operating systems and network

 Articulate the difference between different types of network configurations
and indicate the situations in which various options are best/most

 Understand and explain different role of networking and network operating
systems for information systems

 Appreciate the need for different types of networks

Assignment requirements:

All three scenarios should be addressed. Use the instructions within each scenario to
prepare a report.


Scenario 1:

You must install a network with 20 computers for a new business that wants to run

TCP/IP and have access to the Internet. The ISP in town will assign you only two

public IP addresses, so you decide to assign the computers addresses in the range of to You also need to install a network monitoring tool

to the central server to monitor network activities which shows status of each

computer in the network. You need to report the following to your supervising boss

before you are assigned with the


Part I:

 Identify a freeware tool that can monitor the entire network and show status

of each computer in the network. Install and explore this


 Produce a report which details the identified tool and its features. You should

use a number of screenshots of the tool and its features that will help you to

monitor network activities.

Scenario 2:

HS1011 Data Communication and Networks T3 2017


You are hired as a consultant to place a WiFi network (for 50-60 customers) for

which you need to carry out WiFi scanning, to notify you of all the nearest and

closest Access points (APs), as well as identify if the networks are 802.11/a, 802.11/b

or 802.11/g. Also, its main features should include AP information (SSID, MAC

Address) and signal quality chart. Your wireless network should be supported by 2

servers (Web and email servers) that are connected to LAB of 20 users. You need to

report the following to your supervising boss before you are assigned with the

Part I:

 Identify a freeware tool for wifi scanning that can report all the required

activities mentioned in the case details of scenario 2. Install and explore this

 Produce a report which details the identified tool and its features. You should
use a number of screenshots of the tool and its features that will help you to
monitor network activities.

Scenario 3:

You have been called in to consult on a new network design for CNT Books. The

requirements of this design are summarized as follows:

 The building has three floors.

 There are 300 user workstations and 10 servers.

 Users must be grouped according to the projects they’re working on, but the

users for each project are located on all three floors.

 There must be fault tolerance for communicating between the floors.

 Performance analyzing tool to evaluate performance and QoS of the network.

Part I:

 Identify a freeware tool for performance and QoS evaluation tool. Install and

explore this freeware.

 Produce a report which details the identified tool and its features. You should
use a number of screenshots of the tool and its features that will help you to
monitor network activities.

Assignment Submission:

Assignment PART I Date Due: Friday Week 10 by 5:00 PM
Assignment Submission Guideline: Please submit your softcopy on Blackboard via
the assignment submission link.

HS1011 Data Communication and Networks T3 2017


The report outline should be:

 Introduction

 Justification of the tool choice (how does this tool fit with the requirements

in all three scenarios?)

 Tools’ features that are important for the scenarios

o Use screenshots in this section and describe each features

 Conclusion

Marking criteria Weighting

Discussion of the chosen freeware tools (from all three scenarios) 3%

Discussion of the tools’ features and their suitability for the requirements
(from all three scenarios)


TOTAL Weight 15%

Assessment Feedback:

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