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Chapter 7: Developing Counting and Number Sense in Early Grades Quiz

Highlight correct response or type needed responses. 10 points possible

3, 5, and 6 are worth 2 points each, 1, 2 and 7 are worth 1 point.8 is bonus question worth 1-3 points.


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1. Which of the following may not be an example of an observable number sense behavior?

A. following rote procedures

B. recognizing the reasonableness of results

C. expecting numbers to make sense

D. using numbers flexibly

E. none of the above

2. Some activities to help develop prenumber concepts include the following:

A. classification

and patterning

B. one-to-one correspondence

C. comparisons

D. group recognition

E. establishing benchmarks of quantities, such as 5 or 10

3. Define conservation as it pertains to numbers and give an example to illustrate a situation where a student has NOT conserved.

4. A young child rolls a dice and without counting knows there are five dots showing. Which early number concept is the child exhibiting?

A. classification

B. comparison

C. conservation

D. group recognition

E. patterns

5. Explain what is meant by the word subitize.

6. Explain the one-to-one correspondence principle and give an example to illustrate it.

7. Bailey has just finished counting 6 objects. Bailey’s teacher gives her three more objects to count.

Instead of recounting all of the objects, Bailey counts, “seven, eight, nine.” Which counting strategy is Bailey using in this situation?

a. counting on

b. counting back

c. skip counting

d. none of the above

e. all of the above


What would have made the processing using the notes page on the early number concepts go more quickly for you?

Quiz Chapter 6-Problem Solving


10 points possible

1=3 points, 2-8=1 point each.

1. What is the difference between a problem and an exercise? Which is more beneficial to a child’s learning? Why?

2. According to your text, effective problem solvers exhibit the following characteristics, except:

A. Plan ahead when given the problem

B. Consult the Internet for possible solutions

C. Ask themselves if what they are doing makes sense

D. Adjust their problem-solving strategies

E. Look back afterwards to reflect on the reasonableness of their solution

3. The principal walks into Mr. Chang’s classroom and discovers that students are working together and struggling to find the solution to a problem. He later asks Mr. Chang why he didn’t just give his students the solution strategy. Which of the following “signposts” for teaching mathematics through problem solving is Mr. Chang adhering to?

a. Tell the right things at the right time

b. Focus on the methods used to solve problems

c. Allow mathematics to be problematic for students

d. All of the above

e. None of the above

4. T or F When teaching students using a problem solving approach, alternative strategies should not be mentioned.

5. Calculators are useful in problem solving when they:

A. let a child solve more complex problems or problems with realistic data

B. eliminate tedious computations and decrease anxiety.

C. help children explore mathematical objects, concepts, and operations.

D. all of the above

E. only A and C

6. George Polya’s four-stage model of problem solving includes all of the following, except:

A. understand the problem

B. devise a plan for solving it

C. carry out your plan

D. look back to examine your solution

E. turn in your solution to the teacher

7. Mrs. Trim poses the following problem: If the 30 dots on a circle were connected to every other dot, how many lines would there be? After 10 minutes of working on the problem, Mrs. Trim gives her class the following clue: Think back to how we solved the problem of 10 students shaking hands with every other student? Which of the following strategies is Mrs. Trim using?

A. Guess and check

B. Work backward

C. Solve a similar problem

D. Act it out

E. Look for a pattern

8. T or F When developing students’ problem-solving skills, they should always work by themselves.

Chapter5: Mathematical Processes and Practices Quiz

1-5 and 7-8 are with one point, #6 is worth 3 points=total 10 points.


1. T or F In many mathematics classrooms today, it is common to see the teacher teaching and students listening and bent over doing worksheets, practicing computations, rules, and formulas.

2. Mrs. Matthews gives students the following question: Jerry buys 3 boxes of candy. Each box costs $2.00. What is the total cost for the 3 boxes? Is this an example of problem solving? Why or why not?

3. T or F The Principles and Standards for School Mathematics identifies five process standards.

4. The CCSSM contains how many “mathematical practices”?

A. 6

B. 7

C. 8

D. 9

E. 10

5. John is given the following problem: -5 + 3 = 2. After analyzing the problem, he states that the answer is wrong because you have more negatives than positives, therefore, the answer should be -2. This is an example of which process standard?

A. Problem solving

B. Reasoning and proof

C. Communication

D. Connections

E. Representations

6. In your classroom, suggest five ways in which you could incorporate writing.

7. After Julie was taught fractions, decimals, and percentages, she realized that 1/4, 0.25, and 25% all represented the same quantity. Which of the following five NCTM process standards is Julie exhibiting?

A. Problem solving
B. Reasoning and proof
C. Communication
D. Connections
E. Representations

8. Students were given the following problem: “A farmer goes into his barn and counts that he has 10 animals in all. The animals consist of pigs and chickens. Furthermore, he notices that there are 32 legs total. Find the number of chickens and pigs that the farmer has.” In order to solve this problem, Mary’s group decides to draw pictures. Which of the following NCTM process standards does this best illustrate?

A. Reasoning and proof

B. Communication

C. Connections

D. Representations

E. None of the above

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