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Dept.of Construction Management

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2320 E. San Ramon Ave., MS/EE 94,

Fresno, CA 93740-8030

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Semester: Spring 2018
Dept. of Construction Management
California State University, Fresno

Course Number: 37252

Session: 11
Instructor Name: Andy Kirby

Units: 3 Office Location: Online

Time: MW 11:00 AM – 12:50 PM*

*This class is a completely online class.
The above time slots are reserved for
online synchronous sessions.


Note: please allow 2 business days for
response to emails

Location: Online Telephone: (559) 278-6056


For blackboard:
To access the course login to Blackboard
( using
your Fresno State username and

Office Hours:

M 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Tu 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Virtual Office Hours:

Zoom sessions can be requested 48
hours ahead of time

CM Department Information:

Office: EE 218
Telephone: (559) 278-6056
Fax: (559) 278-4475

Course Description

This online course introduces the design-build project delivery method and its increased
adoption and implementation in the capital project industry. The course examines the
principles, features and advantages of design-build in comparison with conventional
project delivery methods, and provides insights into design-build procurement strategies
and contracting methods. The focus is on the RFQ/RFP process, team-building, and key
interfaces management. This is a 3-unit class, and you should expect to study an average
of 6 to 8 hours each week. Nevertheless, in this fully online course, students are
encouraged to pace for themselves, so some students may need more outside study time
and some less.

Dept. of Construction Management
2320 E. San Ramon Ave., MS/EE 94,
Fresno, CA 93740-8030

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Prerequisites for the Course:

CM20 and upper division standing.

Required Course Materials

Required Textbooks (if any):

This course will use free Design Build Institute of America (DBIA) approved core
curriculum materials

Recommended Supplemental Academic Materials

Design-Build Essentials, Author: Barbara Jackson, ISBN-13: 978-1428353039. See:

Design-Build Project Delivery: Managing the Building Process from Proposal through
Construction, Author: Sidney M. Levy, ISBN-13: 978-0071461573. See:

Required Apps for Activities:

This online course will require students to effectively communicate using collaborative
tools including Google Apps and Zoom.


Course Outline

This course is fully online and organized into several learning modules. These modules
are generally sequenced according to the DBIA core curriculum. Additionally, each of the
modules is typically structured in the following manner:

• Read the module introduction and the learning objectives.

• View online lecture notes, video, and/or other multimedia materials.

• Take online quiz to assess understanding of topics.

• Participate in online discussion (using discussion forum and/or Zoom) with
classmates and the instructor, leave feedback or comments.

• Complete guided case studies and review additional resources to enhance
learning outcomes.

Course Goals

Specific goals of this course are to:

• Introduce students to the concepts and attributes of all major project delivery
methods, procurement methodologies and contracting approaches

• Examines the principles of design-build, and expose students to the concepts and
critical elements of the RFQ/RFP solicitation process of design-build service

• Discuss the human factors in successful design-build project delivery with focus
on team-building and communication

Dept. of Construction Management
2320 E. San Ramon Ave., MS/EE 94,
Fresno, CA 93740-8030

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• Examines and delineate the best practices of managing key interfaces of design-
build projects in post-award stage

ACCE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

This course addresses the following ACCE SLOs, and will directly assess SLOs #12.

SLOs #


Assessment (Y/N)

Outcome Description

9 T N
Apply construction management skills as a
member of a multi-disciplinary team

12 U Y

Understand different methods of project
delivery and the roles and responsibilities of all
constituencies involved in the design and
construction process

13 T N Understand construction risk management

Primary Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

This course has the following primary CLOs, and will directly assess CLOs #1.

CLOs # Level

Assessment (Y/N)
Outcome Description

1 U Y

Compare and analyze project delivery
methods, procurement mechanisms and
contracting methods in project-specific

2 T N
Explain the RFQ/RFP processes in design-
build and the evaluation criteria

3 T N
Identify critical issues in team building and
interface management at post award stage

Course Assessment Matrix

This course aligns CLOs with ACCE SLOs assessment to meet SOAP and accreditation
requirements. The table below specifies the mapping between CLOs and ACCE SLOs,
the assessment measures, minimum standards and assessment targets.


SLOs #

Assessment Measures (2 min.) Minimum

Targets Direct Measures

(DM, 1 min.)
Indirect Measures


1 12
DM 1: Case Study
DM 2: Test
DM 3: Quiz

IM 1: Graded

70% (C) ≥ 80% with
C or better

2 13
DM 1: Case Study
DM 2: Test
DM 3: Quiz

IM 1: Graded
70% (C) ≥ 80% with
C or better

3 9
DM 1: Case Study
DM 2: Test
DM 3: Quiz

IM 1: Graded
70% (C) ≥ 80% with
C or better

Dept. of Construction Management
2320 E. San Ramon Ave., MS/EE 94,
Fresno, CA 93740-8030

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Course Requirements/Assignments

Students will take quizzes throughout the semester based upon the content covered in
each learning module. Additionally, there will be three (3) checkpoint tests (worth 100
points each) at the end of each learning module. All quizzes and exams will be
administered online in Blackboard. Students are required to read announcements of any
course related quizzes/exams in Blackboard to ensure a full understanding of the
schedule, structure, deadlines and submission requirements. Make sure you address
your questions to the instructor before it is too late.

Attendance and Course Participation

As an online course, there is no face-to-face attendance requirement. However, course
participation is required and will be graded in the format of online discussion and
scheduled Zoom live sessions led by the instructor. Students should participate in course
discussion and complete discussion activities as specified. Specifically, it is mandatory
that all students have to participate in the discussion for every learning module by creating
one (1) individual discussion thread, and respond to at least two (2) of peer classmates’
threads. Zoom live session schedules are provided in the tentative course schedule, and
students are expected to attend on time.

Instruction for Significant Assignments

In addition to quizzes and exams, students are expected to conduct three (3) guided case
studies and one (1) research paper which serves the purpose of summative assessment.
The goal is to evaluate their knowledge of the course contents and the skills to apply such
knowledge. Before each case study, the instructor will hold a Zoom meeting session to
debrief the students about the criteria and process to conduct the case study. The
research paper will be a co-authoring paper of two students, which demands virtual
collaboration among students using Google Apps (i.e. Google Docs) and other online
learning tools. Detailed instructions of the research paper will be provided in Blackboard.
The instructor will hold a kick-off Zoom meeting for the research paper and Q&As.

Grading Policy

Each student will be required to complete in quizzes, case studies, exams, and a
synthesis course project. If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to check on
announcements made while you were away. Below is a summary of the grading for this

Item Points Percentage

Course Participation 100 10%
Quizzes 100 10%
Case Studies (3) 300 30%
Module Tests (3) 300 30%
Research Paper 200 20%

TOTAL 1000 100%

(A: 90% or Above; B: 80% to 89%; C: 70 – 79%; D: 60 – 69%; F: Below 60%)

Dept. of Construction Management
2320 E. San Ramon Ave., MS/EE 94,
Fresno, CA 93740-8030

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Course Policies &

Safety Issues

Communication with Instructor via Email

All online communications should be established through the Blackboard system. This
means that all emails to the instructor should be submitted via the email function on the
Blackboard course. Please include the course number, the course time, and reason for
correspondence in the subject heading of ALL email correspondence (e.g. CM XXX 11
AM syllabus question). Failure to do so may result in a delay in responding or not getting
any response. Remember to include your full name (first and last) in the body of the email.
I will not return email to anonymous senders. Use of a non-university email account may
also result in either a delay or non-response. The University provides free email accounts
to all students. Non-university email addresses are sometimes filtered as spam. I will get
back to you within 24-72 hours (there may be exceptions on weekends and holidays).

Email Etiquette: to practice your formal communication skills, be sure to use the following
guidelines for contacting your professors (not just me) via E-mail:

• Use the subject line to indicate which course or topic you are emailing about.

• Always include a salutation (greeting).

• Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. E-mail should not be treated like
a text or a tweet. Proper sentence structure and formatting ensures that your
message can be clearly understood by the reader.

• Make sure to sign your email or use a signature. It is important to include your
name at the bottom of the message. Depending on your email address, your name
might not be evident from your email unless you include it.

Individual and Group Work

Students are expected to complete the assignments individually and turn in their own
work. For group projects, students shall collaborate with team members and contribute
equally to the final deliverables of the projects. Students must keep a copy of their
submitted materials (e.g. emails, discussion postings, assignments, etc.) as part of their
coursework. Students are fully responsible for the timely re-submission of their work upon
the instructor’s request. Blackboard does not fully support use of special characters in file
names. When naming files to be uploaded into Blackboard, please do not include any
special characters such as #, %, & or spaces. Only use letters, numbers, and underscores.
All files must have a correct extension ( x, .rtf, .pptx. , etc.) in order for them to
open in Blackboard.

Professionalism & Netiquette
All students are expected to act professionally at all times. As an online course, students
are also required to understand the uniqueness of online learning environment and follow
the “Netiquette”, which refers to rules of etiquette that apply to online communication.
Below is a list of best practices recommended for online courses:

• Do not dominate any discussion.

• Do not use offensive language.

• Never make fun of someone’s ability to read or write.

• Use simple English with correct spelling and grammar.

Dept. of Construction Management
2320 E. San Ramon Ave., MS/EE 94,
Fresno, CA 93740-8030

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• Share tips with other students.

• Keep an “open-mind” and be willing to express even your minority opinion.

• Be aware of the University’s Academic Honesty Policy.

• Think before you push the “Send” button.

• Do not hesitate to ask for feedback.

When in doubt, always check with your instructor for clarification.

Late work and make-up work policy.

Late submission is only accepted before the cut-off date of assignments. There is no
make-up allowed for quizzes/exams without authorized absences. However, students can
make written requests to the instructor to take quizzes/exams ahead of time if legitimate
excuses are provided and validated.

Adding and Dropping Classes

Students are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about the
adding/dropping of classes, academic renewals, etc. Students can find more information
on adding and dropping at

Safety Issues

When possible, students will be designated to attend field trips and other equivalent
activities offline. In those circumstances, students are required to wear PPEs and follow
any other applicable safety standards and guidelines.

Plagiarism Detection

The campus subscribes to Turnitin and the SafeAssign plagiarism prevention service
through Blackboard, and you will need to submit written assignments to Turnitin/
SafeAssign. Student work will be used for plagiarism detection and for no other purpose.
The student may indicate in writing to the instructor that he/she refuses to participate in
the plagiarism detection process, in which case the instructor can use other electronic
means to verify the originality of their work. Turnitin/SafeAssign Originality Reports WILL
NOT be available for your viewing.


Students with Disabilities

Upon identifying themselves to the instructor and the university, students with disabilities
will receive reasonable accommodation for learning and evaluation. For more information,
contact Services to Students with Disabilities in the Henry Madden Library, Room 1202

Honor Code

“Members of the Fresno State academic community adhere to principles of academic
integrity and mutual respect while engaged in university work and related activities.” You

Dept. of Construction Management
2320 E. San Ramon Ave., MS/EE 94,
Fresno, CA 93740-8030

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a) understand or seek clarification about expectations for academic integrity in this
course (including no cheating, plagiarism and inappropriate collaboration)

b) neither give nor receive unauthorized aid on examinations or other course work
that is used by the instructor as the basis of grading.

c) take responsibility to monitor academic dishonesty in any form and to report it to
the instructor or other appropriate official for action.

Cheating and Plagiarism

Cheating is the actual or attempted practice of fraudulent or deceptive acts for the purpose
of improving one’s grade or obtaining course credit; such acts also include assisting
another student to do so. Typically, such acts occur in relation to examinations. However,
it is the intent of this definition that the term ‘cheating’ not be limited to examination
situations only, but that it includes any and all actions by a student that are intended to
gain an unearned academic advantage by fraudulent or deceptive means. Plagiarism is
a specific form of cheating which consists of the misuse of the published and/or
unpublished works of others by misrepresenting the material (i.e., their intellectual
property) so used as one’s own work. Penalties for cheating and plagiarism range from a
0 or F on a particular assignment, through an F for the course, to expulsion from the
university. For more information on the University’s policy regarding cheating and
plagiarism, refer to the Class Schedule (Legal Notices on Cheating and Plagiarism) or the
University Catalog (Policies and Regulations).


“At California State University, Fresno, computers and communications links to remote
resources are recognized as being integral to the education and research experience.
Every student is required to have his/her own computer or have other personal access to
a workstation (including a modem and a printer) with all the recommended software. The
minimum and recommended standards for the workstations and software, which may vary
by academic major, are updated periodically and are available from Information
Technology Services ( or the University
Bookstore ( In the curriculum and class assignments,
students are presumed to have 24-hour access to a computer workstation and the
necessary communication links to the University’s information resources.”

Disruptive Classroom Behavior

“The classroom is a special environment in which students and faculty come together to
promote learning and growth. It is essential to this learning environment that respect for
the rights of others seeking to learn, respect for the professionalism of the instructor, and
the general goals of academic freedom are maintained. Differences of viewpoint or
concerns should be expressed in terms which are supportive of the learning process,
creating an environment in which students and faculty may learn to reason with clarity
and compassion, to share of themselves without losing their identities, and to develop an
understanding of the community in which they live. Student conduct which disrupts the
learning process shall not be tolerated and may lead to disciplinary action and/or removal
from class.”

Dept. of Construction Management
2320 E. San Ramon Ave., MS/EE 94,
Fresno, CA 93740-8030

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Copyright Policy

Copyright laws and fair use policies protect the rights of those who have produced the
material. The copy in this course has been provided for private study, scholarship, or
research. Other uses may require permission from the copyright holder. The user of this
work is responsible for adhering to copyright law of the U.S. (Title 17, U.S. Code). To help
you familiarize yourself with copyright and fair use policies, the University encourages
you to visit its Copyright Web Page https:/

Blackboard course web sites contain material protected by copyrights held by the
instructor, other individuals or institutions. Such material is used for educational purposes
in accord with copyright law and/or with permission given by the owners of the original
material. You may download one copy of the materials on any single computer for non-
commercial, personal, or educational purposes only, provided that you (1) do not modify
it, (2) use it only for the duration of this course, and (3) include both this notice and any
copyright notice originally included with the material. Beyond this use, no material from
the course web site may be copied, reproduced, re-published, uploaded, posted,
transmitted, or distributed in any way without the permission of the original copyright
holder. The instructor assumes no responsibility for individuals who improperly use
copyrighted material placed on the web site.

Free Tutoring & Student Support

Please contact the Learning Center ( in the
Collection Level (basement level) of the Henry Madden Library for free tutoring on
campus. You can reach them by phone at (559) 278-3052.

Our campus has developed SupportNet to connect students with specific campus
resources ( promoting academic
success. Students may be referred to it if you believe they need the services provided by
SupportNet to succeed in your course.


This syllabus and schedule are subject to change in the event of extenuating


Information on student rights, responsibilities, academic honesty, etc., can be found on
the Fresno State Student Handbook web page. The web page is located at:

Dept. of Construction Management
2320 E. San Ramon Ave., MS/EE 94,
Fresno, CA 93740-8030

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CM191T Tentative Course Schedule
Spring 2018

Date Topic Reading Assignment

1 Wed., Jan 17 Welcome (Zoom Live) Syllabus/navigating online learning

2 Mon., Jan 22 Core Course #1, Part 1 Fundamental of Project Delivery

3 Wed., Jan 24 Core Course #1, Part 2 Fundamental of Project Delivery, Quiz 1

4 Mon., Jan 29 Core Course #1, Part 3 Fundamental of Project Delivery, Quiz 2

5 Wed., Jan 31 Core Course #1, Part 4 Graded Discussion

6 Mon., Feb 5 Zoom Live (Recorded) Case Study 1

7 Wed., Feb 7 Review Industry Expert Lecture Series Video

8 Mon., Feb 12 Zoom Live (Test #1 Review) Study Guide 1

9 Wed., Feb 14 Test #1

10 Mon., Feb 19 HOLIDAY – President’s Day

11 Wed., Feb 21 Core Course #2, Part 1 Design-Build Project Delivery

12 Mon., Feb 26 Core Course #2, Part 2 Design-Build Project Delivery, Quiz 3

13 Wed., Feb 28 Core Course #2, Part 3 Case Study 2

14 Mon., Mar 5 Core Course #2, Part 4 Design-Build Project Delivery, Quiz 4

15 Wed., Mar 7 Review Industry Expert Lecture Series Video

16 Mon., Mar 12 Test #2 Study Guide 2

17 Wed., Mar 14 Zoom Live (Mid-Term Reflection) Graded Discussion

18 Mon., Mar 19 Core Course #3, Part 1 Post Award

19 Wed., Mar 21 Core Course #3, Part 2 Post Award, Quiz 5

20 Mon., Mar 26 Spring Break

21 Wed., Mar 28 Spring Break

22 Mon., Apr 2 Core Course #3, Part 3 Case Study 3

23 Wed., Apr 4 Core Course #3, Part 4 Post Award

24 Mon., Apr 8 Review

25 Wed., Apr 11 Test #3

26 Mon., Apr 16 Zoom Live (Research Paper) Topic Selection

27 Wed., Apr 18 Paper Co-authoring Introduction

28 Mon., Apr 23 Paper Co-authoring Background

29 Wed., Apr 25 Zoom Live Methods

30 Mon., Apr 30 Paper Co-authoring Research Paper Progress Report

31 Wed., May 2 Paper Co-authoring Data Collection and Analysis

32 Mon., May 7 Paper Co-authoring Conclusion

33 Wed., May 9 Last Day of Instruction – Zoom Live Research Paper Due – Report Out!

Finals week Days Dates

Final Exam Preparation & Faculty Consultation Days: Thursday and Friday May 11 – 12

Final Semester Examinations Monday – Thursday May 15 – 18

Final Exam in this course N/A

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