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Always all the projects you did were based on PROBLEMS OF HYPERTENSION, 

Individual Success Plan (ISP), I send it to you ,if you need it in the last paragraph (Program Competencies Addressed) of the Scholarly Activity Summary

This section consists of a list of program competencies that were addressed in this scholarly activity. Please use the list from the ISP.

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Throughout the RN-to-BSN program, students are required to participate in scholarly activities outside of clinical practice or professional practice. Examples of scholarly activities include attending conferences, seminars, journal club, grand rounds, morbidity and mortality meetings, interdisciplinary committees, quality improvement committees, and any other opportunities available at your site, within your community, or nationally.

You are required to post one scholarly activity while you are in the BSN program, which should be documented by the end of this course. In addition to this submission, you are required to be involved and contribute to interdisciplinary initiatives on a regular basis.

Submit, as the assignment, a summary report of the scholarly activity, including who, what, where, when and any relevant take-home points. Include the appropriate program competencies associated with the scholarly activity as well as future professional goals related to this activity. 

You may use the “Scholarly Activity Summary” resource to help guide this assignment.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.



Treatment of


Name: Idalmis Espinosa

Institution: Grand Canyon University

Instructor: Tish Dorman

Date: 01/28/18


Hypertension, also known as high blood disease pressure is a serious condition that ultimately results in damaging of blood vessels leaving an individual prone to heart attack, stroke, and other conditions. Various factors increase the likelihood of developing the disease they include obesity, consumption of a lot of salt, diabetes, smoking, and alcohol intake. Globally, hypertension results in the death of millions of people, but with the right administration, the mortality rates can be reduced. Treatment of hypertension is diverse including lifestyle changes and treatment through drug therapy. Lifestyle approach in the treatment of hypertension involves intake of healthy diets, quitting smoking, physical exercise, and reducing alcohol intake. Considering the complexities that surround the treatment and management of hypertension, this paper seeks to demonstrate that it is crucial to incorporate lifestyle modifications alongside medical treatments in the management of high blood pressure.

Background of the Problem

Hypertension is a worldwide health issue that afflicts many individuals. The causative factors for the condition can be genetic or acquired through poor lifestyle habits. The disease may also present as a co-morbidity to other illnesses such as diabetes and kidney disease or hypertension may lead to the onset of these diseases. Hence, the problem prevails in a vicious cycle pattern making treatment goals difficult to achieve (Wang, Ning, Yang, Lu, Tu, Jin & … Su, 2014). In addition, the advancement of the food processing industry has immensely contributed to the development of hypertension because of the relatively higher amounts of salts and other harmful food additives in the diets. If left unmanaged, hypertension can lead to the development of co-morbidities such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Blood pressure involves exertion of force on the walls of the blood vessels, with the amount of force exerted dependent on the levels of resistance from the blood vessels and the amount of work done by the heart.

Problem Statement

Estimates issued by the World Health Organization indicate that in the United States alone, over 85 million people are suffering from hypertension. In the low and middle-income countries in the world, urbanization has steadily caused an upsurge in the number diagnosed cases of hypertension due to changes in lifestyle habits. Globally, increased blood pressure has been found to cause over 7 million deaths, a figure which accounts for over 12% of the total world deaths. Overall, both men and women develop high blood pressure, although the prevalence rates are higher for men than for women. Therefore, hypertension is a public health concern that has been found to cause the development of cardiovascular disease and stroke (Khdour, Hallak, Shaeen, Jarab & Shahed 2013).

A lot of research work has been carried out with the intention of deciphering the etiology of the disease and the best treatment approaches to the problem of hypertension. Although the research efforts have centered on the medical perspectives of treatment, exploration of the role of lifestyle modification as a preventive measure for hypertension needs to be carried out (Khdour, Hallak, Shaeen, Jarab & Shahed 2013). Furthermore, lack of adequate awareness about hypertension on the part of the patient substantially influences the onset of hypertension, and the delayed seeking of treatment for the condition. Also, because of an increase in population and the sharp increase of the geriatric demographic age group, the number of people living with unmanaged hypertension in the world has been on the increase; hence this paper advocates for the use of lifestyle modifications in the management of hypertension among adult males.

Purpose of the Change Proposal

Considering the complexities that surround the treatment and management of hypertension, this paper seeks to demonstrate it is crucial to incorporate lifestyle modifications alongside medical treatments in the management of high blood pressure. This is because ideally, lifestyle changes should be considered not only as preventive measures but also as first line treatment options. These adjustments include dietary changes such as consumption of low sodium, high glycemic index foods, and daily intake of 3-5 servings of fruits and vegetables. Physicians and nurses recommend that pre-hypertensive or hypertensive patients engage in physical exercise which includes half an hour of low to moderate intensity aerobic exercise such as swimming, jogging walking or cycling (Nwankwo, Yoon, Burt, & Gu, 2013). In addition, utilizing stress reduction measures significantly assists with blood pressure control. These measures include avoidance of cigarette smoking and alcohol and consumption of unhealthy diets.

PICOT Statement

To address the problem of hypertension, the following PICOT question was developed: For male grown-ups between the ages of 40 and 70 with hypertension, and with various co-morbidities, will the adjustment in way of life (drawing in routinely in exercise and eating more beneficial and adjusted suppers), contrasted with patients who utilize prescription to treat/deal with their hypertension, help to control their pulse and diminish the danger of creating cardiovascular illnesses in their recuperation period inside a half year? The period will be sufficiently long to make a patient to be capable not to experience the ill effects of hypertension and to likewise lessen the dangers that the people will ordinarily go through.

Literature Search Strategy Employed

For the search of literature review, the Ebscohost data base search was used. Key words used in the search were hypertension, high blood pressure, and hypertension among males. A total of 25 articles related to hypertension were found and another 13 articles discussing high blood pressure and other morbidities were found. Further, no articles related to the topic of hypertension among males were found in the data base. Of the 38 articles found, those that failed to meet search criteria of hypertension and high blood pressure and lifestyle adjustments were eliminated. A total of three articles were left for the literature review.

Literature Review

As discussed earlier, the problem of hypertension has a high prevalence in the United States and the world. Wang et al. (2013) assert that high blood pressure is the single most significant risk factor in the development of cardiovascular disease. The authors further state that low awareness lack of treatment and management leads to an increase in the number of deaths and complications from hypertension. Risk factors such as high body mass index lack of physical exercise and consumption of unhealthy diets cause further problems into an already complex issue.

A National Health and Nutrition Survey reveals that early diagnosis and treatment ensures the prevention of complications of hypertension for instance damage of the arteries and blindness (Nwankwo, Yoon, Burt, & Gu, 2013). However, research by suggests that hypertensive patients may fail to develop signs or symptoms in which case treatment is sought for the eventual complications such as blindness. Lifestyle changes in combination with medication may lower high blood pressure and lead to an improved quality of life for the patient. However, lifestyle modifications alone have been found effective as a first line option treatment for hypertension. These changes include the incorporation 30 minutes of physical activity into the patient’s daily routine.

Ideally the goal of physical exercise is to assist the patient with weight loss and a reduction of the BMI (Khdour et al., 2013). Dietary adjustments entail intake of low sodium diets, intake of high fiber diets, which includes fruits and vegetables, and consumption of low-fat dairy products. Lifestyle modifications also constitute the avoidance of stress and its causative factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption. Dietary changes may involve the nurse or the nutritionist assist the patient develop a feeding plan which is known as dietary approaches to stop hypertension diet.

Applicable Change Model

For patients suffering from hypertension and other chronic diseases, the Chronic Care Model is an effective organizational strategy to caring for hypertensive patients. I this scenario, the model is applicable because it utilizes evidence based research and creates interactions between an educated patient and a proactive team of health care professionals. Moreover, the system is practical and offers support for the patient in management of hypertension (Davy, Bleasel, Liu, Tchan, Ponniah, & Brown, (2015).

Implementation Plan

Following the six components of the Chronic Care Model, the implementation plan will aim to decrease high blood pressure, manage weight, support self-management and decision making that will impact on the overall well-being of the patient. Self-management is critical because it indicates that the patient is in charge of their own health care situation. Applicable changes will be filtered through the components of the Chronic Care Model and tested against evidence-based research to ascertain that they are effective at achieving the goals of blood pressure reduction and weight reduction (Davy, Bleasel, Liu, Tchan, Ponniah, & Brown, (2015).

Potential Barriers to Implementation

Potential barriers to the implementation of the plan include patient apathy and non- adherence to the issues such as physical activity and consumption of healthy diets to achieve the treatment goals of lowering blood pressure and weight reduction (Khatib, 2012). Another key barrier from the patient is an attitude of indifference which may result in the patient viewing the plan as inconsequential and non-contributory to the management of their blood pressure.


As noted, hypertension is among the leading causes of heart attacks, strokes, and other complications. With the right interventions in place, the condition can be managed and treated; hypertension treatment considers two forms of treatment including the use of anti-hypertensive drugs as well as lifestyle modifications. Anti-hypertensive drugs used include diuretics, angiotensin, converting enzymes blockers, beta blockers among others each of the drugs work differently, but all ultimately result in lowering the blood pressure. Therefore, apart from medication, lifestyle changes are also crucial in management and treatment of the disease especially in reducing cardiovascular risks and lowering the blood pressure.


Davy, C., Bleasel, J., Liu, H., Tchan, M., Ponniah, S., & Brown, A. (2015). Effectiveness of chronic care models: Opportunities for improving healthcare practice and health outcomes: A systematic review. BMC Health Services Research, 15, 194.

Khatib, O. M. (2012). Clinical guideline for the management of hypertension. New York, NY: World Health Organization.

Khdour, M., Hallak, H., Shaeen, M., Jarab, A., & Shahed, Q. A. (2013). Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in the Palestinian population. Journal of Human Hypertension, (10), 623. doi:10.1038/jhh.2013.26

Nwankwo, T., Yoon, S. S., Burt, V., Gu, Q. (2013). Hypertension among adults in the United States: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2011-2012. NCHS Data Brief (133),1-8.

Wang, J., Ning, X., Yang, L., Lu, H., Tu, J., Jin, W., & … Su, T. (2014). Trends of hypertension prevalence, awareness, treatment and control in rural areas of northern China during 1991-2011. Journal of Human Hypertension, 28(1), 25-31. doi:10.1038/jhh.2013.44



Review: Treatment of Hypertension

Student’s Name: Idalmis Espinosa

Institution-Affiliated: Grand Canyon University

Date: 12/24/17


Hypertension, also known as high blood disease pressure is a serious condition that ultimately results in damaging of blood vessels leaving an individual prone to heart attack, stroke, and other conditions. Various factors increase the likelihood of developing the disease they include obesity, consumption of a lot of salt, diabetes, smoking, alcohol intake among others. Globally, hypertension results in the death of millions of people, but with the right administration, the mortality rates can be reduced. Treatment of hypertension is diverse including lifestyle changes and treatment through drug therapy. Medication entails various drugs ranging from thiazide diuretics, Beta blockers, Angotenism- Converting enzymes (ACE), Calcium Channel Blockers among others. Lifestyle approach in the treatment of hypertension involves intake of healthy diets, quitting smoking, physical exercise, reducing alcohol intake, among others (Khatib, 2012).

A Comparison of the Research Questions

Comparison falls into either a patient with hypertension using drugs to treat the hypertension or a lifestyle approach. Lifestyle modification is a crucial long-term step in the management of hypertension even in the presence of drug therapy and may reduce or even reduce the need for anti-hypertensive drugs. Also, lifestyle changes in the management of high blood pressure can be essential in treating other chronic illness. Lifestyle changes include eating dietary approaches which involve developing a healthy pattern as well as reducing salt intake. Furthermore, quitting smoking assists in reducing cardiovascular risks while reduced alcohol consumption results to lower systolic blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Physical exercise is critical in lowering systolic blood pressure (Huang, Duggan, & Harman, 2006). In contrast, patients can use drug therapy in the treatment of hypertension and help avoid cardiovascular within half a year. Diuretics are the most utilized drugs in the treatment of hypertension; the original anti-hypertensive drugs are vital in lowering the blood pressure and increasing the effectiveness of other antihypertensive agents. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Blockers, Calcium Channel Blockers, Beta Blockers are also used in the treatment of diabetes (Williams, Lawerence, Fanorow, & Go, 2010).

A comparison of sample populations

The sample population entails male grown-ups between the ages of 40-70 years who can either undertake drug therapy or lifestyle management of hypertension. Patients who undergo drug treatment have a low chance of suffering from cardiovascular risks compared to men who are not untreated. Use of antihypertensive drugs is crucial in treating level 2 and 3 of hypertension. Randomized clinical trials carried out on men have helps reduce the chance of stroke and coronary risks. Also, the use of evidence-based technology has also been vital in reducing the level of SBP and DBP making it possible to initiate medication. However, treatment of people within the age of 40-55 years differs with that of men between the ages of 55-70 years. In contrast, men who undertake lifestyle changes as a treatment method for hypertension have to put in place long-term strategies to ensure they adequately address the disease (Williams, Lawerence, Fanorow, & Go, 2010). Lifestyle changes might not be an effective method of treatment especially in serious condition and may require the incorporation of two or more anti-hypertensive drugs. Men between the ages of 40-50 year are suitable for this method, as most have the energy to take up regular physical exercises which are vital in the addressing the disease. Lifestyle changes for men involve changing eating habits, quitting smoking, reduced alcohol intake, sodium restriction among others (Huang, Duggan, & Harman, 2006).

A comparison of limitation of study

The research on the effectiveness of both the use of drug therapy and lifestyle modification in the treatment of hypertension has limitations. One, Drug therapy entails the use of various drugs which make it difficult to determine the effectiveness of each medication used in the treatment of the disease. Also, the presence of other existing ailments in some of the patients makes it hard to determine the effectiveness of most anti-hypertensive in the treatment of hypertension since most are also administered to treat the conditions as well. The outcomes of lifestyle changes in the treatment and management of hypertension are impossible to measure as they are long no tangible methods to indicate proof of the changes. Lastly, on some occasions, patients have to be administered with anti-hypertensive which makes it difficult to determine the effectiveness of lifestyle changes as the treatment method for hypertension.


Hypertension is among the leading causes of heart attacks, strokes, and other complications. With the right interventions in place, the disease can be managed and treated; hypertension treatment takes into account two forms of treatment including the use of anti-hypertensive drugs as well as lifestyle modifications. Anti-hypertensive drugs used include diuretics, angiotensin, converting enzymes blockers, beta blockers among others each of the drugs work differently, but all ultimately result in lowering the blood pressure. Lifestyle changes are also crucial in management and treatment of the disease especially in reducing cardiovascular risks and lowering the blood pressure. I recommend the research to utilize different studies and findings from other research carried out in the past to elaborate the differences and effectiveness of the methods in the treatment of high blood pressure.


Huang, N., Duggan, K., & Harman, J. (2006). Lifestyle Management of Hypertension. Australian Prescriber, 150-156.

Khatib, O. M. (2012). Clinical Guideline for the Management of Hypertension. New York: World Health Organization.

Williams, K. A., Lawerence, W., Fanorow, G. C., & Go, A. S. (2010). An Effective Approach to High Blood Pressure Control. American Heart Association, 885-894.



PICOT Statement Paper: Problem of Hypertension

Student’s Name: Idalmis Espinosa

Institution: Grand Canyon University

Date: 12/03/2017

Practice Problem/Issue and PICOT Question

Hypertension adds to the passing of many individuals all through the world, yet there is as yet poor administration of the condition. Setting up compelling control measures could essentially control the quantity of passings around the world. To control and administration hypertension successfully, it is imperative to recognize and deal with the way of life hazard factors related with the condition as that brings down circulatory strain. What’s more, it is crucial to perform standard screening, discussing adequately with patients, checking patients all the time, and holding fast to treatment. Specifically, it is conceivable to avert and control the condition viably through way of life changes (slim down and frequently captivating in work out) as these serves to altogether direct pulse (Dua et al,2014). Evidenced based solution for patients with hypertension is to lower DBP and SBP below levels in which medication will be started. There should be an alternative drug from a different class to take care of a patient.

PICOT Question

For male grown-ups between the ages of 40 and 70 with hypertension, and with various co-morbidities, will the adjustment in way of life (drawing in routinely in exercise and eating more beneficial and adjusted suppers), contrasted with patients who utilize prescription to treat/deal with their hypertension, help to control their pulse and diminish the danger of creating cardiovascular illnesses in their recuperation period inside a half year. The period will be sufficiently long to make a patient to be capable not to experience the ill effects of hypertension and to likewise lessen the dangers that the people will ordinarily go through(Howes,2013).


The primary technique for intercession for a patient with hypertension it is with no uncertainty to put them under prescription, so they can get cured. That is the most secure path as it will influence the patient to have the capacity to deal with themselves as far as how they to think, what they eat and even the exercises that they attempt to participate in (Dua et al,2014). The age of the patients will likewise imply that the patients are given solution that can manage them in the most helpful ways and which they can acknowledge all in all. The medication that can be given for this situation is one that can decrease the cruelty of a medication. The nursing intervention for patients with hypertension is assessing the headache pains that a patient is experiencing and checking the blurred vision in every four hours until it goes away. Another nursing intervention is for a nurse to educate a patient on how they consult with their doctor before medication is stopped.


The fundamental contrasting option to contrast with the mediation will have with do with influencing the patient to get the opportunity to do a considerable measure of activities. That is one thing that will make the licenses to have the capacity to manage the issue of hypertension and since practices have been demonstrated that they work, it will then be simple for the patient to recuperate from the hypertension and what will imply that they will get cured from such an infirmity. Toward the end, all will have ended up being sure as the patient will have the capacity to get the coveted medication(Howes,2013). Patient care to those with hypertension is to first educate, measure the blood pressure and even give advice Education will entail modifying the behavior of a patient which is related to smoking, alcohol intake and how to manage stress.


In this exploration and managing a patient, it is with most likely that there are things that are being tended to and which are there to have the capacity to manage the way a patient gets the chance to react to pharmaceutical or even exercise. The cerebral pains that are regularly seen in patients with antagonistic hypertension combined with the measure of considerations are the conditions that are to be wiped out in the patients that have hypertension. The numerous unfavorable occasions in the patients will get diminished because of the patients having the capacity to be under pharmaceutical or notwithstanding sharing in practices that are useful for their wellbeing (Dua et al,2014). Healthcare agency for caring for patients with hypertension can be the likes of Intrepid USA Healthcare Services which gives Hypertension Management Program that helps patients get and have a maintained blood pressure that is healthy. Nursing practice for patients with hypertension will be the likes of minimizing the cost of therapy, including a patient in making of decision and even implementation of treatment plans step by step.


Dua, S., Bhuker, M., Sharma, P., Dhall, M., & Kapoor, S. (2014). Body Mass Index Relates. to Blood Pressure Among Adults. North American Journal of Medical Sciences, 6(2), 89–95.

Howes, F., Warnecke, E., &Nelson, M. (2013). Barriers to lifestyle risk factor assessment and management in hypertension: A qualitative study of Australian general practitioners. Journal of Human Hypertension, 27, 474-478 doi:10.1038/jhh.2013.9

Scholarly Activity Summary

This document describes the scholarly activity elements that should be included in a five paragraph summary. You may use this resource to help guide the preparation of the Scholarly Activities assignment, due in Topic 10.


This section consists of a single paragraph that succinctly describes the scholarly activity that you attended/participated in, the target market for the activity, and the benefit of the activity to you.


This section consists of either a short narrative or a list of bullet points that concisely identifies the problems the scholarly activity is designed to solve. Educate: What is the current state of the activity topic? Explain why this is a problem, and for whom is it a problem? Inspire: What could a nurse achieve by participating in the scholarly activity? Use declarative sentences with simple words to communicate each point. Less is more.


This section consists of either a short paragraph or a list of bullet points that concisely describes the solution to a proposed practice problem that the scholarly activity addressed and how it addresses the problem outlined in the previous section.


This section consists of short paragraphs that define the opportunity that the scholarly activity is designed to capture. It is important to cover the objectives and goals that were met. How will attending/participating in this scholarly activity help you grow as a nurse?

Program Competencies Addressed

This section consists of a list of program competencies that were addressed in this scholarly activity. Please use the list from the ISP.

© 2017. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

NRS-490 Individual Success Plan



















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Tania Gonzalez Diaz


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Course Faculty Information



Melissa Reedy


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Practicum Mentor Information

Practice Setting


Lourdes Aleman


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ISP Instructions

Use this form to develop your Individual Success Plan (ISP) for NRS-490, the Professional Capstone and Practicum course. An individual success plan maps out what you, the RN-to-BSN student, needs to accomplish in order to be successful as you work through this course and complete your overall program of study. You will also share this with your mentor at the beginning and end of this course so that he or she will know what you need to accomplish.

Application-based learning assignments are listed in the course syllabus with a Practice Portfolio Statement requirement element noted within the assignment itself. In order for you to successfully complete and graduate from the RN-to-BSN Program you must meet the following programmatic requirements: (1) completion of 100 practice immersion hours, and (2) completion of work associated with all program competencies.

In this ISP, you will identify all of the objectives, tasks, and/or assignments relating to the 100 practice immersion hours you need to complete by the end of this course. Specify the dates by which you will complete each tasks and/or assignments. Your plan should include a self-assessment of how you met all applicable GCU RN-to-BSN Domains & Competencies (see Appendix A).

ALL course assignments listing a “Practice Hours Portfolio” statement must be included in the ISP and are worth and recorded here as approximately 10 hours each. Actual clock hours must be recorded on this time log.

General Requirements

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of each assignment as it pertains to deliverables due in this course:

· Use the Individual Success Plan to develop a personal plan for completing your practice immersion hours and self-assess how you will meet the GCU RN-to-BSN University Mission Critical Competencies and the Programmatic Domains & Competencies (Appendix A) related to that course.

Show all of the major deliverables in the course, the topic/course objectives that apply to each deliverable, and lastly, align each deliverable to the applicable University Mission Critical Competencies and the course-specific Domains and Competencies (Appendix A).

Completing your ISP does not earn practice hours, nor does telephone conference time, or time spent with your mentor.

· Within the Individual Success Plan, ensure you identify all course assignments which may include the following: Memorandums of Understanding (MOU)(if Affiliation Agreement is not required); comprehensive log of practice immersion hours applied to baccalaureate level learning outcomes; evaluations from faculty and mentors; your evaluations of your mentor; scholarly activity report; competency self-assessment (part of your ISP); reflective journal (Submitted in Week 10 but covering all weeks in the course); course goals and plan for how competencies and practice immersion hours will be met; and both faculty and mentor approvals of course goals and documented practice immersion hours.

Application-based Learning Course Assignments

List of Current Course Objectives

Number of Clock Hours Associated with Each Assignment


Date Due



University Mission Critical Competencies and

Programmatic Domains & Competencies

(see Appendix A)




Week One
Professional Capstone and Practicum Documentation

Individual Success Plan

Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal and Scholarly Activities

1. Identify problems, issues, and opportunities to improve patient care, patient outcomes, and organizational procedures within a clinical practice setting.
2. Examine a health care clinical problem or an organization issue and its implications to nursing practice.
3. Determine evidence-based solutions that address patient-care or clinical practice quality problems or issues.
4. Analyze health care clinical problems and organizational issues utilizing the PICO(T) process
5. Demonstrate values consistent with the role of a nursing professional through fundamental knowledge and advanced skills.

10 hours

November 19, 2017

MC1: Effective Communication: Therapeutic communication is central to baccalaureate nursing practice. Students gain an understanding of their ethical responsibility and how verbal and written communication affects others intellectually and emotionally. Students begin to use nursing terminology and taxonomies within the practice of professional and therapeutic communication. Courses require students to write scholarly papers, prepare presentations, develop persuasive arguments, and engage in discussion that is clear, assertive, and respectful

November 19, 2017

Week Two

Capstone Project Topic Selection and Approval

Topic 2 Practice Hours Completion Statement

1. Identify problems, issues, and opportunities to improve patient care, patient outcomes, and organizational procedures within a clinical practice setting.
2. Examine a health care clinical problem or an organization issue and its implications to nursing practice.
3. Determine evidence-based solutions that address patient-care or clinical practice quality problems or issues.
4. Analyze health care clinical problems and organizational issues utilizing the PICO(T) process
5. Demonstrate values consistent with the role of a nursing professional through fundamental knowledge and advanced skills.

10 hours

November 26, 2017

MC2: Critical Thinking: Courses require students to use critical thinking skills by analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating scientific evidence needed to improve patient outcomes and professional practice

MC4: Global Awareness, Perspectives, and Ethics: The concept of global citizenship is introduced to baccalaureate students in the foundational curriculum. Some courses will focus on the human experience across the world health continuum. The World Health Organization (WHO) definitions of health, health disparities, and determinants of health are foundational to nursing practice

Domain 1: Professional Role

Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s RN-BSN program will be able to incorporate professional values to advance the nursing profession through leadership skills, political involvement, and life-long learning.


1.1: Exemplify professionalism in diverse health care settings.

1.2: Manage patient care within the changing environment of the health care system.

1.3: Exercise professional nursing leadership and management roles in the promotion of patient safety and quality care.

1.4: Participate in health care policy development to influence nursing practice and health care.

1.5: Advocate for autonomy and social justice for individuals and diverse populations.

Domain 5: Holistic Patient Care

Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s RN-BSN program will be able to provide holistic individualized care that is sensitive to cultural and spiritual aspects of the human experience.


5.1: Understand the human experience across the health-illness continuum.

5.2: Assess for the spiritual needs and provide appropriate interventions for individuals, families, and groups.

5.3: Provide culturally sensitive care.

5.4: Preserve the integrity and human dignity in the care of all patients.

November 26, 2017

Week Three

PICOT Statement Paper

Topic 3 Practice Hours Completion Statement

1. Evaluate evidence-based research and other appropriate resources to inform the development of a change plan.
2. Identify strategies for logistical implementation of proposed solutions.
3. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate levels of evidence into a concise format.
4. Integrate evidence, clinical judgment, interprofessional perspectives, and patient preferences in planning, implementing, and evaluating outcomes of care.

10 hours

December 3, 2017

MC2: Critical Thinking: Courses require students to use critical thinking skills by analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating scientific evidence needed to improve patient outcomes and professional practice

Domain 2: Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s RN-BSN program will have acquired a body of nursing knowledge built on a theoretical foundation of liberal arts, science, and nursing concepts that will guide professional practice.


2.1: Incorporate liberal arts and science studies into nursing knowledge.

2.2: Comprehend nursing concepts and health theories.

2.3: Understand and value the processes of critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and decision making.

December 3, 2107

Week Four

Literature Evaluation Table

Topic 4 Practice Hours Completion Statement

1. Evaluate evidence-based research and other appropriate resources to inform the development of a change plan.
2. Identify strategies for logistical implementation of proposed solutions.
3. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate levels of evidence into a concise format.
4. Integrate evidence, clinical judgment, interprofessional perspectives, and patient preferences in planning, implementing, and evaluating outcomes of care.

10 hours

December10, 2017

MC2: Critical Thinking: Courses require students to use critical thinking skills by analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating scientific evidence needed to improve patient outcomes and professional practice.

Domain 2: Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice

Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s RN-BSN program will have acquired a body of nursing knowledge built on a theoretical foundation of liberal arts, science, and nursing concepts that will guide professional practice.

2.1: Incorporate liberal arts and science studies into nursing knowledge.
2.2: Comprehend nursing concepts and health theories.
2.3: Understand and value the processes of critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and decision making.

December 10, 2017

Week Five

Topic 5 Practice Hours Completion Statement

1. Identify objectives, strategy, and measurable outcomes of the evidence-based practice proposal.
2. List steps needed to implement each strategy in a change proposal.
3. Outline the resources needed to develop and implement a change proposal.
4. Describe methods for obtaining necessary support from key stakeholders.
5. Develop a plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the change proposal project.
6. Evaluate the role of information sources and technologies impacting the delivery of care within an adequate environment of care.
7. Develop appropriate change plans that promote health and prevent disease.

10 hours

December 17, 2017

MC2: Critical Thinking: Courses require students to use critical thinking skills by analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating scientific evidence needed to improve patient outcomes and professional practice.

MC4: Global Awareness, Perspectives, and Ethics: The concept of global citizenship is introduced to baccalaureate students in the foundational curriculum. Some courses will focus on the human experience across the world health continuum. The World Health Organization (WHO) definitions of health, health disparities, and determinants of health are foundational to nursing practice

Domain 3: Nursing Practice

Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s RN-BSN program will be able to utilize the nursing process to provide safe quality care based on nursing best practices.


3.1: Utilize the nursing process to provide safe and effective care for patients across the health-illness continuum: promoting, maintaining, and restoring health; preventing disease; and facilitating a peaceful death.

3.2: Implement patient care decisions based on evidence-based practice.

3.3: Provide individualized education to diverse patient populations in a variety of health care settings.

3.4: Demonstrate professional standards of practice.

December 17, 2017

Week Six

Literature Review

Topic 6 Practice Hours Completion Statement

1. Identify objectives, strategy, and measurable outcomes of the evidence-based practice proposal.
2. List steps needed to implement each strategy in a change proposal.
3. Outline the resources needed to develop and implement a change proposal.
4. Describe methods for obtaining necessary support from key stakeholders.
5. Develop a plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the change proposal project.
6. Evaluate the role of information sources and technologies impacting the delivery of care within an adequate environment of care.
7. Develop appropriate change plans that promote health and prevent disease.

10 hours

December 24, 2017

MC2: Critical Thinking: Courses require students to use critical thinking skills by analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating scientific evidence needed to improve patient outcomes and professional practice.

MC4: Global Awareness, Perspectives, and Ethics: The concept of global citizenship is introduced to baccalaureate students in the foundational curriculum. Some courses will focus on the human experience across the world health continuum. The World Health Organization (WHO) definitions of health, health disparities, and determinants of health are foundational to nursing practice.

Domain 3: Nursing Practice

Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s RN-BSN program will be able to utilize the nursing process to provide safe quality care based on nursing best practices.

3.1: Utilize the nursing process to provide safe and effective care for patients across the health-illness continuum: promoting, maintaining, and restoring health; preventing disease; and facilitating a peaceful death.
3.2: Implement patient care decisions based on evidence-based practice.
3.3: Provide individualized education to diverse patient populations in a variety of health care settings.
3.4: Demonstrate professional standards of practice.

Domain 4: Communication/Informatics

Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s RN-BSN program will be able to manage information and technology to provide safe quality care in a variety of settings. In addition, graduates will be able to communicate therapeutically and professionally to produce positive working relationships with patients and health care team members.


4.1: Utilize patient care technology and information management systems.

4.2: Communicate therapeutically with patients.

4.3: Professionally communicate and collaborate with the interdisciplinary health care teams to provide safe and effective care.

December 24, 2017

Week Seven

Topic 7 Practice Hours Completion Statement

1. Identify methods to evaluate a proposed solution.
2. Describe variables and outcomes to be assessed pre- and post-project implementation.
3. Utilize appropriate tools such as basic statistics to evaluate project outcomes.
4. Summarize plans for disseminating evidence.
5. Use communication and collaboration skills to deliver high-quality, evidence-based, patient-centered care.

10 hours

January 14, 2018

MC1: Effective Communication: Therapeutic communication is central to baccalaureate nursing practice. Students gain an understanding of their ethical responsibility and how verbal and written communication affects others intellectually and emotionally. Students begin to use nursing terminology and taxonomies within the practice of professional and therapeutic communication. Courses require students to write scholarly papers, prepare presentations, develop persuasive arguments, and engage in discussion that is clear, assertive, and respectful.

Domain 4: Communication/Informatics

Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s RN-BSN program will be able to manage information and technology to provide safe quality care in a variety of settings. In addition, graduates will be able to communicate therapeutically and professionally to produce positive working relationships with patients and health care team members.

4.1: Utilize patient care technology and information management systems.
4.2: Communicate therapeutically with patients.
4.3: Professionally communicate and collaborate with the interdisciplinary health care teams to provide safe and effective care

January 14, 2018

Week Eight

Topic 8 Practice Hours Completion Statement

1. Identify methods to evaluate a proposed solution.
2. Describe variables and outcomes to be assessed pre- and post-project implementation.
3. Utilize appropriate tools such as basic statistics to evaluate project outcomes.
4. Summarize plans for disseminating evidence.
5. Use communication and collaboration skills to deliver high-quality, evidence-based, patient-centered care.

10 hours

January 21, 2018

MC1: Effective Communication: Therapeutic communication is central to baccalaureate nursing practice. Students gain an understanding of their ethical responsibility and how verbal and written communication affects others intellectually and emotionally. Students begin to use nursing terminology and taxonomies within the practice of professional and therapeutic communication. Courses require students to write scholarly papers, prepare presentations, develop persuasive arguments, and engage in discussion that is clear, assertive, and respectful.

Domain 4: Communication/Informatics

Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s RN-BSN program will be able to manage information and technology to provide safe quality care in a variety of settings. In addition, graduates will be able to communicate therapeutically and professionally to produce positive working relationships with patients and health care team members.

4.1: Utilize patient care technology and information management systems.
4.2: Communicate therapeutically with patients.
4.3: Professionally communicate and collaborate with the interdisciplinary health care teams to provide safe and effective care.

January 21, 2018

Week Nine

Benchmark-Capstone Project Change Proposal

Topic 9 Practice Hours Completion Statement

1. Produce a comprehensive and professional change initiative presentation.
2. Integrate acquired knowledge and skills into professional practice.
3. Examine the implementation of evidence-based research in nursing practice.
4. Analyze research findings for the enhancement of evidence-based practice in the clinical setting.
5. Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in the provision of high-quality nursing care in a collaborative interprofessional setting.
6. Analyze the impact of organizational and environmental factors on health care delivery and practice.
7. Demonstrate leadership and communication skills to effectively implement change initiatives for nursing practice.

10 hours

January 28, 2018

MC5: Leadership: Students will apply a Christian worldview within a global society and examine ethical issues from the framework of a clearly articulated system of professional values. Students will engage in discussion of values-based decisions made from a Christian perspective

Domain 1: Professional Role

Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s RN-BSN program will be able to incorporate professional values to advance the nursing profession through leadership skills, political involvement, and life-long learning.

1.1: Exemplify professionalism in diverse health care settings.
1.2: Manage patient care within the changing environment of the health care system.
1.3: Exercise professional nursing leadership and management roles in the promotion of patient safety and quality care.
1.4: Participate in health care policy development to influence nursing practice and health care.
1.5: Advocate for autonomy and social justice for individuals and diverse populations.

January 28, 2018

Week Ten

Benchmark-Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal

Scholarly Activities

1. Produce a comprehensive and professional change initiative presentation.
2. Integrate acquired knowledge and skills into professional practice.
3. Examine the implementation of evidence-based research in nursing practice.
4. Analyze research findings for the enhancement of evidence-based practice in the clinical setting.
5. Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in the provision of high-quality nursing care in a collaborative interprofessional setting.
6. Analyze the impact of organizational and environmental factors on health care delivery and practice.
7. Demonstrate leadership and communication skills to effectively implement change initiatives for nursing practice.

10 hours

February 4, 2018

MC5: Leadership: Students will apply a Christian worldview within a global society and examine ethical issues from the framework of a clearly articulated system of professional values. Students will engage in discussion of values-based decisions made from a Christian perspective.

Domain 1: Professional Role

Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s RN-BSN program will be able to incorporate professional values to advance the nursing profession through leadership skills, political involvement, and life-long learning.

1.1: Exemplify professionalism in diverse health care settings.
1.2: Manage patient care within the changing environment of the health care system.
1.3: Exercise professional nursing leadership and management roles in the promotion of patient safety and quality care.
1.4: Participate in health care policy development to influence nursing practice and health care.
1.5: Advocate for autonomy and social justice for individuals and diverse populations.

February 4, 2018

By typing in his/her signature below, the student agrees to have read, understood, and be accountable for the instructions, assignments, and hours shown above and that all questions have been satisfactorily answered by the faculty and/or program director.

Mentors will sign upon initial receipt and at the end of the course to confirm that assignments have been complete with your guidance.

Student Signature


Tania Gonzalez Diaz



Mentor Signature [Upon Initiation of Course]


Lourdes Aleman



Mentor Signature [Upon Completion of Course]



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© 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.


GCU RN-to-BSN Domains & Competencies

A. University’s Mission Critical Competencies

How does this Individual Success Plan support the GCU Mission?
MC1: Effective Communication: Therapeutic communication is central to baccalaureate nursing practice. Students gain an understanding of their ethical responsibility and how verbal and written communication affects others intellectually and emotionally. Students begin to use nursing terminology and taxonomies within the practice of professional and therapeutic communication. Courses require students to write scholarly papers, prepare presentations, develop persuasive arguments, and engage in discussion that is clear, assertive, and respectful.

MC2: Critical Thinking: Courses require students to use critical thinking skills by analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating scientific evidence needed to improve patient outcomes and professional practice.

MC3: Christian Worldview: Students will apply a Christian worldview within a global society and examine ethical issues from the framework of a clearly articulated system of professional values. Students will engage in discussion of values-based decisions made from a Christian perspective.

MC4: Global Awareness, Perspectives, and Ethics: The concept of global citizenship is introduced to baccalaureate students in the foundational curriculum. Some courses will focus on the human experience across the world health continuum. The World Health Organization (WHO) definitions of health, health disparities, and determinants of health are foundational to nursing practice.

MC5: Leadership: Students will apply a Christian worldview within a global society and examine ethical issues from the framework of a clearly articulated system of professional values. Students will engage in discussion of values-based decisions made from a Christian perspective.

B. Domains and Competencies

How does this Individual Success Plan support the Program Domains and Competencies?

Domain 1: Professional Role
Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s RN-BSN program will be able to incorporate professional values to advance the nursing profession through leadership skills, political involvement, and life-long learning.

1.1: Exemplify professionalism in diverse health care settings.
1.2: Manage patient care within the changing environment of the health care system.
1.3: Exercise professional nursing leadership and management roles in the promotion of patient safety and quality care.
1.4: Participate in health care policy development to influence nursing practice and health care.
1.5: Advocate for autonomy and social justice for individuals and diverse populations.
Domain 2: Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice
Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s RN-BSN program will have acquired a body of nursing knowledge built on a theoretical foundation of liberal arts, science, and nursing concepts that will guide professional practice.
2.1: Incorporate liberal arts and science studies into nursing knowledge.
2.2: Comprehend nursing concepts and health theories.
2.3: Understand and value the processes of critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and decision making.
Domain 3: Nursing Practice
Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s RN-BSN program will be able to utilize the nursing process to provide safe quality care based on nursing best practices.

3.1: Utilize the nursing process to provide safe and effective care for patients across the health-illness continuum: promoting, maintaining, and restoring health; preventing disease; and facilitating a peaceful death.
3.2: Implement patient care decisions based on evidence-based practice.
3.3: Provide individualized education to diverse patient populations in a variety of health care settings.
3.4: Demonstrate professional standards of practice.
Domain 4: Communication/Informatics
Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s RN-BSN program will be able to manage information and technology to provide safe quality care in a variety of settings. In addition, graduates will be able to communicate therapeutically and professionally to produce positive working relationships with patients and health care team members.

4.1: Utilize patient care technology and information management systems.
4.2: Communicate therapeutically with patients.
4.3: Professionally communicate and collaborate with the interdisciplinary health care teams to provide safe and effective care.
Domain 5: Holistic Patient Care
Graduates of Grand Canyon University’s RN-BSN program will be able to provide holistic individualized care that is sensitive to cultural and spiritual aspects of the human experience.

5.1: Understand the human experience across the health-illness continuum.
5.2: Assess for the spiritual needs and provide appropriate interventions for individuals, families, and groups.
5.3: Provide culturally sensitive care.
5.4: Preserve the integrity and human dignity in the care of all patients.

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