annotated bibliography

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AnnotatedBibliography Paper 1

COMM 2367: Persuasive Communication

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30 points

Expected Learning Outcomes

GE Course

• Students retrieve and use written information analytically and effectively.
Second Writing Course

• Students access and use information critically and analytically.


This assignment requires you to begin researching your problem. In this paper, you will develop

your ability to access, evaluate, and use credible information by identifying and summarizing

highly credible sources.


In approximately 2-3 typed pages (not including the title page) using APA format, you should

write an introduction, a thesis statement, a summary of 3 credible sources, and a conclusion.

After conducting thorough research on your topic, you will demonstrate how the sources inform

you about your problem and how they are connected. The sources included should reflect

considerable research effort on your part; however, this should not be the end of your research

effort. You are expected to continue to research your topic for several more weeks as you

develop and refine your message strategy.

1. Write an introduction:

2. Write a thesis statement:

3. List three sources in correct APA format. You must use the following source types:
a. 1 peer-reviewed academic journal article
b. 1 credible/reputable newspaper or periodical
c. 1 government, university, or research institution website

4. Under each source, write a one paragraph summary in which you answer the following

a. What are the main points of the source? What is its purpose? (Summarize the

b. How is the source relevant to your topic? How will the source be useful to you in
developing a persuasive argument? How does it connect to the other sources? (Be

specific about the type of information provided by the source.)

c. Why is the source highly credible? What are the author’s/organization’s
qualifications? (Provide personal and/or professional information.)

5. Write a conclusion:

Annotated Bibliography Paper 2



Excellent Poor

Introduction, Thesis, Conclusion

Introduction communicates what the reader can

expect; sets the tone and style of the argument

3 2 1.5 1 0

Thesis contains a claim about the problem that

can be explained and justified

3 2 1.5 1 0

Conclusion effectively summarizes and provides


3 2 1.5 1 0

Source Information

Demonstrates strong summary skills by

effectively and concisely identifying main points

and purpose of source*

6 4.5 3 1.5 0

Clearly explains source’s relevance to topic and

connection to other sources; thoughtfully

considers usefulness of source for persuasive


6 4.5 3 1.5 0

Effectively establishes credibility of source;

provides specific personal or professional


6 4.5 3 1.5 0

Correctly uses APA format for reference


3 2 1.5 1 0

* Sources that do not conform to the criteria in the COMM 2367 Source Requirements document

will receive a zero (0) for these items.

Adjustments (your grade may be lowered up to 10% for each of the following)

Excellent Poor

-0% -10%

Free of errors in grammar and mechanics -0 -1 -1.5 -2 -3

Correct APA Format (title page, header, margins,

font, reverse indent for references)
-0 -1 -1.5 -2 -3

TOTAL _____/30

AnnotatedBibliography FAQ 1

COMM 2367: Persuasive Communication



General Questions

What if I have trouble finding sources about my topic?

I know it’s often a last resort for students, but librarians are specifically educated and trained to

locate credible information quickly. They really do want to help you! If you go to, you can find contact information on the right side of the page: phone, email, or

instant chat. If you have been unsuccessfully searching for information for an hour, stop and

contact someone at the library. Don’t waste valuable time being frustrated; ask for help.

How many sources should focus on my region?

You are not required to find any sources that specifically focus on your region right now. The

primary goal for this assignment is to gather information and gain a general understanding of

your topic. You can add regional sources to your next assignment.

How current should my sources be?

Because we can easily access current information, your sources should be no more than five

years old. Sources that contain statistics should be as current as possible. If you find a source that

is not current but believe it contains important and relevant information, email me.

Should my sources be listed in alphabetical order?

Yes, just as you would alphabetize on a reference page.

What is a DOI?

“The Digital Object Identifier (DOI®) System is for identifying content objects in the digital

environment. DOI® names are assigned to any entity for use on digital networks. They are used

to provide current information, including where they (or information about them) can be found

on the Internet. Information about a digital object may change over time, including where to find

it, but its DOI name will not change” (The DOI system, 2011).

Should I include the URL or the DOI name in my reference citation?

If you found the source in an academic database, you aren’t required to use the DOI or the URL.

If, however, you located the article another way, use the DOI name. It will always be accurate

and is much shorter than an entire URL.

I don’t see a DOI name. Should I use the URL?

If you found the source in an academic database, you aren’t required to use the DOI or the URL.

If, however, you located the article another way, use the URL.

The title page on the Purdue OWL website is different from the title page we reviewed in

class. Should I follow the example on the OWL or the one in my notes?

APA format does not provide definitive formatting information for class papers. Instead, they are

focused on papers being submitted for degrees or journal publication. You may see a few

Annotated Bibliography FAQ 2

differences in the header and on the title page. Please use the information from class to format

your paper.

My assignment is longer than three pages. Do I need to cut some information?

No, but it should be no longer than four pages (not including the title page). The page

requirement is a general guideline, not a strict requirement.

I have completed my assignment early. Can I email it to you for some feedback?

I don’t provide feedback via email for assignments completed ahead of time, but I am more than

happy to meet with you during office hours before the due date. If you have a conflict with my

office hours, we can try to schedule another time to meet.

Do you have any tips to avoid deductions for grammar/mechanics and APA formatting?

 Use Grammarly:

 Proofread your paper by reading aloud.

 Consider proofreading backwards—begin with the last sentence or paragraph and read it
aloud. This interrupts your flow of thought and you are less likely to miss mistakes because

you will focus more on the words and language use.

 Avoid contractions.

 Understand the difference between affect and effect.

 Write out numbers that begin sentences. Refer to this link when including numbers in text:

 Focus on word choice to express your ideas clearly and precisely. Avoid slang, clichés, and
informal language:

 Double check APA formatting rules for capitalization and punctuation.

 Follow the APA paper formatting rules discussed in class. Remember to change the margin
default setting to 1” on every side.

What kind of information should I be looking for?

Keep your end goal in mind–you want to persuade the audience that your topic is a problem in

your region. Look for sources that provide evidence of the problem. Some general suggestions

for types of information from each source are as follows:

 The peer-reviewed journal article will most likely be about your topic/issue. The journal
article will not provide regional information.

 The newspaper or periodical can be about either your NPO or topic/issue. You will likely
find good regional information from this source. Below are suggestions based on your


o Columbus: Columbus Dispatch
o Ohio: Columbus Dispatch, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Cincinnati Enquirer
o Midwest: any of the above and Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times,

Indianapolis Star

o United States: any of the above and The Wall Street Journal, The New York
Times, Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, TIME, Newsweek

 The government, university or research institution is geared toward finding current
research and statistics about the topic/issue.

Annotated Bibliography FAQ 3

I’m the Moderator and my group’s problem is broad. How do I narrow my search for


I would encourage you to search for articles that cover the subtopics your group members have

chosen. You may decide to locate one article for three different subtopics; you may decide to

focus only on one or two subtopics for now. Also, as you search for subtopics, you may find

some great articles that address your problem in general or that focus on your region. These are

all acceptable. If you are still uncertain, see me during office hours.

researchproblem( topic): children& youth

here are some related things i wrote before

Writing Goal #1 – Learn to practice writing reviews with peers, and, give good feedback to them.

Writing Goal #2 – Write something creative and relevant to world events everyday.


Nonprofit Organization: Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada

Article “Animal Cruelty or the Price of Dinner”

Summary: Farm animals like chickens do not elicit the same emotional responses like pets, but live in far worse conditions. These conditions also affect the people who eat them. Consumers should use their buying power to push for more humane conditions for farm animals, which is feasible with new technology.



 (Links to an external site.)

Links to an external site.



Veterans and Military Families

Annotated Bibliography

Student Name

COMM 2367: Persuasive Communication

Instructor Name

January 15, 2017



Veterans and Military Families
Annotated Bibliography

Begin this assignment with a 5-7 sentence introduction that provides an overview of your

sources and demonstrates an understanding of the connections between them. The last sentence

of your introduction is your thesis statement and should be in bold.

Link, P. E., & Palinkas, L. A. (2013). Long-term trajectories and service needs for military

families. Clinical Child & Family Psychology Review, 16(4), 376-393.


Link and Palinkas’ research investigates the impact that military deployment and trauma

have on family member relationships. Besides mental illness, families are also prone to other

difficulties, such as struggles with relationships, which often result in divorce or domestic abuse.

This article will help me explore the various ways in which both military members and their

family members are affected by deployment, mental illness, and other stressful situations. The

study also suggests ways in which families can seek help to deal with their difficulties. Besides

government agencies, such as Veterans Affairs, various nonprofit organizations exist with the

goal of providing care to the military and their families. Organizations including the National

Science Foundation and NASA have funded the research of Dr. Lawrence Palinkas, a professor

at the University of Southern California. The expertise of Dr. Patrick Link, a practicing

psychiatrist, adds credibility to this article as well.

Philipps, D. (2014, December 31). Mission ends in Afghanistan, but sacrifices are not over for

U.S. soldiers. The New York Times. Retrieved from




Because the war in Afghanistan is considered to be over, many Americans have turned

their backs on service members and their families. Even though things may be coming to a

close, people often forget that military personnel continue to serve overseas and risk their lives.

This article provides a viewpoint from military families who often feel like the public has

forgotten about those soldiers. It is important to provide support for military families who

continue to have loved ones overseas, as well as those who have returned. This story will help

provide context from current military families, while focusing on some of the difficulties that

they endure. The article is credible because of its publication in an internationally respected

periodical. In addition, Dave Philips won the Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting, and chose to

document a family who is in the middle of the controversy.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (2014). PTSD: National Center for PTSD. Retrieved from

The United States Department of Veterans Affairs is at the forefront of PTSD research

and care. For 25 years, the department has been treating PTSD and educating others about the

illness through the National Center for PTSD. Their mission is to provide the best care to their

patients, continue to explore the science of the illness, and educate physicians and other care

providers. The website provides information about PTSD, insight into their over 100 research

projects, and information on where to inquire about and receive care. They are the primary

source for PTSD information because of their world-renowned research, facilities, faculty, and



experience. This mental illness is often associated with post-deployment military service

members and their families; thus it will help strengthen my argument about their needs.

Write a 5-7 sentence conclusion that summarizes your main points and provides closure

for your reader.

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