BIOS 255 Week 8 Final Exam


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1. Question: Explain the difference between nonspecific and specific defense and the role of lymphocytes in each of the immune response.

2. Question: Identify the major components of the lymphatic system and explain their functions.

3. Question: List the body’s nonspecific defenses, and explain the function of two of them, also describe the components and mechanisms. 

4. Question: Discuss the types of T cells and the role played by each in the immune response, and explain the mechanisms of their activation.

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5. Question: Describe the mechanisms of B cell activation and the differentiation of plasma cells and memory B cells.

6. Question: Describe the structure of an antibody, and discuss the types and functions of antibodies in body fluids and secretions.

7. Question: Identify the organs forming the respiratory passageway(s) in descending order until the alveoli are reached. Distinguish between conducting and respiratory zone structures.

8. Question: List several physical factors that influence pulmonary ventilation and list the various lung volumes and capacities. 

9. Question: Describe how oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported in the blood. 

10. Question: Compare the causes and consequences of such conditions as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, COPD, ‘black lung,’ and lung cancer.

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