BIOS 255 Week 4 Midterm Review Guide


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1. Blood all functions of blood p. 662

2. Know mesenchymal to blood cells, know derevatives of blood cells 665

3. Know all blood cells 668

4. Hemostasis 676

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5. Know the factors involved in formation of plaques 679

6. Abo typing 680

a. How abo typing is determined

b. Physiology of it

c. How its possible to have a, b , ab, o

d. Punnet square

e. Blood plasma usually contains ……….. that react with A or B antigens. An individual will not have agglutinins against his or her own blood type.

f. Blood type

g. Characteristic

h. In order to determine a person’s blood type, …………….. are performed.

i. A drop of blood is mixed with an ………. that will ………. blood cells that possess agglutinogens that react with it.

j. Hemolytic disease of newborn

7. Blood related conditions and disorders 683

a. Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn

b. Anemia

c. Leukemia

8. Anatomy of heart 689

9. Chambers

a. Know the Chambers of the Heart (A.V valves, tricuspid and mitral,

a. pulmonary and aortic semilunar valves. )

b. The chambers of the heart include ………….. ventricle

c. On the anterior surface of each atrium is a wrinkled pouchlike structure called an ……..

d. The heart also has sulci which mark the external boundary of the chambers of the heart and contain fat and coronary blood vessels. 

10. Right Atrium

a. The right atrium receives blood from the …………..

b. The inside of the posterior wall is smooth; the inside of the anterior wall is rough due to the presence of muscular ridges called ………….

c. the septum has an oval depression called the ……….., the remnant of the foramen ovale, an opening in the interatrial septum of the fetal heart that normally closes soon after birth

d. Blood passes from the right atrium into the right ventricle through a valve that is called the …………..

11. Right Ventricle

a. The right ventricle receives blood from the …………………. lungs

b. The inside of the right ventricle contains

c. a series of ridges formed by raised bundles of cardiac muscle fibers called …………..

d. The cusps of the tricuspid valve are connected to tendonlike cords, the ………, which in turn are connected to cone-shaped ………. called ………….

e. Internally, the right ventricle is separated from the left ventricle by a partition called the

f. ……………….

g. Blood passes from the right ventricle through the ……………. into a large artery called the pulmonary trunk, which divides into right and left pulmonary arteries and carries blood to the lungs.

12. Left Atrium

a. The left atrium receives blood from ………..

b. Like the right atrium, the inside of the left atrium has a ………….. wall.

c. Blood passes from the left atrium into the left ventricle through the …………..

13. Left Ventricle

a. The left ventricle receives blood from the left atrium and sends blood all over the body

b. The wall of the left ventricle is thickest in the heart

c. forms the apex of the heart

d. Blood passes from the left ventricle through the aortic valve into the ascending aorta. Some of the blood in the aorta flows into the coronary arteries, which branch from the ascending aorta and carry blood to the heart wall.

e. During fetal life, a temporary blood vessel, called the ductus arteriosus, shunts blood from the pulmonary trunk into the aorta.The ductus arteriosus normally closes shortly after birth, leaving a remnant known as the ligamentum arteriosum, which connects the arch of the aorta and pulmonary trunk

14. Valves 696

a. Heart Valves and Circulation of blood

b. Operation of AV Valve

c. Operation of the semilunar valve

15. Major blood vessel attached.

a. 16. 

b. Coronary arteries

c. Coronary veins

16. Layers of the heart

a. Pericardium

b. Parietal layer

17. Neural control of the heart (702)

a. The Conduction System

b. Cardiac action potentials propagate through the conduction system in the following sequence

18. Electrocardiogram 707

a. Know terminology

b. Know waves

c. Know wave’s representation

d. Know effects of ions and electrolytes on heart

19. Energy requirements for cardia muscle cells 707-

a. Is it aerobic or anaerobic?

b. ATP Production in Cardiac Muscle

20. Cardia cycle and cardiac output calculation 710

a. The Cardiac Cycle

b. Atrial systole

c. Ventricular systole

d. Relaxation period

e. Each cardiac cycle has

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