Week 4 – Response

Please respond to this discussion post in a minimum of two paragraphs, APA STYLE, cited and with two references no less than 5yrs old. Should you have any questions, please contact me. 

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Different approach has been put in place in the approach of treatments of certain diseases. Based on this factors like financial outlook, cultural believes and among other sensitive aspects contribute to complementary herbal medicine therapy.  Health care providers should be in a position to recognize the use of different CAM by ethnic group.  This is the central reason as to why the use of complementary herbal medicine therapy has increased in the United States due in part to media coverage patient dissatisfaction with allopathic practitioners (Purnell, 2013). 

The use of yerba buena, manzanilla, poleo, osha, alhucema, chiropractic care, yoga, massage and among other cultural approach highly comprises knowledge, practices, symbols, understandings, representations, beliefs, values, customs, traditions approach that are used on patient response in a more significant aspect (Lindquist, Snyder, & Tracy, 2014). 

Group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine this is as stated by Purnell, (2013). Based on stipulated aspect lower socioeconomic group tend to used and practice complementary herbal medicine therapy on a regular. Ideally, ethnicity tends to play a critical role in patients’ use of herbal medicine. It is important that pharmacists who practice in culturally diverse areas question their patients regarding their use of herbal medicine, the role of the advance practice nurse in patient education to prevent complications. Form this they are eligible is educating patient on which, how and when to use the complementary herbal medicine therapy. 

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Cultural difference plays a critical role in defining the appropriate complementary herbal medicine therapy to be used by a certain ethnic group, for instance the chines culture and the Asian America culture have different approach of the usage of complementary herbal medicine therapy. Based on this healthcare providers need to encourage open discussion to better care for this population (Lindquist, Snyder, & Tracy, 2014).


Lindquist, R., Snyder, M. & Tracy, M. (2014). Complementary & alternative therapies in nursing. New York: Springer Publishing Company, LLC.

Purnell, L. (2013). Transcultural health care : a culturally competent approach. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

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