DQ 3-1

 Why is an evaluation plan important? What does it determine? 

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DQ 3-1 responses


An evaluation plan


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analysis how well a program is working, by collecting and analyzing information on the programs characteristics and outcomes. The goal for evaluation plans is to revise if a program is effective and to decide whether the program needs changes. According to Dr. Zint, evaluations should be conducted periodically, this will help identify areas that need improvement or what about the program is effective. As well, evaluations demonstrate program impact, it determines whether or not a program is successful or needs progress.



Dr. Michaela Zint, Evaluation: What is it and why do it?, My Environmental Education Evaluation Resource Assistant. Retrieved from;



An evaluation plan emphasizes on how well a project or even a research paper can be put together.  It is one way of being organized with information provided within the project.  “From a research perspective, there are many scholarly papers on the value of plans and on plan making” (Balsas, 2012).  The method of an evaluation plan all depends on the writer and how organize the writer can be.  If the research method is done correctly and efficiently, then the evaluation plan of a research paper can be successful and a well written research.  There are other methods besides evaluation plan that can be used such as planning pedagogy, values of plans, and plan making (Balsas, 2012). 

 Balsas, C. (2012). What about Plan Evaluation? Integrating Evaluation in Urban Planning Studio’s Pedagogy. PLANNING PRACTICE AND RESEARCH, (4). 475.  Retrieved from



There are critical components to any instituted program. In my program proposal, I will attempt to establish the ways I can monitor the program. “An evaluation plan is a written document that describes how to monitor and evaluate a program, as well as how to use evaluation results for program improvement and decision making. The evaluation plan clarifies how to describe what the program did, how it worked, and why outcomes matter” (Lavinghouze & Snyder, 2013). In this thinking, the evaluation of any program that involves change, will inevitably be difficult to implement. However, instituting renewed pride in the job through effective leadership, will enable the organization to have more efficient employees and the care of patients will be more compassionate. It is through careful evaluation that change occurs. By allowing and encouraging employee input, they feel more involved and valued. A valued teammember will achieve greater results than one who is not engaged. 


Lavinghouze, S. R., & Snyder, K. (2013). Developing Your Evaluation Plans: A Critical Component of Public Health Program Infrastructure.  American Journal Of Health Education ,  44 (4), 237-243. doi:10.1080/19325037.2013.798216

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