Grant administration resource development 4

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WORKSHEET 4.1A: Goals and Objectives Exercise

Use the filled-out Worksheet 4.1B in the book as an example to follow as you complete this exercise.




















Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 3

Objective 4

Direction of change

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Area of change

Target population

Degree of change

Time frame

Follow this standard form as you write out your objective statements: To (direction of change) + (area of change) + (target population) + (degree of change) + (time frame).

Winning Grants Step by Step, Third Edition. Copyright © 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

WORKSHEET 4.1A: Goals and Objectives Exercise

Use the filled-out Worksheet 4.1B in the book as an example to follow as you complete this exercise.

GOAL: The goal of the Children’s Care Academy is to establish a complimentary nutritional food program to further expand its community outreach.

Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 3

Objective 4

Direction of change

Providing food with increased nutritional value to help decrease hunger among children attending the academy.


The Children’s Care Academy of Pinellas is augmenting its community outreach program by providing more wholesome snacks and offering nutritious meals to help reduce hunger among children. Nutritious meals will include a light breakfast, lunch and/or dinner for the children in our care. The menu will follow heart healthy guidelines as closely as possible to further ensure proper nutrition is achieved.

Nutritious meals to help support parents and caregivers to help aid in the healing process and increase family time at home.

Offering children nutritious food while attending the academy will help relieve stress on the parent or caregiver by offering an alternative to packing a lunch or preparing a meal at home for the child before or after a treatment session. Receiving complimentary nourishment at the academy will help the parent or caregiver save time and money and allow them to concentrate more fully on their treatment and recovery. Supporting the parent or caregiver can be very beneficial in the healing process. It will also help pave the way for more quality family time together. Less stress and increased family time may help contribute towards improved healing for those undergoing cancer treatments.

Area of change

The academy currently provides simple snacks for the children; Cheerios, Goldfish, pretzels and animal crackers. While these snack foods are popular with the children, they lack proper nutrition for the children who may be hungry due to missing a proper a meal at home. The academy will begin serving more wholesome snacks like yogurt, fruit and carrot sticks along with other organic and non-GMO snack foods.

Currently, many of the parents or caregivers rely on the snacks provided by the academy to tide while they are in our care. Some parents send a packed lunch with their child, but often it isn’t enough to sustain the child should they stay last longer than expected.

Often, after a tiresome treatment session, a child’s nutrition is dependent on a fast food drive-through restaurant as they head home for the afternoon or evening. The complimentary food program will offer more wholesome food choices, alleviate the need to pack a lunch and offer a healthier alternative to fast food drive-through restaurants.

Target population

The complimentary food program will serve children attending the Children’s Care Academy of Pinellas in the west central portion of Pinellas County Florida, while their parent or caregiver is undergoing cancer treatment.

The complimentary food program will serve the parent or caregiver of children attending the Children’s Care Academy of Pinellas in the west central portion of Pinellas County, Florida, while undergoing cancer treatment.

Degree of change

The academy will cease serving non-nutritional snacks and begin offering a wider variety of wholesome snack foods. A light breakfast, lunch and/or dinner will also be offerred on a daily basis. The snacks and meals will be provided on a complimentary basis for each child during their time at the academy. Snacks are currently provided by the owner of the academy with occassional donations of of fruit and cookies by Publix Super Markets. The new wholesome snack foods will be made available to the academy through donations from Publix Super Markets and Whole Foods Market on a continual basis.

Parents or caregivers will no longer need to fret about providing a nutritional meal for their children at home before or after treatment on days children attend the academy. Providing complimentary food for children at the academy will offer parents and caregivers a better option to unhealthy fast food and help ease financial burdens as well.

Time frame

The Children’s Care Academy of Pinellas will begin serving wholesome snacks by the end of October, 2015. The academy will commence the complimentary food program serving nutrititious meals within the next two years.

The complimentary food program will help ease parental burden immediately upon commencement of serving wholesome snacks by the end of October, 2015 and nutritious meals within the next two years.

Follow this standard form as you write out your objective statements: To (direction of change) + (area of change) + (target population) + (degree of change) + (time frame).

Winning Grants Step by Step, Fourth Edition. Copyright © 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

Thegoal of the Children’s Care Academy is to establish a complimentary nutritional food program to further expand their community outreach.

Two distinct objectives outlined below support the goal for the establishment of the nutritional food program to be named the Quick Bites Café:

· Providing food with increased nutritional value to help decrease hunger among children attending the academy.

· Nutritious snacks and meals to help support parents and caregivers to aid in the healing process and increase family time at home.

The Children’s Care Academy of Pinellas is a promising organization with a heart for serving children whose parent or caregiver is undergoing cancer treatment in the community of west central Pinellas County, Florida. As the organization grows, the academy feels obligated to enhance its childcare services by establishing a complimentary food program that will provide nourishment for the children as well as providing additional support for the parent or caregiver.

The Children’s Care Academy of Pinellas is augmenting its community outreach program to include providing more wholesome snacks and nutritious meals to help reduce hunger among children. The academy currently provides simple snacks for the children like Cheerios, Goldfish, pretzels and animal crackers. While these snack foods are popular with the children, they lack proper nutrition for children who may be hungry due to missing a nourishing meal at home. The academy will begin providing more wholesome snacks like yogurt, fruit and carrot sticks along with a variety of organic and non-GMO snack foods. Nutritious meals will include a light breakfast, lunch and/or dinner for the children in our care. The Quick Bites Café menu will follow heart healthy guidelines as closely as possible to further ensure proper nutrition is achieved.

The snacks and meals will be provided on a complimentary basis for each child during their time at the academy. Snacks are currently provided by the owner of the academy with occasional donations of fruit and cookies by Publix Super Market. The new wholesome snack foods will be made available to the academy through donations from Publix Super Market and Whole Foods Market on a continual basis. The academy will cease serving non-nutritional snacks and begin offering a wider variety of wholesome snack foods by the end of October, 2015. The Quick Bites Café will begin serving a light breakfast, lunch and/or dinner to the children on a daily basis within the next two years.

Offering children nutritious food while attending the academy will help relieve stress on the parent or caregiver by offering an alternative to packing a lunch or preparing a meal at home for the child before or after a treatment session. Receiving complimentary nourishment at the academy will help the parent or caregiver save time and money and allow them to concentrate more fully on their treatment and recovery. It will also help pave the way for more quality family time together.

Currently, many of the parents or caregivers rely on the snacks provided by the academy to tide the children over while they are in our care. Some parents send a packed lunch with their child, but often it is not enough to sustain the child should their stay last longer than expected. Often, after a tiresome treatment session, a child’s nutrition is dependent on a fast food drivethrough restaurant for the sake of simplicity as they head home for the afternoon or evening. The Quick Bites Café will offer more wholesome snack food choices and meals, alleviate the need to pack a lunch and help ease the worry of providing a nutritious meal prior to or after treatment on the days the children attend the academy. Providing children complimentary wholesome snacks along with a nutritious food program will afford parents and caregivers a better option to unhealthy fast food, ease potential financial burdens and help alleviate stress. Supporting the parent or caregiver in easing stress can be very beneficial in the healing process. Parents and caregivers will be able to reap the benefits of the food program immediately upon commencement of providing wholesome snacks by the end of October, 2015 and nutritious meals within the next two years.

The Quick Bites Café is a unique outreach program that will act as a building block in helping to create a healthier community through nutrition and support.

Modue 4

This is a two-part assignment:

First, complete the Goals and Objective Worksheet (supplied electronically in this assignment) on pages 45-46. If there is more than one Project Goal, complete one worksheet for each Goal, listing the Goal at the top of the worksheet. Disect each goal into objectives indicating the direction of change, area of change, target population, degree of change, and time frame.

Next, write the Program Goals and Objectives section (in narrative form) that will be included in the final Grant Proposal. You canname this several different titles, Goals and Objective, Project Goals, Programs Objectives, etc. Look at the sample proposals for examples.

Remember, use the book only as a guide. All worksheets and written submissions NEED to contain great amount of details where appropriate. One or two sentence responses in worksheets will likely result in a poor grade, so include lots of details.

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