Quality in long-term care

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Nursing home compare

Nursing homes are the skilled and trained institutions where the people are looked after for their health. These people include the ones who are not able to be looked after at home because they need a full or 24/7 care. Nursing home compare provides different sites in which different nursing homes are rated according to their quality, staffing and many other things. The nursing home chosen by me was signature healthcare of bowling green. The overall rating of the nursing home is 2 stars but its gets an average with 3 stars in the quality measures. However it is still below average with a 2 star in health inspection and staffing. Having a good and high rated staff is very essential for the nursing homes because a good staff means a quality care to the residents. It also means that every patient will be given their specified and proper time to be looked after.


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Quality of resident care in my view is least important because if staff is good and providing the basic needs and proper treatment to the patients, they will recover fast and will not be stayed in hospital for long. Such nursing homes compare are very important because in this way people are able to identify the better ones and give their patients the best treatment they could. Moreover after checking out the rating on the websites, a consumer should also pay a visit to the nursing home before choosing a nursing home facility. It is very important to check and make one self-more satisfied by paying a visit and checking the details by one’s own self rather than relying on other people, checking the hospital details, their hygiene quality, quality of nursing facilities and proper staff. One should also check the quality of their work and taking care facilities provided to the patients. 


Nursing home care and long lasting care were considered to be the same words back then because if elders needed the long term care, they would ultimately be provided by the nursing homes. State health departments use a licensure procedure so that there establishes a standard for the nursing home facilities (Castle & Ferguson, 2010). To improve the standards of the nursing homes, they were provided with the basic improving techniques and introductory procedures through which they can improve their quality and standard. They were also provided with structural quality indicators. Improving the structure can also give a better outlook of the hospital and attract consumers. Moreover process quality indicators are the ones which diagnose the disease and let the doctor deal with it accordingly. Process quality indicators are advantageous to the better nursing home facilities. Improving the outcome quality indicators is very important because they can create problems (Castle & Ferguson, 2010). The doctors, through outcome quality indicators help the patient by understanding their prior health status to the new one. Nursing home compare is important so that consumer can easily select their nursing home facility to their standard and better outcome. 

1) When customers are researching for healthcare service options, the most important performance measure is staffing.  It is the most important performance measure because your care may require special equipment or specialty services.  Another factor into placing importance on staffing, according to the Medicare website, that higher staffing levels may indicate higher quality of care.  The patient experience with the staffing is also crucial and is important to the quality of life for a patient.  

2) In my opinion, healthcare consumers, find all of the performance measures mentioned important and all three are equal in importance. Health inspections, staffing and quality are the top three performance measures used determine if a customer will use that particular facilities services.  Health inspections are important to ensure that patients are safe and there are polices in place to ensure patient safety.  Staffing measures are important to ensure that staff is qualified to provide the services needed by the patient and that staff interaction is positive to improve quality of life.  Quality measures are used to ensure that the patient is safe and always monitoring what needs to be changed to meet patient’s needs.  

3) Consumers should use the site to simply weed out the lower rated nursing facility. However, the website will not answer a lot of the probing questions a consumer may have before placing their loved ones into a particular facility.  According to the University of Chicago Medicine, a study shows that many believe that CMS could improve the website’s appeal by adding more information regarding cost, opinions from nursing-home residents about the quality of care and the availability of activities to residents (Targeted News Service, 2016).  

4) As a consumer seeking a nursing facility, in addition to reviewing the performance measures, it is important to consider the location of the facility, if the facility is certified by Medicare and Medicaid (how does it affect you financially), and explore what activities are offered to residents. It could also benefit the consumer to physically visit the nursing facility.  Consumers could also explore how to get feedback from individuals that have experience with that particular nursing facility.

5) Although it has been several years since visiting the location, I will base my answer on my experience then.  Two of my great-grandmothers resided there.  One of them declined in health after being placed there and the other lived there for years, reaching the age of 103.  Mostly, I do agree with the ratings CMS has given this facility. However, I do remember the staffing rates always seemed to be low and overworked.  I believe this facility could definitely use some work on quality measures overall.  

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