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Locate a scholarly definition of the “glass ceiling” and provide it here. Then, provide what you believe is the single largest contributor to this phenomenon.


Jeremiah Ibarra 5 postsRe:Topic 6 DQ 1

The 2 biggest contributing factors were law related; starting with the Equal Pay Act of 1963 that prohibited women from being payed less than a man while doing the same job, then the Title VII of the Civil rights act of 1964 that protected against discrimination in the hiring process based on race or sex. The third biggest contributing factor is the change in American culture that preaches education and career brooding for everyone not just men as it has been in the past. On the other hand culture is also the biggest contributor to why the gap still exists. A woman having a career is encouraged in this day in age much more than it was 50 years ago, but men are still expected to work. A stay at home husband is still viewed as taboo to some degree in American culture. The second contributor piggy backs of the first one to some degree, but child care is expensive and many people don’t want to send their kids to day care. Women are typically the ones expected to be the stay at home caregivers, and many times this affects how ambitious they are within their own career fields, many times settling for positions that will allow them to be at home often. Thirdly, is the fact that discrimination still exist, while it can be hard for some to imagine there are still people out there who refuse to work under a woman and don’t feel like they are capable of leading. As for how this can be rectified, I don’t think there is an answer to that, because I don’t necessarily think the system is broken.  There will always be people who discriminate, but you would hope over time those numbers continue to become fewer. The culture of America is the culture of America, if women want to work they have all the same opportunities at their disposal, but moms will continue to be primary care givers, and husbands will continue to try and be primary bread winners. The only way to change that is to change the culture, and while I predict that the gap will continue to close further, I believe there will always remain a gap.

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Marger, M. (2014). Social Inequality Patterns and Processes (6th ed.) Retrieved from


QUINKEA CASH 1 postsRe:Topic 6 DQ 1

The contributing factor that women was’nt the breadwinner, they only was working temporary and more women try to find work that is flexible because of their children.The fact that more woman work part time, don’t have time for degrees and women work in different areas then men is the three factors that I found. I feel that this problem has been rectified many woman can get help with child care, more woman are getting degrees so that they can make more money. Also more woman have become bread winner of their families and the men are the stay at home parent. The government also put discriminations laws in place so that men and woman would get the same pay for the same work. There are still some job that men can do that women won’t do but then you have jobs that women do that men won’t do. Some jobs also have unions so that when women do work there they would make sure that she is  treated like her fellow co-workers.

“Two measures destroyed the legal basis for gender discrimination in the workforce: the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, passed in 1964. The former prohibited employers from paying women less than men for doing essentially the same job. Title VII prohibited discrimination in hiring or in wages on the basis of race or sex.”(Marger, 2014).

“Sociologists also stress the power advantages that men continue to hold in gaining access to elite positions, enabling them to define how jobs are to be categorized and rewarded (Bianchi and Spain, 1996; Corbett and Hill, 2012).”

Most men have power as with the presidents there has never been a women president and there may never be a female president. You can take the past election for instance Hilary was in for place with the popular votes but Trump won presidency someone who never been in politics, who really did’nt care how they came out to the public someone who is very disrespectful towards America in general.

Marger, M.N. (2014). Social Inequality Patterns and Processes. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. pg 344-346

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